Monday, September 30, 2019

Is Macbeth a machiavellian character? Essay

† †¦for how we live is so far removed from how we ought to live, that he who abandons what is done for what ought to be done, will rather learn to bring about his own ruin than his preservation†.(Machiavelli 12) This is a quote from Machiavelli’s â€Å"The Prince†. This is only one belief of Machiavelli, which, many great leaders have been known to use. Have you ever thought about a leader that possessed these qualities that was from a play? Shakespeare’s character Macbeth represents the Machiavellian idea that a ruler should appear well in public, be smart and strong, and do what is necessary to hold onto power. Shakespeare used imagery, and metaphors to portray Macbeth this way because, although he dies in the end, Macbeth still used Machiavelli’s ideals, and was successful in many ways. Both Machiavelli and Shakespeare knew that it matters how a leader portrays himself to the public. Machiavelli thought that it was important for a leader to appear to be good in public, and hide his bad qualities from his people. â€Å"†¦he should seem to be all mercy, faith, integrity, humanity, and religion†¦.Everybody sees what you appear to be, few feel what you are, and those few will not dare oppose themselves to the many†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . (Machiavelli 15) Machiavelli used diction to portray what a leader should be like in the old ages, such as; having mercy, faith, and religion. He also says that you should at least pretend to show some of these qualities to your people. As Machiavelli writes, Macbeth talks about hiding his dark self to the world. â€Å"MACBETH [aside]: The Prince of Cumberland-that is a step/ On which I  must fall down or else o’erleap/ For in my way it lies. Stars hide your fires / Let not light see my black and deep desires/ The eye wink at the hand; yet be/ Which the eye fears, when it is don’t to see†. (1.4 49-54) Like Machiavelli’s idea to hide your dishonest self, Macbeth reassures himself to do so. Macbeth’s use of metaphors such as light versus dark, emphasized good versus bad. Macbeth clearly states that he has an immoral side that he is trying to hide form everyone else, and in doing so he believes he will gain more power, and the trust of his people. wrote to get the attention to people, and they both knew the importance of how a leader  should act. Both Machiavelli and Shakespeare knew that rulers need to be able to do whatever is necessary to benefit himself, or the state. Machiavelli also believed that a ruler must do whatever is necessary, good or bad to benefit himself or his state; â€Å"†¦but you must have the mind so disposed that when it is needful to be otherwise you may be able to change to the opposite qualities†¦.And therefore, he must have a mind disposed to adapt itself according to the wind, and as the variations of fortune dictate and, as I said before, not deviate from what is good, if possible but able to do evil if constrained†. (Machiavelli 15) Machiavelli’s ideal pertains to this example of Macbeth doing what he needs to do in order to gain power for himself, by the murder of King Duncan. â€Å"MACBETH I go, and it is done. The bell invites me./ Hear it not Duncan, for it is a knell/ That summons thee to heaven or hell†. (2.1 62-64) Machiavelli’s ideal is shown through Macbeth’s thought on his murder of King Duncan. He is using an apostrophe to say to King Duncan that he will not hear the bells because he is dead. He is talking about this because, he knew that he needed to get rid of him, or else he would not have been able to gain power. As this specific incident shows Macbeth is using a Machiavellian ideal to push himself, and his power further. Shakespeare and Machiavelli knew that rulers should have wit and bravery to really have control of their power. Machiavelli believed that a ruler should be smart, sly, brave, and strong to frighten away those who would challenge his power. â€Å"A prince being thus obliged to know well how to act as a beast must imitate the fox and the lion, for the lion cannot protect himself from traps, and the fox cannot defend himself from the wolves. One must therefore be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten wolves†. (Machiavelli14) Machiavelli uses imagery/ symbolism to show animals being certain characteristics, the fox being wit and slyness, and the lion strength and bravery. Just as Machiavelli wrote, his rule applies to Macbeth’s character in this quote. â€Å"MACBETH Who can be wise, amazed, temp’rate and furious, / Loyal and neutral in a moment? No man,/ Th’expidition of my violent love/ Outran the pauser reason. Here lay Duncan,/ His silver skin laced with his golden blood,/ And his gashed stabs looked like a breach in nature/ For ruins wasteful entrance; there the murderers,/ Steeped in the colours of their trade, their daggers/ Unmannerly breeched with gore. Who could refrain/ That had a heart to love, and in hat heart/ Courage to make loves known†. (2.3 105-115) As Machiavelli wrote Macbeth is showing this idea. He is using his wit to say he killed to guards out of violent love for the king. This quick witty response not only added to the trust from people around him, but also it stopped the guards from coming back to defend themselves, and challenge Macbeth. Macbeth used imagery of Duncan’s body, which was so perfect and royal lying dead, still looking perfect and regal. Macbeth used this to make it seem that he loved King Duncan so much and he looked up so highly of him, he needed to kill the guards after what he they had done. Both Shakespeare and Machiavelli used imagery to show what a ruler needs in order to hold onto power. Macbeth inhabits many qualities of a Machiavellian ruler, he may not inhabit all, but of the majority he does, because he appears well, he’s smart and brave, and he knows what he needs to do to keep power. Shakespeare used Machiavelli’s beliefs to show what a Machiavellian ruler would be like, but in his case it didn’t turn out successfully for him in the end, because he lost the main idea of Machiavelli’s ideas. This is because Macbeth was able to do cruel things to benefit himself on his way to power, but once he had the power, he lost the main idea of keeping that power, and he went mental. If Macbeth had kept a clear view of exactly what he wanted, and didn’t go a little insane with guilt then he would have been able to avoid the end tragedy of his death. Do you think the play Macbeth would have ended the  same if Macbeth had been able to accept the fact that his cruel deeds were going to further his power and his state?

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Summary of Journal “International Marketing Tool: the Internet”

Article Title: â€Å"International Marketing Tooll: The Internet† Journal Title: Industrial Management And Data Systems Date/Issue: 1998, Vol. 98 Issue 6, 253 – 261. Authors: Fred Palumbo, Paul Herbig Summarized by: Emre Avsar Major goal of this article is to provide to understanding what marketers consider when adopting marketing decisions to the Internet. The Internet provides to organizations least expensive and original tools for advertising, taking and placing orders and communicating with their customers worldwide.Even if, the Internet can make marketers dreams come true, it can cause harmful consequences for firms which are not aware of the challenges that the Internet creates. Marketers should make decisions having regard to, international price, increase of competition, cultural differences, telecommunication infrastructure, credit cards use worldwide, etc. The Internet is composed of millions of networks connected on a global scale.Those networks provide servi ces which are communicating with one another or to find any information all over the world. The services which provided by the Internet are e-mail, mailing list, newsgroup, cybermall, etc. Companies should decide to how they use the Internet as a marketing tool. When companies deciding that, they should pay attention to international price, global branding, territory, channel conflict, international distribution, organizational structure, increase of competition, means of payment.The Internet gives a more global view, this global availability generate several new challenges such as: Cultural aspects ( language, images, colors) , privacy, concorship, security, international law, intellectual property, global branding, international distribution, intellectual property, etc. The Internet provides many resources for all firms, particularly for small and medium sized organizations, searching for a market for their products and services globally.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Natural Selection Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Natural Selection - Lab Report Example eby the trait of interest has an optimum value, and finally, Disruptive curve in which organisms that have the largest and the smallest values of any given trait boots of highest fitness value and conversely, organism that have intermediate values are disadvantaged. Considering the above stated facts, it is seen that in the long term, Directional selection results to generation of the new type of species from the existing species. This is unlike stabilizing in which the given specie maintains its existing type without any variation over the long period of time. It has been found that stabilizing selection results in the refinement of the existing specie type. On the other hand, disruptive selection facilitates favouritisms of given individuals of a given phenotype (Williams). This experiment’s main objective is the comparison on how the population size varies in different generations depending on different environmental conditions, determination of the effect of different predator types on the population of prey, and the gaining of graphing and interpretation knowledge. In this habitat, the number of Clothespin is increasing linearly while knives and spoons are decreasing as the generation changes. However, number of spoons decreases from first generation to second generation, then it starts increasing. In this habitat, the number of S. pea preys decreases tremendously in all the generation. The number of White and pinto decreases from first generation to second generation and starts increasing from generation 2 to generation 3 The number of Forks and clothespin in this habitat is almost constant. The change in the number of spoons increases tremendously from generation 1 to generation 2 and decreases from generation 2 to generation 3 As the Number of predators increases, the number of preys decreases. This is due to the fact that an increase in the number of predators results into more preys being eaten and as a result, their (prey) number decreases. Also,

Friday, September 27, 2019

Forum7 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Forum7 - Article Example To sum up, if information technology is used for intended purposes, e.g. to aid electioneering process, and promote quality of service, government may enjoy it to the fullest. Sure! This is a fact and is happening in the field. Although IT has been useful in making work precise, faster and presentable, some elements have been compromised. For instance, the integrity of the information relayed has been â€Å"transformed† to suit that suit the occasion. In most organization, they are tempted to ‘overuse’ the services and end up spending too much time that could otherwise be spent wisely. In fact, information is transmitted without the conscience of the quality of the message. At the end, the organization may waste a lot of resources which cannot be accounted. In the same manner, most people have realized the gap that exists between organizations and the dynamics in IT field. They do shoddy work to increase chances of recurrent breakdowns or updates. Organizations adopting any form of technology should plan well how it should

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Clinical Reflection Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Clinical Reflection Journal - Essay Example to sleep because of too much pain and another patient urinated on herself because she was afraid and unaware of how to disconnect or if she should disconnect her IV monitor. Another patient also suffered pain and ended up urinating on himself despite the fact that he pressed on the call button attached to his bed. He had arthritis and was even given a pencil to press on the call button. However, he was never told that the call button was not working. Another patient ended up slipping on the bathroom floor because he had to urinate and was not informed that he could use the call button to ask for assistance in getting to and from the bathroom. His urinary urgency was strong and he helped himself to the bathroom and in the process, he ended up injuring himself. One patient ended up screaming himself hoarse because of the intense pain he was suffering. Again, he was not informed about the call button. His blood pressure and pulse rate increased while he was enduring the pain. He was als o agitated and was almost suffering an anxiety attack due to the pain he suffered. He suffered through an hour of extreme pain before anyone came to his aid. Once again, he was not informed about the call button. In general, no effort was made by the nurses for the Hispanic patients to be informed about the call button. Since the patients did not understand the nurses, no extra effort was made by the nurses to secure translator who could explain to the patients about the call button. In the end, the patients were placed in awkward and detrimental situations – suffering more pain, urinating on themselves, and not being relieved of their symptoms. The major cause of concern in this situation is when these patients need to communicate life-threatening concerns – extreme pain, heart palpitations, angina, and other symptoms which may need immediate attention. If the nurse does not make or find a way to make the patient understand about the call button, these

On August 7, 2006, Reuter International admitted to and apologized for Article

On August 7, 2006, Reuter International admitted to and apologized for the fact that one of their freelance photographers had digitally altered a photograph of - Article Example The photos had generated mass hysteria against the Israel attacks which had damaged civilian places and displaced millions of the people from their home. Reuter, later admitted that these photos were digitally altered. The main purpose was to gain generate sympathy for the civilians and indirectly support the cause of Hezbollah militants. Altering the photographs digitally for vested interests was ethically wrong. The journalists are supposed to present the real situation to the people so the people can correlate with the event and accordingly propose a course of actions. In this case, the digitally altered photographs were meant to show gruesome and grotesque footage of war torn area and people and incite Muslims for the acts of terrorism and indirectly garner support for Hezbollah militants in their war against the Israelis. Journalists are pillars of our society and they need to be ethically correct in discharging their duty to disseminate correct information to the public at large. Violation of academic trust through plagiarism, cheating, falsifying information or aiding and abetting in any of the nefarious activities are now serious offences and they are considered as totally unacceptable conduct in all areas of work, including journalism. Hence their professional honesty is crucial in promoting correct facts and interpretation on issues and topics that are socially, economically and politically relevant. The actions of the Lebanese photo-journalist will have long term implications not only for the said journalist but the whole cadre of the journalist would become the target for vested interest and may be labelled as dishonest people who cannot be trusted. As the short term repercussion, the said journalist might lose his job as well as his credibility amongst his peers. The long term implications of his actions would be reverberated in the world of journalism which boasts of extensive power to influence the critically sensitive paradigms of our time

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Training Employees in Samsung Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Training Employees in Samsung - Essay Example 1. To identify the most appropriate training programme for Samsung 2. To recognize the effect of training in the company 3. To evaluate the shortfall or loopholes in the training programs in the company 1.2 Research Question The research question has been designed to identify the responses regarding the issues raised as the research objective. Question: What should be the framework or structure of training in Samsung for developing the skills of the employees? 1.3 Rational of the Study The reason behind choosing Samsung with regards to effective training methods is because it is one of the leading companies not only in Asian but also in the global market. This signifies that Samsung requires enhancing the skills of its employees and nurturing their knowledge base in order to always remain in a competitive position in the world market. However, to fulfil this objective the company needs to provide extensive training to its employees. Training is the tool not only to enhance the skill levels of the employees, but also to welcome their ideas and utilise them to develop innovative products that would reduce shortage of products, maintain goodwill and increase profit margin of the company. II: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction Human Resource Management (HRM) involves management of the workforce. It also includes selecting, training, mentoring and rewarding the employees. HRM comprise motivating the leadership qualities of the individuals in the organisation and maintaining a fair and healthy work culture. HRM is an important activity in every organisation and its impact on the organisations has been supported by numerous theories and approaches. It plays a significant role in the achievement of the company by incorporating the interest of the organisation and the human resource (Randhawa, 2007, Dransfield, 2000). In HRM, training and development is meant to boost the performance of the workforce. The employees are put through a learning process that would assist th em to acquire valuable knowledge, help them to improve their skills, rules, and concepts, by changing their attitude and their behaviour to work in the organisation. It is also called human resource development, learning and development or training and development (Rao, 2009, Talwar, 2006). In HRM there are various different aspects, but this study aims at evaluating only training and development function of HRM and its significance in the organisation. The motive is mainly to study the magnitude of training the various theories which different authors have stated to explain them. This will assist in capturing different point of view regarding training and development in the organisation. In this study the focus would be towards the training and development of the employees of Samsung because this company has skilfully managed its operations around the world and has become a global leader, off course not without training its employees well. However, in the present volatile market pa st training strategies are not going to impact, so an analysis of different training methods will assist in identifying the most appropriate training method for Samsung’ employees. 2.2 Importance of Training Training assists in improving the knowledge and prepares the employees for new upcoming challenges. It is very important to train the employees to compete in the global challenges. Previously the training and development processes were criticized because of the lack of proper evaluation process (Mathison, 2004). The yearly fixed targets were set for training and it was delivered accordingly, but none of them bothered to evaluate the results. So neither the positive effect of training was revealed nor was the negative aspects scrutinized and changed. No feedback system was there to take the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Corporate Governance Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Corporate Governance Coursework - Essay Example This creates a situation where, the CEOs are tasked with decision management while the board of directors charged with decision control on behalf of a public corporation’s shareholders. This means that the public shareholders do not engage directly in running the affairs of their Company. As such, effective corporate governance is necessary to ensure that those charged with running a public corporation engage in good practices (Shleifer & Robert 1997, p.743). Most public corporations tend to experience an incentive problem. Accordingly, those tasked with the management of the public corporation are not the owners (shareholders) or stakeholders who have an interest in the success of a public corporation. For example, the top managers (CEO) are a paid professional and may have their self-interests. As such, solving the problem where senior managers make decisions that are guided by personal interests and not the shareholders, require a system of checks and balances (Shleifer & R obert 1997, p.751). The governance systems in an organization may include the board of directors, whose purpose involves, for instance, hiring of the management. In addition, hiring the services of an external auditor is also necessary to check regularly on the accuracy of financial statements in an organization. Further, other constituents, for example, the media and regulators have an important role to play in terms of enhancing corporate governance in larger organizations that serves the risk bearing constituents (Harris & Ravis 2010, p.4118). Where the CEO and the board of directors work on behalf of the public shareholders, good corporate governance is critical. In this sense, the institutional systems and measures of enhancing accountability and proper ethics are necessary for efficient management of large organizations (Harris & Ravis 2010, p.4121). This paper explores

Sunday, September 22, 2019

BUS Unit 4 Individual project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

BUS Unit 4 Individual project - Research Paper Example In addition to these factors, aspect that makes the Ohlin’s theory superior over the classical presentation is the fact that it measures the comparative advantage in terms of money (Davis, 1995). This is in contrast to the classical’s proposition that asserts the role of labor and received immense criticism for non-clarity. Ohlin’s explanation for the price differences in international trade accounts the supply factors in detail as compared to Ricardian’s only labor efficiency endowment. Hence for the economics and economist’s prosperity, Ohlin contributed with identification of factors that lead to the international trade than Ricardian’s typical classical approach of welfare proponent (Van Marrewijk, 2012). Another point that makes the Ohlin’s work mention worth is the explanation of the income distribution among partners. Ohlin asserts the role of factors of production in distribution of income among trading partners. The internatio nal trading cost is higher than the cost of domestic trading, because it includes tariffs, time costs, legalities and restrictions. All these costs in addition to factors of production eventually affect the evenness in the income of partners in international trade. ... d required that the factors of production that are considered in the international trade are needed to be much more specifically and narrowly defined when testing the endowment factor theory. For example there are different kinds of land (arable, urban, and unusable for any production). Different forms of capital are there as well. Therefore, more categorized form of factors of production being land, labor, capital and entrepreneur is important to understand the essence of role and impact of international trade. International trade continued to be the factor of debate. Staffan Linder, economist later, supported the concept of Leontief and added another dimension to it. In the view of Staffan Linder international trade has different explanation for manufacturer and agriculture. Staffan viewed the factor endowment theory working for primary (agriculture) goods but the debated on the explanation to be effective for manufacturing goods. In his view the international trade of manufacturin g goods does not depends on excess amount of labor and capital in the country, but actually it is driven by the demand at the domestic level and factor endowment at national level has little contribution. If the other countries do not demand for the excess production that is been undertaken in the supplier’s country then the production will be useless. ANSWER TO THE QUESTION FROM AUDIENCE SPECIFIC TARIFF It is an amount of money that does not vary with the price of good. The market conditions or inflation do not impact on specific tariffs. Specific tariff only changes periodically (Krugman, 2008). ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES The rising prices of goods in the international market do not impact the cost. Consumer prices are only increased by the level of other factors. This controls the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Regional and Transregional Interactions Essay Example for Free

Regional and Transregional Interactions Essay Answer: The social structures of the Hindu caste system, the Bantu peoples of Africa, and medieval Europe differed greatly. Some structures were given different names while others just consisted of different kinds of people. Each class also had different responsibilities to their community, specifically the lowest and highest class members. The Hindu caste system only had four major classes which they gave different names based on their creator-god’s body parts, the Bantu people only had one ruling class, and the medieval Europeans had three classes which they called estates. Each of the places had some version of Hindu caste systems but they were all called different names and consisted of different people. The highest caste of Hindu’s caste system was called the Brahmins; the Brahmins only consisted of priests and teachers. This caste system came about from the different body parts of their creator-god named Brahma. Unlike the Hindu people, the Bantu people’s class structure, specifically the highest class, were determined by the most prominent family in the community. The head of this well-known family was known as the chief of the community, though they worked alongside the ruling class. In Medieval Europe, their class identification system were named the estates. Medieval Europe’s highest estate was made up of the wealthy and noble people of Europe but sometimes higher ranking church members would have more power and influence over their  country than the people of the highest class. The next group of Hindu’s caste system was known as the Kshatriyas, who were the rulers and soldiers of India, and the Vaishyas, who were the merchants and traders. Medieval Europe’s second group wasn’t quite as large, the members of the group were called the clergy. This clergy included people in the army and some of them had higher ranks than those who lived in the lowest classes. Unlike the European system, Hindu caste members could move up a higher class and be reborn wealthy if they acted well in their current life. The church members of the community didn’t have a special class where they were classified in. They hovered in the middle of lower class priests but still held authority over farmers and high-ranking authorities. The legislatures of Europe, or parliaments, were the lower’s class members’ connection to the heads of state. The third and final caste of Hindu’s social structure was known as the shudras, otherwise known as the society’s laborers. Hindu’s lowest possible caste, which actually weren’t even considered a caste, were known as the untouchables and were considered impure. They were shunned, insulted, and banned from worship services, and kept away from the higher class members. The untouchables’ jobs were to do tasks no one else wanted to do, such as butchering meat or taking care of the dead. Europe’s last estate was not split up into two like Hindu’s caste system but the lower class did do things for the higher class members, just as the untouchables did. The members of the estate consisted of mostly farmers and these farmers had to till the land and grow food for themselves as well as the people of higher classes. The Hindu caste system had five different groups, the Brahmins, the Kshatriyas, the Vaishyas, and the Shudras. The Brahmins were the highest class, the Kshatriyas and the Vaishyas were the second, and the Shudras were the third and final official class. The Bantu peoples’ ruling class consisted of the male heads of the families in the communities. European’s highest class consists of the nobles, the second estate were the clergy, and the third, as well as largest, estate were people who tilled the land and  grew crops. Each system had a higher class that controlled the people of their communities but only two of the systems had a second and third class. Though they have these similarities, as you can see, some have different class names and each class consists of different kinds of people that take on different jobs.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Construction of Information Engine

Construction of Information Engine Coiza Making sense of information   1. Introduction I more or less run my life directed by information from the Internet. I check the weather, check the traffic, look for places to go, look for reviews for the places, get updates from my friends and work and browse lots of information from many other sources. The information I am interested in depends on many factors including the time of the day, my location, whether it is a work day or a weekend, whether I am at home or on vacation. Indeed many times the information I am interested is prompted by information I have already discovered. For example, on a work day I might check the weather and, if it looks like rain, check the availability of trains to get me home (well I wouldnt want to get wet!). Technology like Google Now do a great job of automating information assimilation by guessing what information relevant is relevant to me. The challenge of this type of technology is that assimilation, particularly across many information sources, can be complex and not easy to guess. An alternative approach is to explicitly define the rules by which information is assimilated in a way that can then be automatically processed by what I call Information Engines. In this article I want to talk about an Information Engine that I have constructed called Coiza. Coiza is built around information channels that can be subscribed to and which display information as feeds like those used by Facebook and Twitter. Channels may display raw information, for example a news channel (like the BBC), or may display information resulting from combining information, for example location and Wikipedia summaries for that location. Channels can produce any information including context information like location and time of day. The most interesting feature of Coiza is that it allows the definition of new channels based on existing channels and rules on how the information from the existing channels gets used to produce information from a new channel. 2. Viewing Channels Channels can be subscribed to within Coiza. Depending on the channel it may be necessary to supply parameter values and/or authorisations for Coiza to access private information (e.g. Google Calendar) using the OAuth protocol. Once channels have been subscribed to then information is displayed from that channel in a feed like format where the feed is hidden if there is no information to display. 3. Creating Channels Viewing channels is where most users will spend the majority of the time, but the richness of channels available to view is enabled by ability to build new channels with relative ease. Any user within Coiza can create and publish channels by writing CoizaLang code. CoizaLang code consists of two primary constructs: Info A model of a piece of information that is either consumed or produced by a channel and can be rendered within feeds. Channel Consumes zero or more info flows, emits a single info flow, and defines rules for producing the output flow. Channels may be nested within each other. 3.1 Building Infos Here is an example of a CoizaLang info for Message illustrating the key features of infos. Firstly like all constructs, infos live within a namespace, or package, in this case coiza since it is supplied as part of the coiza platform. All infos (and for that matter channels) must live in a namespace beginning with the username of the coiza user that created it which in my case is jwillans. Infos can subtype, or extend, other infos which, as we shall see a bit later, allows the same instance of a type to play different roles depending on the channel using it. In this example Message subtypes TitledContent and, in addition to having the link and author fields defined locally, title and content fields are inherited through the sub type relationship. Fields can be typed using primitive values or other info types. A further important feature of infos is the optional render block which defines how infos are turned into html for display within a feed. When a subscribed channel is displayed (see the screenshot in Section 2) the supplied feed is a result of turning infos into html using the render block. Render blocks support a subset of html along with the ability to reference and navigate info fields using a small expression language. 3.2 Building Channels Channels are the bread and butter of coiza. A CoizaLang channel has zero or more input ports, a single output port, all of which are typed by infos. The job of a channel is to produce output infos often as a result of processing input infos. The resulting infos can then either be displayed as feeds, assuming the channel has being subscribed to, and/or used as the input to a further channel. In this way networks of channels can be created building on one another. 3.2.1 Getting the news Here is a simple example of a channel which does not do any processing directly but wraps the existing channel RSSFeedProvider to define a BBC news channel. I sometimes call these types of channels assembly channels. RSSFeedProvider is one of a number of channels that hook in to externally supplied data, in this case getting information from an RSS feed. Other example of external data channels in coiza includes Google Calendar, IMAP email, LinkedIn, current location, Wikipedia, currency converters à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ and the list is growing all the time. From a coiza point of view these behave exactly like any other (user defined) channel. Like infos, channels are named and live within a package namespace. A channel can have zero or more parameters which are declared in the parenthesis after the channel name (line 5). In the case of the BBC News channel no parameters are required. However RSSFeedProvider does have a single string parameter defining the RSS feed location, and the URL of the BBC news feed is supplied as an argument to the RSS feed (line 7). This BBC News channel has no input ports but defines a single output port (line 9) which simply takes the output of RSSFeedProvider. By the way, although it cannot be seen from the above code, RSSFeedProvider produces infos of type Message which we covered in the previous section. 3.2.2 Filtering the news Lets get more adventurous and explore some of the other features of CoizaLang. Suppose we wanted to filter the news by title, we could define a further channel as follows: FilteredTitle demonstrates a parameterised channel, requiring a filter string, with both input (+) and output (-) ports and a body that does some processing. Note how the ports are typed as Titled infoswhich is the base type Message subtypes thereby enabling this channel to filter titles on any type that extends Titled including Messages. The body of the channel iterates over all the incoming infos from feed and filters them using a pattern (line 11) which essentially says that an info must be of type Titled and the title field must contain the value of filter. Any matching infos are emitted to the output port. Now that we have a filter channel we can create a new assembly channel to filter the BBC news leveraging the two channels we have created. Most of the features of this channel has been illustrated previously, the one new feature is the wire declaration (line 14) which, as you may guess, defines how output ports are connected to input ports. In this case how the output of the BBC news channel is the input of the filter title channel. The output of this channel is then the output of the assembly channel (line 12). 3.2.3 Publishing the news During developing a channel it is possible to test the channel in order to ensure it works as designed as shown below. For a user channel to be subscribable, and used outside of testing, then it is important to guarantee that it is not going to change. To do this, a channel must be published which then prevents change. Before publication can happen, all infos or channels that are referenced by the channel must also be published and the channel must not have any type checking issues (there is no sense in publishing a channel that wont work). Unpublishing can only take place if the construct being unpublished has no dependents either in the form of other constructs or user subscriptions. If a change is required to a published channel with dependents then the only approach is to create a new version of that channel (or indeed info). We have created a couple of channels BBC News and Filtered BBC News that once published can be subscribed to by any user. Rather than the user having to search for the CoizaLang channel name (i.e. BBCNews or FilteredBBCNews) it is possible to give the channel a user friendly name along with a description which are both used as part of the search for subscribable channels mechanism. 3.2.4 Tell me in the morning Youve probably got a handle now on how coiza works and how anyone can build channels and those channels once published can either be subscribed to or used as a basis of further channels. By way of a final example, if Bob Brown publishes a channel to filter based on the time of day, then we can create another BBC News channel which filters both on the title and the time of day. 4. Summary I have talked about how Information Engines can help bring information together into a form that is more appropriate to what the users is interested in knowing, and I have walked through an example of an Information Engine I have constructed called Coiza. Hopefully Coiza looks useful and you will consider becoming a subscriber to the rich array of channels that are beginning to be defined or indeed define one or more channel for yourself. Finally in case you were wondering why is Coiza called Coiza it comes from the Portuguese word coisa meaning thing!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Acts of Racism In The 20th Century Essay -- essays research papers

The Act’s of Racism In The 20th Century   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Langston Hughes and Maya Angelou were very well known authors of the early 20th century. Most of their writings were concerned with racism and equality. During that time period there was much evidence that African Americans had been treated unfairly, unjustly, and as if they had been beneath the whites. Segregation of schools, churches, bathrooms, and stores were only a few of the many things wrong with this ere. Racism was very apparent in the two short stories â€Å"Graduation† and â€Å"One Friday Morning†. In one of these, a young girl is put down because of the color of her skin, and in the other, a whole class and audience were made to feel lower than they should have.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Langston Hughes short story â€Å"One Friday Morning† a young girl by the name of Nancy Lee was denied an art scholarship because of the color of her skin. When she first learned that she was going to receive a reward for one of her pictures, she became very excited as any young girl her age would have been. Her vice principal Miss O’Shay was also very excited for her. She wanted Nancy to speak at a ceremony in honor of this art scholarship.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Friday morning came, and what was thought to be an adventurous day filled with lots a happiness, turned out to be the exact opposite for Nancy Lee. Just before she was about to give her speech in front of the whole school for what she had accomplish...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hyperspace :: essays research papers

Hyperspace A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the 10th Dimension Imagine a you are sitting next to a pond. Now imagine such as how the fish in that pond would view the world around them. Living their entire lives in the pond, the fish would believe that their â€Å"universe† consisted of the murky water and the lilies. Spending most of their time foraging on the bottom of the pond, they would be only dimly aware that an alien world could exist above the surface. The nature of that world would be beyond their comprehension. You could sit only few inches from the fish, yet be separated from them by an immense chasm. You and the fish lives would be spent in two distinct universes, never entering each other’s world, yet were separated by only the thinnest barrier, the water’s surface.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now imagine that you are in a rainstorm next to the same pond. You notice that the pond’s surface was bombarded by thousands of tiny raindrops. The pond’s surface would eventually become turbulent, and the water lilies were being pushed in all different directions. To the fish the water lilies would be getting pushed around by themselves without anything pushing them. Since the water around them would appear invisible, much like the air and space around us, they would be baffled that the water lilies could move around by themselves.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now imagine that there is fish â€Å"scientists† that would concoct clever invention called a â€Å"force† in order to hide their ignorance. Unable to comprehend that there could be waves on an unseen surface, they would conclude that lilies could move without being touched because a mysterious invisible being called a force acted between them. They might give this illusion impressive names (such as action-at-a-distance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many scientists believe we are like the fish swimming contentedly in that pond. We live our lives in our own â€Å"pond,† confident that our universe consists of only the see and touch. Like the fish, our universe consists of what is familiar and visible. We smugly refuse admit that parallel dimensions or universes can exist next to ours, just out of our grasp.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of these dimensions is the 2nd dimension. To the 2 dimensional beings or Flatlanders, our dimension is incomprehensible to the Flatlanders. The 3rd dimension is to complex for the Flatlanders brain.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Flatlanders can not have a digestive tract simply because the being would be split in half.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Sir William Wallace :: essays research papers

The Help of Sir William Wallace Sir William Wallace is one of Scotland’s greatest generals and was a great help towards the freedom of Scotland because he brought patriotism to the minds of his fellow Scotsmen in order fight for the freedom for which was nearly taken away by the their English neighbors. He would ride through Scotland gathering clans both from the high and lowlands. Over the years after his death, Scots have proclaimed Sir William Wallace as their countries hero and the man who made freedom run through the blood of so many who were by his side.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hundreds of years before the time of Sir William Wallace, Roman troops tried to conquer parts of Scotland but failed. The savagery of the Scots put the fear in the Romans and caused them to build Hadrian’s Wall. The wall separated Scotland and England (which was part of the Roman Empire). When the great empire fell to destruction by many Germanic tribes, Scots began to live a more peaceful life. During the Norman conquest of 1066, a group of people called the Normans invaded England, killed many Anglo-Saxon and Celtic tribes, and took over the country. England was now under Norman rule and would stay that way. (Compton’s Home Encyclopedia CD Rom)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1296, English troops invaded the lowlands of Scotland burning villages, killing innocent Scots, and trying to over rule the vast countrysides of the lowlands and the highlands. The new ruler of England, King Edward I the Long Shanks, started all this. He believed that he should have control of the whole island itself. His idea about conquering Scotland was that if he can’t beat them out, then he could breed them out. He brought the old English custom called Prima Noctes; if a woman is married in the country of Scotland, an English lord has every right to take her away from her husband for a few days and have his ways with her. Clans of lowlanders came together to form an army. It took awhile for the highlanders to know about this. Conflicts brook out between the Scottish rebels and English troops. Bows and arrows and other combat weapons were taken from the Scots except for their swords and axes. (Compton’s Home Encyclopedia CD Rom)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The answer to Scotland’s problems came with the birth of William Wallace. His exact date of birth is unknown but he was born in the 1270’s.

Canadian Identity Essay Essay

Canada is known worldwide for our people’s resilience to nature, our acceptance of many different cultures, our universal healthcare, and our contributions to world peace. I believe for these reasons Canada is one of the greatest nations on Earth. Firstly, Canadian citizens are among the hardiest people on earth when it comes to resisting Mother Nature. Canada is battered each year with ice storms, hurricanes’ and windstorms, yet we Canadians grit our teeth and fight through it. This treacherous weather helps bring Canada together, and unite us when things are at their worst. For example, during the 2013-2014 ice storms many parts of Ontario where left without power for days, yet out of this horrible tragedy, Canadians banded together and helped each other out, lending each other generators and supplies to help get through this hard time together as a nation. Canada is also ranked as the second coldest country on earth, with an average annual temperature of -3.6 degrees (Anand) with an annual temperature below freezing Canada is well suited for winter sports like skiing and snowmobiling. The most Northerly settlement on earth is Alert, Nunavut, Alert is a Canadian Military and research base on the Northern Tip of Ellesmere Island, the lowest recorded temperature in Alert was -64 degrees Celsius, that’s the same temperature as the surface of Mars!(CFS Alert). It’s this extreme weather that allows us Canadians to grow tough, unite together against winter, and succeed at sports like skiing and hockey. Secondly, Canada is one of the best countries in the world to immigrate to. Canada is very multicultural and accepts cultures from all over the world. Whether you are immigrating from Ethiopia or Korea you will most likely find a small part of your culture somewhere in Canada. Canada has been inhabited by immigrants ever since 1604 when French explorers settled in the Maritimes (Facts in Canada’s Immigration History). Also 23% of Canadian citizens are born outside of our Country, the highest amount out of all the G8 countries (Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity in Canada). Canada is unique because in over 100 different places minority groups are actually the  majority. For example, Brampton Ontario has a population of 523,000 (Demographic Overview) and out of that number there are only 33,000 Irish citizens while there is 159,000 citizens from East India (Demographic Overview). Yet with all these different cultures in Canada, we all still feel united under the Canadian Flag and proud when we sing our National Anthem. Thirdly, Canada has a world renowned healthcare system, unlike countries like the US where you have to pay to go to the hospital; Canada covers the cost of most medical bills for you. The idea for Medicare in Canada first came in 1947 when the Saskatchewan Government released their first hospital insurance plan (The History of Medicare), initially most Doctors and other medical professionals despised this â€Å"Medicare System† because they worried they were going to make less money than if the medical system was privatized , slowly but surely the idea of universal healthcare grew and in the 1960’s Pearson’s minority government created National Medical Care system; were the government pays 50% of medical costs (The History of Medicare). Today, Canada’s healthcare system is an interesting mix of both public finding and the private sector. Canada is ranked 30th in the world for its healthcare system, while the United States is ranked 72nd. As a Canadian citi zen I feel safe knowing that if I ever get ill, I am covered without having to spend any money. Finally, Canada has been fighting for world peace ever since it joined the UN during its creation in 1945. It was actually Lester B. Pearson who suggested the idea of a UN lead peacekeeping force in 1956 (The Canadian Contribution to United Nations Peacekeeping). Canada’s first peacekeeping mission was done in 1949, in India and Pakistan. The mission was codenamed UNMOGIP, Canada’s job was to negotiate a ceasefire between Pakistan and India, in 1950, almost a year after the war started the UN negotiated a ceasefire with the help of Canadian Soldiers (Canada History). Canada has lost the 2nd most amounts of soldiers out of any UN country, and has lost the most soldiers per capita as well. Canadian peace keeping missions help shape the Canadian Identity because it shows the world that we care for other countries, and that even though our population is small we still  sacrifice a lot in the name of Peace. In Conclusion, I feel that Canada is an incredible nation, and I feel our contributions to world peace, our people’s resilience to the weather, our free healthcare system, and our multiculturalism are some of the main things that have helped make Canadians respected in the international community today.

Monday, September 16, 2019

How Can the American Legal System

How can the American legal system, which is so devoted to protecting individual rights, justify itself morally if it jeopardizes, through its own rules, the right of law-abiding citizens to personal peace and security? Although this is a very tough subject and every one in the United States will disagree with this question but I will start out by asking it anyway â€Å" Is there any case in which the American law should put the law above the protection of its citizens? † I found that I will have to answer this question with a hard NO! Because the American government has been sworn to the duty of protecting the itizens of the United States. To answer the question for this essay I am going to refer to the 9/11/01 attacks against the United States as a whole. The United States is a free country for any one whom wants to pursue their happiness and to own their own property or even go to school if they want. That is how this started we the people of the United States allowed those people to come over here to pursue their goals in life so they chose to go to flight school just so they would be able to use it against us (the United States). The death toll of the attacks was 2,995, including the 19 hijackers.The overwhelming majority of casualties were civilians, including nationals of over 70 countries. In addition, there is at least one secondary death – one person was ruled by a medical examiner to have died from lung disease due to exposure to dust from the World Trade Center's collapse. (1) Now this is nothing about the billions of dollars in damage that was done to our nation. But this does go to show you that if the American government and legal system denies the people of our far United States this is just some of what other countries feel they would be able to do.To deny the people of the United States their peace and security can and does go unanswered for by the government. Although the government or American legal system may feel that this is justified by denying the people their peace and security but what of the feeling they would get without the feelings of peace and security. No I don't feel that the American law system can justify itself what so ever for the act of denying the people their peace and security.When the American law system starts to feel that they can take our peace and security from us for the sake of protecting individual rights then this country ust doesn't stand a chance against the countries whom wish do do us hard. So I say that no the American law system can not justify itself in morally or any other way when it comes to the people's feelings of peace and security personal or otherwise. With out the feelings of peace and security then the people would feel out of control and therefore the country would be out of control and any one that wanted to would be able to come over here and hurt our country in any way they feel fit.Reference: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/September_11_attacks

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A report on Activity Based Costing Approach

a ) Activity-based costing ( ABC ) is a bing attack that assigns activity costs to be objects on the footing on cost driver use. Costss are assigned to each major activity instead than sections and step the resources consumed by cost objects more accurately. B ) Absorption bing absorbed all operating expenses into the cost of production. WWonka plc ‘s budged and selling distribution cost and entire list monetary value is ?990,000 and ?9,000,000 severally. Therefore, the soaking up rate is 11 % ( ?990,000/?9,000,000 ) . Planing an activity-based costing system involves four stairss: ( 1 ) placing the major activities and resource costs, ( 2 ) assignment costs to each activity, ( 3 ) find the cost driver for each activity, and ( 4 ) delegating the cost of activities to be objects. degree Celsius ) To: Management of WWonka PLC Report on activity-based costing attack In the 1980s, more and more houses adopted activity-based costing to replace the volume-based costing system. The volume-based system merely takes history of direct costs and uses an overhead rate that may over-cost or under-cost the merchandise. By implementing ABC, it shows the consequence of differences in activities and alterations in costs. It merely charges for resources consumed and generates the most accurate costs. Firms are benefited greatly by the acceptance of activity-based costing attack. ABC assigns cost more suitably and instructively so that company could accomplish better measurings on merchandise and client profitableness. This provides information to the company for doing better strategic determinations such as pricing and gives the company a cost advantage over rivals. Besides, ABC measures the activity-driving costs more accurately. This helps the troughs identify the value-added and non-value-added activities which enables the company to further value enhancement undertakings and procedure value by doing better determinations. Besides, ABC draws director ‘s attending on those inefficiencies so that betterments can be made and allocate resources to the most good merchandise. In add-on, the betterment on cost decrease causes better cost appraisal for planning and budgeting. ABC can used to supervise costs every bit good. By comparing the costs and doing accommodation, this hel ps the house to command the cost tendencies. Furthermore, ABC can be used as a benchmark to compare the public presentation with similar houses and do betterment. Furthermore, ABC bing helps to place and command the cost of underutilization of capacity. Generally, many workss have extra capacity in off seasons. The ABC system helps to pull off capacity degree of houses to cut down the cost of fresh capacity and set the monetary value suitably. Although ABC brings many benefits to the houses, there are some restrictions that need to aware. First, WWonka plc is presently utilizing soaking up costing, put ining a new ABC system is dearly-won and time-consuming. The cost may outweigh the benefits bring to the company. Second, companies do non hold big figure of merchandises have small benefit from ABC. As WWonka has merely two types of orders, ABC attack is non that worthwhile. Third, some concern prolonging costs such as belongings revenue enhancement and mill insurance require allotments to sections and based on volume steps. These costs are hard to delegate and necessitate to utilize the volume-based cost driver. Fourthly, some costs such as advertisement disbursals, research and development are omitted in ABC system because the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles regard these costs as period costs. ABC system provides elaborate information to directors for decision-making. By activity analysis, cost can be reduced in four ways: activity riddance, activity choice, activity sharing and activity decrease. First, the directors need to place the high-value-added and low-valued-added activities and merely maintain those that add value. In WWonka, wadding is a low-valued-added activity as it will non diminish clients ‘ satisfaction much if eliminated. On the other manus, bringing is a high-valued-added activity as it increases significantly the value of the merchandise to clients. The above pie charts show the per centum cost of activities in order A and B. From the informations in portion B, the merchandising and distribution operating expenses are a‚Â ¤101.88 for order A and a‚Â ¤182.48 for B. The list monetary value of order B is a‚Â ¤400 lower than order A, directors could set the list monetary value of order B somewhat in order to do order B more profitable. Besides, from the charts, we can see that the wadding costs occupy rather a big part of the entire operating expenses in both order A and B. As wadding is a comparatively low-value-added activity, WWonka could take down the wadding cost for illustration by utilizing cheaper or recycled wrapping stuff and go more environmentally friendly. Furthermore, WWonka could buy larger bringing vehicles which can transport more bundles in one clip. This could cut down the clip of going back to the house and shortens the bringing clip. Furthermore, in order B, the specific bringing distance is 48 stat mis which is about 5 times of order A ( 10 stat mis ) , it might be inefficient if present both A and B together by utilizing the same vehicle. WWonka could present order A & A ; B individually in order to use the bringing vehicles more expeditiously. In add-on, the other operating expenses contribute a high part of the operating expenses every bit good. These cost may deduce from reviews, blessings and rework. These activities can be eliminated by quality confidence methods such as ISO 9000 and entire quality direction. These can keep the quality of cocoas and some of the costs can be eliminated or reduced. Finally, WWonka can better public presentation and cut costs by concern procedure reengineering, the reengineering squads can utilize the informations in portion B and reengineer the procedure and do betterments in every facets. Through activity-based direction, directors can better efficiency and effectivity of the organisation and increase profitableness and fight. vitamin D ) Activity-based bing brings many benefits to the company. However, it is non the optimum costing system for every organisation. Generally, ABC is effectual for organisations that have intensive competition, diverse scope of merchandises, operating expenses are the chief cost of the merchandise and high handiness of information aggregation processs and resources. For individual merchandise houses, all costs are attributed to the individual merchandise straight, the operating expenses consumed by each merchandise are comparatively similar or equal and will merely creates small deformation of costs when utilizing volume-based-costing system. It is non worthwhile to run ABC. However, when there is a high diverseness of merchandises, ABC calculates the costs more accurately than volume-based costing. In a merchandise mix company, every single merchandise has different parts in ingestion of operating expenses because of different merchandise size, complexness, setup clip and procedure. Each single merchandise ‘s usage of resources differs from the usage of volume-based cost drivers so that it can non mensurate by the volume-based-costing systems. Otherwise, it may hold cost deformation and cause important errors in determination. Hence, ABC is effectual for merchandise mix instead than individual merchandise house. Besides, cost construction is a standard to make up one's mind the effectivity of a costing system. ABC will be most effectual when operating expenses have a important part of entire cost and big portion of the costs is non related to production volume straight. For illustration, in an accounting house, supplying professional services to clients is the chief occupation of the company. Wages are the largest cost while indirect costs merely constitute a low proportion of the entire costs. In this instance, labor costs are the bulk of the entire cost and ABC is less preferable as the costs could be traced easy. In contrast, a fabrication house will hold wholly different cost construction. The indirect operating expenses have a high proportion of the entire costs. For these types of houses, ABC is more effectual because the volume-based costing system causes inaccuracies in delegating costs and has negative impact on the company. Furthermore, the handiness of information aggregation processs and resources is one of the factors as good. In order to run a sophisticated ABC system, it needs plentifulness of financess and clip. Therefore, companies need to hold sufficient resources such as capital and professional technicians to run ABC. Furthermore, companies need to make research to construct up a set of singular processs for the system. If a company does non hold proper processs to roll up information that the system needs, it would non work decently and direction can non do the best determination and betterment for the house suitably. Therefore, insufficient of information can non ease an first-class activity-based costing system. The more information the company collects, the easier to put up the system and run more efficaciously. However, on the other manus, ABC system will non work successfully if the company does non hold sufficient information in puting up the processs. Hence, handiness of information is of import to impact the effectivity of ABC. To sum up, high handiness of informat ion aggregation processs and resources would ease an effectual ABC and frailty versa. In decision, activity-based costing system reduces deformation of costs and outputs information for direction to steer decision-making. Therefore, although implementing and ABC system is clip devouring and expensive, it is still worthwhile to run as the benefits from ABC normally exceeds the cost of put ining the system.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Causes and Effects of Alcohol Abuse Essay

Alcoholism is the excessive and usually uncontrollable use of alcoholic drinks. There are many symptoms, complications, treatments and ways of prevention for alcoholism. Certain groups of people may be at a greater risk than others for several different reasons. There are numerous factors in why people may become addicted. Usually, a variety of factors contribute to the development of alcoholism. Social factors such as the influence of peers, family, society, the availability of alcohol, mental illness, stress, and not knowing how to cope with certain situations. It’s a common thing for an alcoholic to think drinking is the answer to all their problems, but in retrospect drinking is only adding to the multiple complications caused by being a compulsive drinker. Research has been done to explore the reason behind why people drink. However, â€Å"Exactly how alcohol affects the brain and the likelihood of reversing the impact of heavy drinking on the brain remain hot topics in alcohol research today. † (NIAAA) The effects of alcoholism have been divided into groups. There are physical effects, psychological effects and effects that contribute to many other health, safety, social and econimical problems. Some physical effects of excessively drinking alcohol can be extremely serious, or even fatal. One physical effect of alcoholism is causing cancer in the liver, kidney and stomach. Alcohol abuse is the leading factor to developing Cirrhosis of the liver. Alcohol related Cirrhosis usually develops after more then almost a decade of heavy drinking, but for some it may develop quicker; all depending on how your body reacts to alcohol. â€Å"In cirrhosis of the liver, scar tissue replaces normal, healthy tissue, blocking the flow of blood through the organ and preventing it from working as it should. Cirrhosis is the twelfth leading cause of death by disease, killing about 26,000 people each year. † Another physical effect of alcoholism is the altering of nutrients digestions which your body needs in order to remain healthy. Another physical damage that alcohol abuse brings is damaging of the neurons and thereby causing body movement alterations, depression and loss of appetite. Since drinking too much alcohol can raise some fats in the blood, that means it can also lead to high blood pressure, heart failure, and increased calorie intake which could lead to the development of diabetes. Liver diseases and illnesses aren’t the only complications of long term alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse can also lead to birth defects. The most sever cases of birth defects are Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopment Disorder. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is what can happen when a woman drinks an excessive amount of alcohol during the pregnancy. It’s been estimated that one in every seven hundred and fifty infants is born with a patterns of physical, developmental, and functional problems referring to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Some symptoms of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome may include premature birth weight, developmental delay, learning difficulties, and behavioral problems. Alcoholism also causes psychological effects as it changes your normal behavior and this is when you feel anxious and become depressed. Other psychological effects of alcoholism include violence, suicide, family and legal problems. Alcohol abuse can also cause economic effects. This is because getting an alcoholic drink is not cheap. If you drink several drinks on a daily basis you will definitely notice that you are spending a lot of money that can be used for other important stuff. An alarming amount of accidents, crimes and suicides, are the result of alcohol abuse by one or more family members. The latest death statistics released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), In the United States, in 2010, more than 10,000 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. That is equivalent to one every 51 minutes. Alcohol-impaired motor vehicle crashes cost more than an estimated $37 billion annually. These statistics are avoidable by not abusing alcohol or drinking in an environment that puts others at risk of becoming a statistic. Alcoholism is just as damaging to family members as it is to the alcoholic. Adult Children of Alcoholics often are in denial that their problems come from there parents or parent being an alcoholic. Many of them have severe problems with depression, aggression, or impulsive behavior. Most children of alcoholics make poor career choices and aren’t capable of being responsible parents, because they weren’t raised correctly themselves. Due to the large amount of money spent on alcohol and also possible joblessness the family may have to give up certain privileges that a non-alcoholic family wouldn’t. Being an alcoholic can totally disrupt family life and cause harmful effects that can last a lifetime. Thousands of alcoholics are helped to stop drinking every year. The chances of recovery are good if alcohol abuse or alcoholism is treated in its early or middle stages. Unfortunately, most alcoholics do not receive treatment therefore; over 90 percent of them will die as a result of their alcoholism. On the more positive side about 700,000 Americans receive alcoholism treatment on any given day. However, the techniques of alcoholism therapy only work if the patient is ready to seek help. One of the most traditional ways for an alcoholic to seek treatment is through the Alcoholic Anonymous 12 step program. Other then AA, there are many different programs available to help a person trying to seek recovery. Alcoholism is a disease that could consume ones life, but with support and treatment, many individuals are able to stop drinking and rebuild their lives. Work Cited Page â€Å"National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism†. 2007. NIAAA. July. 2007 Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/? expert=Susan_B_Ward http://www. nhtsa. gov/Impaired.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Boeing Innovation article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Boeing Innovation article - Essay Example The Boeings decision to seek an alternative strategy was significantly based on the changes that the industry is undergoing. The current airline market is not willing to pay more for new and more advanced technologies. Because of this, the company’s strategy of saving up a number of advanced technologies for one project became disruptive and too expensive. Boeing previously adopted an incremental strategy. The approach proved costly as the company lost its market share to rival company Airbus Group NV (Ostrower 2015). A new approach was needed. The changes made on its approach extend to all Boeing’s operations. Suppliers’ contracts that represent approximately sixty-five percent of the total cost of its planes are being renegotiated. In the process of aiming for better, faster and cheaper production, the company hired Walter Odisho as head of manufacturing. Mr. Odisha was previously the head of Toyota Corp.’s. Boeing also looked for inspiration from the Toyota Company on how to automate its production. The company says these efforts have helped it save up to one billion last year (Ostrower

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Analyze the cultural context of Fahrenheit 451 Essay

Analyze the cultural context of Fahrenheit 451 - Essay Example ose days, but also illustrates as to how pushing people into conformity in a way is antithetical to the very survival and sustenance of the human civilization. In that sense the character of Guy Montag in Fahrenheit 451 is any guy who moved by the sterile media technologies that deprive the human existence of the pivotal need to think and feel, chooses to come against the innate insipidity of such influences. Thereby it won’t be wrong to say that that the themes intermittently reinforced by Ray Bradbury in Fahrenheit 451 that are censorship, conformity, cultural vacuity and shallowness of popular media are as relevant today as they happened to be in the 50s. The liberal education and free thinking and creativity even today tend to be as challenged entities as they happened to be in his days. Though many readers are not able to sense at the first reading that consumerism with its innate moral vacuity and intellectual insipidity is a salient theme that Bradbury comes on heavily in Fahrenheit 451, yet counter-consumerism is the basic theme woven into the plot of this novel (Sterritt 36). Fahrenheit 451 was published in 1953 when not only the cold war was at its zenith with the looming shadow of the nuclear war that immensely bothered the liberal thinkers of those days, but also the American masses were turning to the shallow entertainment being dished out by the novel media like television and radio. So in a way if the fine art and leisure of book reading was not being annihilated by the direct state intervention as it happens in the novel, a generation incapable of pursuing any pleasure that demanded attention, silence and the capacity to think was driving books out of the popular cultural sphere. Bradbury’s’ hero Montag is a fireman who does not douses out fires, but actually starts them. In the novel books are presented as a great anathema to the cause of social stability and are thereby incinerated to prevent socio-political dissent and differences. The

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Eric Owen Moss Samitaur Tower Culver City, California Essay - 1

Eric Owen Moss Samitaur Tower Culver City, California - Essay Example ome to terms with something that vehemently challenges the status quo, giving way to forms and features that defy preconceived notions and set views about the relationship between functionality and form. It would not be wrong to say that ‘Samitaur Tower’ in Culver City is an apt representative of the typically Californian constructivism, which accomplishes, energizes and animates the surrounding landscape with its bold defiance, almost naà ¯ve and innocent tendency to challenge set notions and the innate tendency to redefine architecture by going for the possible and phantasmagoric permutations and combinations resulting out of the interplay between form and functionality. Of course, it would be totally simplistic to say that ‘Samitaur Tower’ is merely an information tower located at one corner of Hayden Avenue and National Boulevard, near the primary entry point to the redeveloped section of Culver City (Anderton 29). In fact, ‘Samitaur Tower’ is much more than this (Anderton 29). It is not merely a landmark representing the entry into a newer section of the Culver City, but rather boldly and somewhat audaciously represents entry into a new era of modern architecture, where an architectural innovation supersedes over all the requirements of form, functionality, environment and even user. The Tower marks an initiation of the era where the form, functionality, landscape and the end user stand subservient to a marvel of abstraction that though being under control, leaves no stone unturned to project an image of defiance, rebelliousness and one-upmanship. An architectural wonder that though in its very essentials intends to serv e a set and preconceived function, somehow manages to explode in the yearning to give way to something that is much more than mere functionality. In that context the ‘Samitaur Tower’ could be interpreted as being the extreme of something both good and bad, a beautiful building signifying the unrestrained expression of Id, and

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

HISTORY COURSEWORK PLEASE ANSWER EACH QUESTION Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HISTORY PLEASE ANSWER EACH QUESTION - Coursework Example The problem with this particular type of governance was that it lacked a central form of government that would have given it coherence and a uniform direction in governance. It was the problem of governance relating to economics, legislation of laws, and central leadership that created the problems within the confederate government. â€Å"Brackemyre, T. â€Å"Americas First Failure at Government: The Articles of Confederation†). So, while the ideas behind the conderacy form of government were based upon good intentions and safeguards, the implementation and lack of central leadership created a confusing form of governance which eventually led to the disintegration of the condeferacy. 2. The main problem they faced was not having a central form of government that could create a cohesive plan of action for the states. Since each state had individualized, extreme powers, there was an uneveness in the mode of governnance because of the federal state power. Each law that was created needed to be ratified by 9 of the then 13 states before it could be passed into law. Economically speaking the government could not directly tax the citizens so the existing congress did not hae a budget and could not request money directly from the states either. That said, any changes to the articles were hard to implement because all 13 states needed to approve the changes. There was a military problem as well due to the fact that men could not be drafted. Thus creating a smaller than usual military force. There was also a judicial problem since all the state conflicts had to be settled in state courts. Additionally, since congress did not have the power to resolve state disputes, the problems between states tended to escalate (Sage, H. â€Å"American Under the Articles of Confederation: 1783-1989) As such, the problems that existed had a tendency to escalate due to the lack of a moderating body within the government. 3. The two party system of the United States stemmed from the

Monday, September 9, 2019

Should the Death Penalty be Abolished Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Should the Death Penalty be Abolished - Essay Example Of late, therefore, advocates of the death penalty are relying on economic arguments to buttress their position that the death penalty is an appropriate and valid punishment by focusing mainly on the issue of deterrence. As the New York Times put it: â€Å"Does Death Penalty Save Lives?† (Liptak, 2007). Likewise, anti-death advocates are steering clear of emotive language and using hard statistics as well but to demonstrate non-deterrence, racial bias, judicial fallibility and the like. Analyzing the two competing positions on the death penalty, this paper’s thesis is that those arguing for capital punishment uses economics as lens of analysis and emphasises deterrence rather than retribution, and those who argue against capital punishment use an economic, legal and sociological frame. Death Penalty Advocates favour economics-based arguments In the fairly recent work of Dezhbakhsh, Rubin and Shepherd, econometrics was used to determine the deterrent effect of the death penalty and it was found that â€Å"the legal change allowing executions beginning in 1977 has been associated with significant reductions in homicide† (page 373). ... d economist, Naci Mocan, who admitted being â€Å"personally opposed† to the death penalty (Liptak, 2007) had found that â€Å"each additional execution decreases homicides by about five, and each additional commutation increases homicides by the same amount, while an additional removal from death row generates one additional murder.† (Mocan and Gittings 453). Death Penalty Opponents use a combination of economics and sociological arguments There is, however, no shortage of critics to the argument that death penalty deters crimes, specifically homicide, and therefore saves lives. According to a paper written by Jeffrey Fagan from the Columbia Law School – Most of the studies fail to account for incarceration rates or life sentences, factors that may drive down crime rates via deterrence or incapacitation; one study that does so finds no effects of execution and a significant effect of prison conditions on crime rates. Another report shows incarceration effects th at dwarf the deterrent effects of execution. Most fail to account for complex social factors such as drug epidemics that are reliable predictors of fluctuations in the murder rate over time. The studies don't look separately at the subset of murders that are eligible for the death penalty, instead lumping all homicides together. Those who are against the death penalty have also provided evidence demonstrating that racial bias has played a big role in execution sentences, with scholars like Zeisel for example demonstrating that the death penalty was administered unequally, discriminating against black offenders and against murderers of white victims. (456). Barry Scheck, who is the co-founder and co-director of the Innocence Project, notes the case of Claude Jones, who could have been saved from the death row

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Impact of Smoking During Pregnancy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Impact of Smoking During Pregnancy - Assignment Example Even though it is widely understood that tobacco products, specifically smoking them, can create negative impacts upon a pregnancy, relatively little inquiry has been devoted towards the impacts of smoking marijuana during pregnancy. For purposes of this particular study, the analysts sought to measure these two against one another; utilizing a series of metrics as a function of accomplishing such a goal. As denoted above, the problem investigated was contingent upon the potential harm that smoking of either tobacco products or marijuana during pregnancy could affect. Likewise, the core problems investigated was with regard to how tobacco and/or marijuana usage during pregnancy impacted upon gestation, growth, and morphology. By seeking to draw inference on these core issues, the researchers pre-supposed that a greater level of understanding concerning the impacts of smoking either of these substances during pregnancy could be compared to existing research; assisting in the creation of a more baseline understanding of the negative of neutral health effects that such a practice entails. The problem is of extreme importance as healthealthcareessionals are faced with the negative impacts of such issues each and every day and need verifiable measurements and statistics that they can use to warn their patients. The underlying purpose of the study is to of course provide more identifiable metrics with respect to the negative health impacts that smoking either marijuana for tobacco products during pregnancy can affect.  

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Comets, Astroids and other junk in space Research Paper

Comets, Astroids and other junk in space - Research Paper Example omens of disaster, comets, asteroids and other junks floating in space are now more understood in theories and concepts provided in more advanced scientific discourses and research. In this regard, this essay is written to proffer relevant information on comets, asteroids and other floating objects in space. At the same token, some personal thoughts and reactions on the subject would be inferred in the conclusion. Random House Dictionary defines a comet as â€Å"a celestial body moving about the sun, usually in a highly eccentric orbit, consisting of a central mass surrounded by an envelope of dust and gas that may form a tail that streams away from the sun.† (n.p.) On the other hand, asteroids are defined as â€Å"any of the thousands of small bodies of from 480 miles (775 km) to less than one mile (1.6 km) in diameter that revolve about the sun in orbits lying mostly between those of Mars and Jupiter.† (Random House, 2009) These are also called minor planets. The distinguishing characteristics of comets from asteroids are its location and their composition. Comets come from the coldest part of the solar system which enables them to preserve their icy composition and dust particles. As comets near the vicinity of the sun, they release dust and the gas which evaporates form a gushing trail as it moves. According to Sea and Sky Organization, â€Å"many astronomers refer to them as "dirty snowballs" or "icy mudballs" because that is exactly what they look like. The ice that forms a comet can consist of both water ice and frozen gases.† (par. 3) Asteroids, on the other hand, are found between the planets of Mars and Jupiter and their composition show no ices nor dusts around them. Their sizes range from a few feet to several miles in diameter. There are several theories as to the emergence of asteroids in the location, known famously as the asteroid belt. The Sea and Sky Organization averred the following theories, to wit: â€Å"many astronomers believe that billions

Effect of video games on children Essay Example for Free

Effect of video games on children Essay Technology had evolved very fast from generation to generation. Young and adults are both into what we call video games and techie gadgets. Nowadays, we can normally see computers, gaming consoles and etc. at home and in schools. Video games are entertaining and effective motivation for children. They engage them to skillful play depending on the game design. There have even been studies with adults showing that experience with video games is related to better surgical skills. Research also suggests that people can learn iconic, spatial, and visual attention skills from video games. Although this fad benefits to all but on the other hand, it also give negative effects especially to those children who are getting addicted to it. Studies show that children’s video game habits are contributing to the risk factors for health, behavior and poor academic performance. It was also reported that girls and boys play for an average of about 5-13 hrs/ week. Some children spend more hours that what is reported. There were negative effects of video games on childrens physical health, including obesity, video-induced seizures. and postural, muscular and skeletal disorders, such as nerve compression, and carpal tunnel syndrome that were documented by the research. However, these effects are not likely to occur for most children. Parents should be most concerned about two things: the amount of time that children play, and the content of the games that they play. The amount of time that the children play lessens the amount of time and focus allotted for his academics. The content of the games that he/she plays leads to increased physiological arousal, increased aggressive thoughts, increased aggressive feelings, increased aggressive behaviors, and decreased pro-social helping. Children must not spend more than one to two hours per day in front of all electronic screens, including TV, DVDs, videos, video games, and computers (The American Academy of Pediatrics, 2004). Regarding content, educational games are likely to have positive effects and violent games are likely to have negative effects. We must limit them from violent games and introduce to them educational games, consoles and etc. The conclusion that Gentile (2004) drew from the accumulated research is that the question of whether video games are good or bad for children is oversimplified. Playing a violent game for hours every day could decrease school performance, increase aggressive behaviors, and improve visual attention skills. Instead, parents should recognize that video games can have powerful effects on children, and should therefore set limits on the amount and content of games their children play. In this way, we can realize the potential benefits while minimizing the potential harms. Source: http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m0816/is_6_21/ai_n9772319/ Article by: Dr. Douglas Gentile is a developmental psychologist, and is assistant professor of psychology at Iowa State University and the director of research for the National Institute on Media and the Family where he conducts research with children and adults. COPYRIGHT 2004 Pediatrics for Parents, Inc. COPYRIGHT 2005 Gale Group.

Friday, September 6, 2019

The Blanket story Essay Example for Free

The Blanket story Essay The Blanket is a story about two lovers who enjoys wild sex, but is uncertain if they are willing to spend the rest of their lives together. The relationship they share is that which is built nothing more but lust. In the end, the couple figured out their feelings for each other, the blanket of Valerie serves as symbolism of their union. I have to say that this story surprised me; the title did not foreshadow the erotic nature of its plot, or rather the detailed descriptions of the author. The story has a lot of lines that are very poetic, usually with a theme of one lover comforting the other. Of all these poetic lines, one line stands out for me. He imagined scooping up sleeping Valerie and putting her in the middle of his thoughts. In choosing a line from a story, I always look for the line that pretty much sums up the whole story. If that is not possible, I choose the lines which have the most appeal to me. The other factors that I look for are: the line’s aesthetic value, if the line is nice to read, use of sound devices. Next is the line’s symbolic meaning, almost all creative forms of literature has some sort of symbolic meaning that means more than it actually appears. Another is the lines use of images, how the lines make my imagination work. How the line summarizes the story This line does not exactly sum up the entire story, in fact its just half of it. It does not show the rough sexual relations that happened to Valerie and Michael and the conflict that resulted from it. It just shows how Michael felt about Valerie despite their weird relationship. I also chose this line because, as corny as it sounds, it’s a romantic line usually found on stories with less sexual content. Aesthetic Value It may not mean much, but how the words used sounds to illustrate a scene in the story. Techniques like alliteration and rhyme are usually what I am looking for. The author may have not intended for that value to exist (they are usually attributed to poems) but it did anyway. ‘Scooping’ and ‘sleeping’ are not only alliterated words but also rhyming words, ‘putting’ in addition, rhymes as well. Symbolic Meaning This line might mean that Michael would save (scoop) the sleeping Valerie in keep her in a place (inside his thoughts) away from the things that can harm her. Valerie told stories of her horrible past, how she got raped and beat up. It is one of the reasons why she cried during one of their intimate moments. She cried because she was reminded of this dark past. She felt vulnerable, especially after the bad joke that Michael put on her. After that event, Michael realized what he has done, and felt it was time that their relationship turn serious. Imagery Lines that have clear images of action are always effective; they make the reader’s imagination work. The image of a Valerie being scooped up by Michael in her sleep makes me think of a fantasy inspired music video, a damsel in distress being saved by a hero. Or a man just dreaming of her girl in her sleep, and being contented by just that mere sight. Conclusion He imagined scooping up sleeping Valerie and putting her in the middle of his thoughts. – Seriously, you can’t find any other line in the story that can match this line’s aesthetic, visual, and symbolic meaning. The line is like taken straight out of a Nicholas Sparks novel.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Pablo Neruda Biography

Pablo Neruda Biography Introduction Pablo Neruda’s poetic skills came to light while he was still a teen. He did his writings in diverse styles which include historical epics, surrealist poems, a prose autobiography, overtly political manifestos, and erotically-charged love poems. In most cases he used green ink in his writings, which symbolized desire and hope from a personal perspective. He believed in communism and advocated for world peace and unity, victimized in his native nation and compelled to exile, his output is a manifestation that protects the cultural legacy of Chile and the larger South American region. Life experiences influenced his writing Childhood His real name was Neftalà ­ Ricardo Reyes Basoalto and his town of birth is Parral, Chile on 12th, 1904. He was born to Rosa Basoalto Opazo and Josà © del Carmen Reyes Morales. The later was a railway worker and the former a school teacher; she died due to tuberculosis a couple of months after conceiving his first and only son. Pablo Neruda grew up in Temuco with half-sister Laura and half-brother Rodolfo. He went to the Men’s Lyceum of Temuco where he underwent his high school education. Early years 1917-1920 He published his maiden poems at age 13; while still in high school among them is â€Å"Entusiasmo y Perseverancia† in the regional daily â€Å"La Maà ±ana†. Come 1918 he published thirteen poems in the journal â€Å"Run and Fly† which include â€Å"My eyes†. Come 1919 he got the third prize in a home contest with his poem â€Å"Nocturno ideal†. His father was against his son’s writing interest; nonetheless Neruda got support from in his school tutors. Aged fifteen, Neruda met Gabriella Mistral, who was a tutor in the home girl’s school. She familiarized him with the work of European poets and predominantly Russian literature which inspired him the most. Due to the fact that Neruda intended to conceal his publications from his father he opted for the pseudonym of Pablo Neruda, thus all upcoming publications after October 1920 were published under that pseudonym. Jan Neruda, a Czech poet influenced the young poet from whom he acquired his last name. Afterwards he lawfully changed his name to Pablo Neruda. Universidad de Chile – 1921 His father wanted to see him become a teacher. Come 1921 when he was sixteen and after graduating from high school Neruda shifted to Santiago to learn French and Education at the University of Chile. He bore no interest in pedagogy; his drive was in learning French so that he could read French literature. After his arrival he did publish a chain of poems in the university magazine â€Å"Clarity† with Pablo Neruda as the signatory. In the course of this time as a student he created a good number of his renowned output and made his mark as a reputable poet. He associated with Rosa Albertina Azocar who was his influence for a sequence of poems in a Song of Despair and 20 Love Poems. It was evident that Pablo intended to follow a career in writing as a result his father cut financial supplies to him. Come July 1923 the maiden output of â€Å"Crepusculario† was published at the Student Federation of Chile by Clarity Editions. In the subsequent year, Nascimiento Editors publi shed the first edition of â€Å"Veinte Poemas de Amor y una Cancion Desesperada†, which would become one of his renowned and most translated outputs. Diplomatic career 1926 In his role as a writer, Neruda was experiencing financial constraints thus he started to look for a job as a consul. His achievements in literature and interactions enabled him get a consular job in Burma. He was a frequent contributor to the newspaper â€Å"La Nacion† in Santiago where he gave publishes regarding his travel chronics. Come 1929 he was dispatched to Colombo, Sri Lanka as a consul. In the process, he tried out diverse styles and did a succession of surrealistic poems that formed component to â€Å"Residencia en la tierra† one of his most vital outputs. Come February of 1932, he resettled in Santiago and was given a job in the Department of Cultural Extension of the Ministry of Labor, during this period the second edition of â€Å"Twenty Poems of Love and a Song of despair† was published. Come 1933, Neruda was chosen to be a Consul in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Nascimiento Editors published â€Å"Residence on Earth† restricting its publication to a lowly 100 print outs. Neruda was transferred to Madrid in 1935 in the same capacity as a consul as a replacement to Gabriela Mistral. Neruda was a founder of â€Å"Green Horse for poetry† a magazine that specializes in literature. He abandoned his family in Barcelona and hooked up with Delia del Carril. Spanish Civil War and communism Come July 1936 the Spanish Civil War started and Federico Garcia Lorca was killed by forces devoted to Franco. Consequence to this happening, Neruda became politicized laying allegiance to the republican side thus a communist for the remainder of his life. He remained neutral to political causes due to his role as a consul. He made publishes in secrecy of â€Å"Song to the mothers of the dead militants† captured in the literary journal â€Å"The blue monkey† which afterwards turned out to be a component of â€Å"Spain in the heart†. The government of Chile opted to close down its consulate in Madrid. He then afterwards moved to Paris alongside Delia del Carril and commenced his work in support of the Spanish Republic. He orchestrated the Latin American Committee in defense of the Spanish Republic and presented a conference regarding Federico Garcia Lorca, this was against the Chilean administration wishes. He made publishes of his takes in the magazine â€Å"The world poets defend the Spanish people† which was printed in French and in Spanish. He united with Peruvian Cesar Vallejo and discharged duties in the Association for the Defense of Culture. In the poem â€Å"I explain a few things† he exhibited a militant and radical tone with respect to political and social aspects. On moving back to his native Chile, he realized the Alliance of Intellectuals. The maiden edition of two thousand copies of â€Å"Espaà ±a en el Corazon† sold out in the first few days and two months later a second edition print outs were made. Mexico 1940 -1943 Come 1940 Neruda was assigned in Mexico City as the Consul General of Chile. In the aftermath of the murder attempt of Leon Trotsky Neruda, Nerudo granted a visa Chile to David Alfaro Siqueiros, a Mexican accused as one of the schemers to assassinate Trotsky. This led to his one month suspension with no pay. Come 1942 Neruda gave a series of talks courtesy of an invitation by the Ministry of education. During his stay in Cuba he heard of the demise of his close friend Miguel Hernandez in a Spanish prison. During this time, he did 2 poems â€Å"The lost shepherd† and â€Å"To Miguel Hernandez killed in the prisons of Spain† which were incorporated in â€Å"The grapes and the wind† and â€Å"Canto General† respectively. While on a trip Mexico he recited his poem â€Å"Song to Stalingrad† which commemorated the vital Russian triumph over the Nazis. This led to condemnation that he did a poem â€Å"New love song to Stalingrad†, both poems were incorporated in his book â€Å"Third Residence†. Neruda yet again did a violation on his diplomatic impartiality when at the funeral of Leocadia Felizardo, he recited his poem â€Å"Dura elegà ­a† thus making utterances that were deemed offensive to Getulio Vargas, the Brazilian dictator. Consequently, he resigned from his positioned and went back to Chile. While on board to Santiago, he visited the remains of Machu Picchu, which influenced him to write â€Å"Alturas de Machu Picchu† he wound up in 1945. He highly rated the undertakings done by ancient Andean civilization; at the same time he condemned the slavery that happened in a bid to accomplish such an exceptional edifice and their ensuing subjugation by the Spaniards. Return to Chile and the Communist Party 1944 Shortly after going back to Chile, Neruda was made senatorial candidate for the provinces of Tarapacà ¡ and Antofagasta in representation of the Communist Party of Chile. Despite not being a formal militant, he became part of the party shortly afterwards. He was engrossed in the campaigns and come 1945 he was elected Senator of the Republic. Come 1946 Gabriel Gonzales Videla was voted Chilean President in a coalition with the Communist Party. In the subsequent year, Gonzales Videla turned against the Communists and aligned himself with the U.S initiating a campaign in opposition to the communists. An aggressive repression of a miner’s strike in Lota influenced the poet to condemn President Gonzales Videla’s policy in a speech. He recited the names of the miners and their families who had been put behind bars. For the reason that Gonzales Videla barred the communist party newspaper â€Å"The Century† from operations, Nerudo did publishing of a letter â€Å"Intimate letter for millions of men† in a good number of Latin American nations. This communication criticized the government guiding principles against its people. The ruling regime accused Neruda of insult and of condescending Chile abroad and initiated the process of prosecution. Around this time he went into hideouts and regularly changed houses to evade capture. In the process he completed â€Å"Canto General†. Exile 1948 Come 1949 he went to Mexico where he took part in the Latin American Congress for Peace. While in Mexico, he suffered thrombophlebitis. A Chilean singe, Matilde Urrutia, was engaged to look after him leading to a love affair which lasted until his demise in 1973. The affair influenced him poetically as he wrote a good number of poems where Matilde Urritia featured prominently, most notably in â€Å"On hundred love sonnets†, â€Å"Estravagario†, â€Å"The Barcarolle, â€Å"The sea and the bells† and â€Å"The captain’s verses†. After 1953 going forward, her existence in the poet’s output becomes deeper. In the course of 1950 during his recuperation in Mexico â€Å"Canto General† was printed out in Mexico City with the first edition of five hundred copies. A clandestine edition was published in Chile by the communist party. At the end of the year he received the Stalin Prize for the Peace. Return to Chile 1952 Come 1952 he returned to Chile after three years in exile, this was possible considering the weakness of ruling regime as well as the support of the poet’s faction group made up of politicians and intellectuals. This period saw the publishing of â€Å"The captain’s verses†. The controversial nature of the book resulted into it being anonymously published; this was out of respect for his wife. Matilde Urrutia again featured prominently in poems in this book. 1959 from 1954 seven books were published; â€Å"Elementary odes†, â€Å"New elementary odes†, â€Å"Third book of odes†, â€Å"Extravagaria†, â€Å"Navigations and return†, â€Å"One hundred love sonnets† and â€Å"Grapes and the Wind†. â€Å"One hundred love sonnets† brings out Neruda’s affection for Matilde Urrutia, he eventually married her in 1966. Conclusion Neruda was terminally ill when he went back to Chile. As the contemporary administration collapsed, trials were instigated against his political followers, most of whom friends were imprisoned or were forced to seek asylum in other countries. His home in Isla Negra was broken into and his writings were damaged by the military police. In the meantime his health was failing at a rapid rate and was thus transferred to Santiago from Isla Negra. Neruda was bed ridden at Santa Marà ­a Clinic in Santiago and few afterwards he passed on due to heart failure. He was temporarily laid to rest in the mausoleum of the Fittborn family. Big crowds assembled at the cemetery in defiance of the measures of the military police where they paid their last respects to the greatest poet of all time.