Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) rated Taiwan ranked 13th out of Essay

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) rated Taiwan ranked 13th out of 66 countries globally for IT competitiveness globally in 2 - Essay Example But to be competitive, there are key public strategies and policies that need to be considered in the field of information technology. In this essay, Taiwan is used as a case study of a highly performing information technology competitive country among sixty six (66) other countries that were ranked by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). The inputs that went to getting Taiwan this enviable place of 13th that puts it ahead of countries like South Korea and Japan are examined to the latter using Porter’s Diamond Model. The analysis is also expanded to include ways by which the country can maintain its position or better it as well as ways of avoiding the unlikely event of losing out on its position. At the end of the paper, the writer hopes to achieve the objective of clearly outlining the national information and communication technology strengths and weaknesses associated with various countries in comparison to Taiwan to see how Taiwan could be used as a model especially wh en it comes to the area of electronics and semiconductor development. Overview of the IT Competiveness Index The IT Industry competitiveness index is generally in place as a scale for finding out how various countries are performing in terms of the application of information technology into industrial growth. To this end, several indicators are used to find out how sixty six (66) selected countries are competing among themselves in the various areas of indicators. The index was first published in 2007 (Rad and Beek, 2009) and had 26 of the said indicators grouped into six major categories for scoring. After scoring is done in the various categories, the accumulated score determines the place of various countries. This implies that the IT Industry Competitiveness Index is highly quantitative, making it empirical and open to public critique (Roll, 2006). The subsequent advantage that comes with this provision is that the index is generally tagged as credible; even considering the fact that it is hosted by none other quarters than the Economists Intelligence Unit with support for BSA. The various categories are given different weightings according to the impact that each of them makes towards information technology enhancement. The six major categories and their corresponding weightings are presented below. Category Weighting Overall business environment IT infrastructure Human capital Legal environment R&D environment Support for IT industry development 10% 20% 20% 10% 25% 15% Total 100% Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited, 2011 Factor Conditions Analysis of Taiwan’s Performance The chat bellow gives a detailed and graphical representation of the performance of Taiwan in the 2011 IT Competitiveness Index. From the graph presented above, it can be seen that Taiwan scored more than half of available score of 100% in all six categories. The highest performing scores were however recorded in business environment and legal environment, which scored 86.5% and 74.5% respectively. This means that Taiwan as a country has created an enabling business environment that makes the country highly attractive to investors, both home and abroad. As the investors do business in the country, they are assured of sound legal backing that is free from all forms of

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Social Contract Essay -- essays research papers

The purpose of a Social Contract is to keep society in order. Ways of keeping society in order are human rights, the constitution, police departments, and education in which all contributes in having a progressing society. Human rights have to be protected which are the first 13 or 14 amendments that’s states people’s rights. If humans didn’t have any rights of their own we would feel enslaved due to that we have no freedom. The Constitution contains laws that every human being has to follow unless if you live somewhere else other than the U.S. Police departments maintains society regarding the Constitution; even the police must obey the laws and their own rules. In addition, the education we take also sets examples of how we should always follow rules or laws. In classrooms we have rules that we must follow like listening to the teacher and so on.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The definition of a Social Contract and some other information is, a voluntary agreement among people defining the relationship of individuals with one another and with government and by this process forming a distinct organized society. Concern over the origin and conditions of political obligation was manifest even in the writings of philosophers and statesmen in ancient Greece and Rome. Such ideas were not systematically formulated, however, until the latter part of the 16th century, when Protestant philosophers sought a democratic principle with which to oppose the authoritarian theory of the divine right of kings. In the 17th and 18th centuries the theory of a social compact among individuals of a society was linked with the doctrine of natural law.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A setting for a social contract would be like in school, at home, basically everywhere you go which contains written and unwritten rules. At school students rights are commonly violated and yet some aren’t. For example, â€Å"articles about controversial subjects written for student newspapers are censored. Lockers and backpacks are searched without reasonable suspicion. Minority students are excessively pushed in lower track programs. Majoritarian religious practices are officially allowed by teachers and school administrators. Female students are excluded from certain extracurricular activities, and gay students are intimidated into silence. Teachers and administrators have a responsibility to provide a s... ...ot perform, but be careful to keep your promise.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An example of a Social Contract is Evergreens S.C. and Rousseau’s Philosophy. In Evergreens S.C. under Right to Privacy he states, â€Å"All members of the college community have the right to organize their personal lives and conduct according to their own values and preferences, with an appropriate respect for the rights of others to organize their lives differently. All members of the Evergreen community are entitled to privacy in the college’s offices, facilities devoted to educational programs and housing. The same right of whether extends to personal papers, confidential records and personal effects, whether maintained by the individual or by the institution.† An example of Rousseau’s Philosophy or S.C. he stated, â€Å"Man is born free but everywhere is in chains.† These quotes are important to me because one states ones privacy in a community which is needed for people in order to function well in life, I mean you don†™t want to be spreading your information to many others especially important ones, and the other states that a man may be free but everywhere he goes he is chained by rules or laws to enforce.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Indicator and Determinants of High Blood Pressure Essay

This paper implements the indicators and determinants of high blood pressure in men. Many studies have measure the effect of Hypertension among men of different ethnical and socio-economic backgrounds. Socioeconomic is one major determinant which influences high blood pressure in men. High blood pressure is a major illness in the human population, especially among men. High blood is normally called a â€Å"silent killer† due to the fact that there little to no symptoms. Fifty to fifty-eight million people suffer from hypertension with the increasing population being African Americans (John, n. . ). Steven was a 55 year old African American male that came into the hospital with complaints of a severe headache. Patients had no prior history of hypertension but blood pressure was taken with the result of 180/101. Patient states that he has a family history of cardiovascular diseases. Mother and Father suffered from hypertension as a result of obesity. Steven has worked for the United States Postal Service for 30 years and is under a lot of stress due to work. He is a chronic smoker and drink on occasions. The first medical professional that saw Steven was the ER doctor who cared for the patient and in returned referred Steven for follow up care with his PCP (Primary Care Physician). Before Steven saw his PCP the ER (Emergency Room) Doctor prescribes him Amlodipine 10mg 2 xs daily. The team that delivered care for Steven’s hypertension was as follow: * Dr. Ogalvie- PCP (Primary Care Physician) -Which his role is to, determines the best care for Steven and his hypertension. Provide a manage care plan and to make use of specialists and make referral that co- inside with Steven treatments. Nancy Bracey-Nurse Practitioner- The role of the Nurse Practitioner is to work as support to the Doctor when he is unable to make patients appointment or if he is in an emergency surgery. The Nurse Practitioner sometime plays a vital role in Steven treatments. She is able to help in Steven treatment, which includes ordering tests, conducting physicals, and ordering medicines. * Beth Anderson- RN- Registered nurses treat and educate patients in a clinical setting, keeping records of medical histories and performing diagnostics. Most RN work with patients and their families to teach them how to manage cardiovascular disease, educate them on dietary and other measures of minimizing heart risk and help patients with postoperative rehabilitation. * Lisa Coleman – Dietitian- The primary role of a Dietitian is to promote healthy and holistic healthcare. Steven dietitian educating him on good healthy eating habits. She also explained to him that exercising most important in keeping his blood pressure down. She also put him on a 1200 calorie diet to follow as part of his managed care plan. Data has shown and been a proven fact that hypertension is very prevalent in men, especially African American men. Many indicators can relate to hypertension such as socioeconomic statuses like where one live, employed or unemployed or a family base support system can all be factors. In Steven case some of the indicator were glucose, triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, blood pressure, and obesity (SABPA, (2012). All of these symptoms can be a target for organ damage. Steven also deals with anthropometric indicators which according to Rahimi, (2012) â€Å"The partial correlation coefficient was used to quantify the association between all anthropometric indicators with hypertension. Linear regression analysis was used to assess the influence of all anthropometric indicators on the variance of systolic and diastolic blood pressure†. Rahimi, (2012) states â€Å"Adult male population of Fars province had a high prevalence of hypertension, overweight and obesity which can be handled through healthy diet and physical exercises†. Steven dietitian stresses the important of holistic healthcare such as healthy eating habits and exercising on a regular basis. Other indicator was the problems of sexual dysfunction that Steven suffered in his marriage. Steven stated that he was unable to perform with his wife due to the high blood pressure medicine that he was taken. Rahimi, (2012) state â€Å"Thus sex, education, and for the most part, race were not independently associated with a failure to be aware or to enter treatment’. Rahimi, (2012) says â€Å"Sex and the number of antihypertensive drug days were independently associated with blood pressure control†. According to Steven physician Steven was also put on an enhancement drug to help with sexual dysfunction. According to Rahimi, (2012) â€Å"Vigorous public efforts led by the National High Blood Pressure Education Program and embraced by physicians’ groups and the pharmaceutical industry has steadily improved blood pressure outcomes in the past 20 years†. Rahimi, (2012) â€Å"To this point, however, overall increases in control have largely been driven by increases in awareness and entry into treatment among people with hypertension†. Rahimi, (2012) â€Å"Despite great technical advances, specifically the development of a wide range of new antihypertensive drugs and drug classes the process of care available in the community has not changed to any great extent and treatment itself remains highly inefficient†. Rahimi, (2012) â€Å"As an asymptomatic, chronic illness, hypertension does not pose a problem of diagnosis or cure, but rather the challenge of daily vigilance and ongoing commitment to treatment†. Rahimi, (2012) â€Å"For most people such as Steven with high blood pressure periodical visits to the physician’s office simply do not produce the desired outcome†. As a result of data Steven were treated and educated on manage control through medication, diet and exercise. The disparities of socioeconomic are due to his poor health outcome. The key to controlled hypertension is patient follow-up, a managed care plan and patient education. In Steven treatment plan the impact of the team base approach is to effectively promote a managed care plan that is efficient in regulating Steven hypertension. The main key is to educate Steven on a post treatment plan and follow-ups care. One analysis of Steven resource and saving would be that Steven partake in his company wellness program which in returned will save and give him an incentive on his current insurance plan. Lastly the advantage of a team base approach in Steven case would be that each individual on Steven medical team would strategically come up with alternative plans of action and a plan of care that will effectively help in the treatment of Steven hypertension. Each medical professional on Steven team will play an active role in the quality of care for Steven. Again the key component is to stabilize Steven high blood pressure through healthy eating habits and exercise. The scope of team base approach is logically come up with a solution in helping Steven sustain life through longevity of the hypertensive care plan that is put in place

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Environmental Determinism and Possibilism

Environmental Determinism and Possibilism: Shaping and Reshaping Life Since the Beginning of Time Possibilism and Environmental Determinism, both completely different in theory, and yet so very linked in purpose. Environmental Determinism is the idea that the environment shapes its inhabitants, and will –or will not– provide for them to accomplish their goals. While Possibilism is the idea that mankind –for this example it will be routinely mankind and not another species—can accomplish their goal(s) because it is possible or could become possible with assistance, such as training, tools, equipment, specialized environmental gear, etc.These two ideas can be almost as conflict-ridden as Creationism and Evolution, with both sides of the fight drawing lines in the sand and rallying behind them. Hopefully the reader of this essay will find that Environmental determinism and Possibilism may have different theories, but are not so different when considered towar ds a problems beginning and ultimately its end.Examples of Environmental Determinism could be tropical viruses that cannot flourish outside tropical zones, bananas and their inability to thrive naturally in Vermont, humans not being able to breathe under water, and amusingly: pigs not being able to fly. All of these examples are limited to where and what they can do because they cannot escape their environment, as it has shaped them as much as they it. Humans are a terrestrial species, meaning we live and exist on solid land above sea level.Our bodies have shaped themselves to this environment and we will shape the environment back to continue this trait, thus the chances of humans developing gills for water breathing are ridiculously unlikely without a decidedly massive environmental change and a possibly forced evolution to adapt to said new environment. Being concerned with environmental changes and the need to change or adapt, the theory of Possibilism comes into view. Possibili sm revolves around using what is available, and with ingenuity and/or technology making it accomplish what was previously impossible.Possibilism could be a skillset that â€Å"MacGuiver† used frequently, as he would accomplish great feats with the available resources and creativity. Possibilism for the previous tropical virus could involve mutations, or its hosts living in less hospitable regions –such as Siberia- but within selective habitable environments like hospitals and other areas that remained relatively temperate. Sometimes it is not about adapting to the environment and thriving, but surviving long enough until you can stabilize or at least live.Man was not made to breath water and live under the oceans, its currently impossible. Yet through the use of diving equipment and specialized living environments and vehicles, mankind can temporarily swim among the fish and live among the currents of the seas. Once the temporary assistance is not needed or has been fu lly integrated and is now a permanent art of the solution and the normal environments, Environmental Determinism will return and set the rules again until the next required changes.Environmental Determinism can be viewed as a beginning, like creationism, where it shapes and molds its creations to the confines of the strict, limited or only environments allocated. But Possibilism is part of the problem solving portion, where the creation adapts to new environments or factors, failing or thriving until it ultimately dies or thrives under pressure. Those individuals and groups that survive and thrive, akin to the idea of evolution per se, will than pass on their skills to the following generations until a new factor arises and the whole cycle repeats again.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Conjugate Porter (to Wear, Carry) in French

How to Conjugate Porter (to Wear, Carry) in French In French, the verb  porter  means to wear or to carry. When you want to use it in the present, past, or future tense to say things such as I wore or he is carrying, youll need to conjugate the verb. The good news is that  porter  is a regular -er  verb, so its relatively easy and this lesson will show you how its done. The Basic Conjugations of  Porter The first step in any verb conjugation is identifying the verb stem. For porter, that is port-. Using that, youll add a variety of infinitive endings to form the proper conjugation. If youve studied similar -er words, such as acheter (to buy) and penser (to think), you can apply the same endings here. For this lesson, well concentrate on the most basic conjugations youll need. Using the chart, simply find the appropriate subject pronoun and tense for your sentence. For example, I am wearing is  je porte  while we will carry is  nous porterons. Practicing these in short sentences will help you commit them to memory. Present Future Imperfect je porte porterai portais tu portes porteras portais il porte portera portait nous portons porterons portions vous portez porterez portiez ils portent porteront portaient The Present Participle of Porter The  present participle  of  porter  is formed by adding -ant  to the verb stem. This creates the word  portant. Porter in the Past Tense The  passà © composà ©Ã‚  is another common way to use  porter  in the past tense. It requires a simple compound of the  auxiliary verb  avoir  as well as the  past participle  portà ©. The only conjugation needed is  avoir  into the present tense; the participle indicates the action took place in the past. The passà © composà © comes together quickly. For example, I carried is  jai portà ©Ã‚  and we carried is  nous avons portà ©. More Simple Conjugations of Porter Among the other simple conjugations, you might need are the subjunctive and the conditional. These two verb moods imply uncertainty, with the conditional saying that the action is dependent on something else. The  passà © simple  and  imperfect subjunctive  are not used often, but theyre good to know in case you encounter them. Subjunctive Conditional Passà © Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je porte porterais portai portasse tu portes porterais portas portasses il porte porterait porta portà ¢t nous portions porterions portà ¢mes portassions vous portiez porteriez portà ¢tes portassiez ils portent porteraient portà ¨rent portassent When you wish to say short commands and requests such as, Carry it! you can use the imperative. when doing so, the subject pronoun is not required, so you can simplify it to  porte. Imperative (tu) porte (nous) portons (vous) portez

Monday, October 21, 2019

Why was the fertile crescent s essays

Why was the fertile crescent s essays Why was the fertile crescent so important in the history of the development of farming? Historians and Archaeologists agree that the most important event since the last Ice Age, or indeed since the evolution of human beings from their hominid ancestors, was the rise of agriculture in the Fertile Crescent by 8000 B.C. The economic, political, and technological developments that followed provided the foundation upon which modern civilisations were built. The crescent is bow shaped tract of land in southwest Asia stretching from Jordan northwards to southern Turkey, then swinging southwards to the borders of Iraq and Iran, incorporating parts of Israel, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria. The mountainous physical geography of the area was formed by movement of earths crust, forcing the Arabian Peninsula to collide with stable Iranian Plateau, resulting in a fold mountain range. The Fertile Crescents importance in the history of the development of farming is intrinsically linked to its location on the globe. The crescent had both natural diversity and climatic advantages over other regions, placing it at the forefront of the so-called Neolithic revolution or era of Incipient Cultivation, where people changed from being hunter-gatherers to farmers. In few very fertile and naturally productive parts of the world, hunter gathering could have supported small sedentary human populations. Throughout the rest of the world, the growth of large, dense, sedentary human populations relied wholly upon the production of food to support not only the farmers, but also the non-food producing members of the new population. The domestication of plants and animals provided a means by which such storable food surpluses could be generated. The other regions where farming may have started independently (China, Mesoamerica, the Andes and the eastern United States) could have been equally, or even more fertile, but they were lack...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Essay on Homosexual Relationships

Essay on Homosexual Relationships Essay on Homosexual Relationships Homosexual relationships are romantic connections between two people of the same gender. These connections cover all cases of gays and lesbians. These relationships are not based on the willingness to procreate or nature moral values, but rather on the desire to fulfill the passions of the persons involved. Through the forums supported by human rights groups, many homosexuals have come in the limelight demanding legal recognition for their sexual orientations. James Skillen is one of such activists. He observes that governments should play passive roles when it comes to the issues of marriage. Instead, Skillen suggests that the government should learn to accommodate the â€Å"constantly changing definition of marriage† to make provisions for homosexual marriages (Skillen, 1). A similar observation was made by Ellie Schaack in his article â€Å"Gay Marriage is a Right†. Schaack points out that the right to marry is explicit and dependent on one’s unique attributes (Schaack, 1). Unfortunately, many countries are continually legalizing homosexuality. For instance, a US court was reported to have delivered a judgment forcing the federal government to amend laws to recognize gay marriages (Hurley, 2). Sexual desires should be used to set up family units under which social values and cultural norms get passed from one generation to another. The future of any society depends on the ability of the current generation to procreate and sustain values traditionally associated with that society. Family is the fundamental unit of the society and is, therefore, important for the formation of the society. Sex should serve as a tool for sustaining romantic relationships that result from marriage and formation of the family. Homosexuality does not reflect social welfare, but rather individualism. Instead of introducing legal provisions to promote homosexuality, the society should seek to help those in the practice so that they can relate to their healthy sexual desires. This is possible through medicine and psychological treatment.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Apple Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Apple - Essay Example Due to this reason, tablets with the facility of mobile have appeared as perfect product which can satisfy the demand of customers (Infinite Research, n.d.). The smartphone and tablet PC industry is characterised by creativity, dependability and expandability. Smartphone and tablets are highly innovative products with trendy features where numerous factors can inspire the demand of this industry such as usage of internet among customers, increased competitiveness and delivery of smartphones and tablets among others. In this regards, the five forces model presented by Michael Porter is an excellent tool for assessing the smart phone and the tablet industry. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis Rivalry The smart phone and tablet industry is unstable and competitive which gives rise to considerable rivalry. In order to survive in this industry there is need for continuous development of new products and incorporate innovative technologies for encouraging customers’ demand. ... Due to international circulation of cutting edge technology, it is quite difficult for new organisations to enter into the highly competitive market of smartphone and tablet PC. Although it is easy for other organisations to develop device such as iPad, but in order to gain sustainability in the market, an organisation requires cost effectiveness too. Thus, unless new entrants in this industry gain higher economies of scale or higher market share, survival in this industry for the long run shall be quite challenging (James, 2009). Threat of Substitutes The threat of substitutes in smartphone and tablet PC industry is quite weak. The tablet PC and smartphone both act as an alternative product for notebook, computer and mobile phones. Through tablet PC and smartphone, people can enjoy the facilities of notebook, computer and mobile phones (James, 2009). Bargaining Power of Suppliers The bargaining power of suppliers is strong in smartphone and tablet PC industry. As this industry is as sociated with technology, suppliers play a vital part in providing inexpensive raw materials for production of finished products which can help organisations to gain cost competitiveness. Furthermore, smartphone processors are produced by only a few organisations due to which maintaining good relationship with those organisations become essential for accomplishing success in smartphone and tablet PC industry (James, 2009). Bargaining Power of Buyers The bargaining power of buyers in smartphone and tablet PC industry is moderate. The revenue of smartphone and tablet PC producers is derived by sales of product. In present day’s business context, buyers do not possess many alternatives but to acquire smartphone and tablet PCs. However, the power of buyer falls in switching the

Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 7

Research Proposal Example The results in this research will be very useful in improving various businesses across the world. The research shall identify the various factors that make leadership the main tool in implementing business strategies. The paper shall highlight the type of leadership important in promoting business strategies in order to maximize production Leadership is very important in strategic management. The leadership organization is very broad and does not only include a single executive. It comprises of an effective team that offers the way for the organization. The team should posses certain leadership traits such as honesty, trustworthy, risk taker, innovative. With the traits in place, the team could lead the organization in implementing certain strategies. The study will find the specific role that the leadership has to play in implementing these strategies. The study is very important in spreading the awareness message of the importance of leadership in any organization. In addition, the primordial importance of the study is to provide necessary leadership information to the leaders of various businesses. The information may include their specific roles in implementing various strategies that are important in their organization. In the end, it would assist in improving the leadership skills of these leaders. Thus, the study would be an important tool in improving the production level of various businesses. The study will be the basis of identifying various tools in strategic management. The tools will be important in implementing different strategies in the organization. Furthermore, it would help business develop the important phases used during implementation of the strategies. The study aims at identifying the role of management or leadership in the implementation of strategies. The study shall show the importance of leaders when it comes to formulation of strategies. The strategies are the backbone for any

Friday, October 18, 2019

Disability as a Social Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Disability as a Social Issue - Essay Example As the report declares the social model of disability is one of incredible importance and significance, particularly so now, when the war in Iraq is still taking place, as the issue of disability has never before been put so much into the spotlight. The media, not only in Britain but across the world as well, has truly pulled the matter of disability into being a major one in the media universally, and thus this explains why the term disability as well as the social model of disability itself is presently in so much question and controversy. This social model of disability sees the issue in general as being mainly and primarily as being a result of a socially created problem, and basically thus as well a matter of the full integration of individuals into society. â€Å"Disability is not an attribute of an individual, but rather a complex collection of conditions, many of which are created by the social environment. According to the discussion findings the social model of disability basically distinguishes between the matters of impairment and disability, impairment referring to the concrete mental or physical state, and disability referring to the socio-cultural construct. This goes to say then that impairments are in fact not considered as being inherently disabling, but rather that disability is caused by a society which fails to provide for those people who do have impairments, and that there are obstacles which are unnecessarily and wrongly put in their way. The ways in which disability is viewed socially is not only incredibly significant in itself as an issue but as well has

Checkout paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Checkout paper - Essay Example In the arrangement she does all the chores around the house which makes her fill feel as she owns a daughter. My client is a full time student which limits the time she has to attend to the requirements of her roommate. She also has no time whatsoever to rest on her free time as the responsibility makes her perform poorly in her studies. She wraps up the interview by pointing out that she is angry and cannot continue with the arrangement. . In addition, considering the type of problem she was undergoing it was appropriate for them to fell more embraced rather than queried. I first used clarification at the start of my interview. The client described her problems to me: †³ living with my roommate makes me feel like mum which I do not appreciate †³. The client mentioned she had problems with her roommate. To get a more clear response, I asked her what type of problem (Edgar & Geare 34)†¦ What do you mean by problem...? From this question, the client was provided with an opportunity to provide a narration of the problem she had with her roommate. In summarizing the verbal interview, I asked her if the current situation and all she experienced made her unhappy. I also paraphrased her words to get a more clear response†¦ you think all the work makes you unhappy†¦ I inquired if she considered that her roommate was unfair to her after she mentioned it in her story. By paraphrasing the client was able to summarize in a sentence the general mood of the situation with her roommate. I was also able to make her reflect on the real situation†¦ are you nervous while doing the work†¦ I asked her if she felt nervous while she was doing house work. The response was made through an honest feeling. By describing her feeling she was able to enlighten me on whether or not she was comfortable with the arrangement or not. During the interview the body language was very significant. For this reason, I posed as relaxed and open as I

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Virtues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Virtues - Essay Example Integrity is defined as staying honest and having strong moral principles. For instance using the turn signal lights in a car. I make it a personal choice to use turn signals when turning off an empty road or in a parking lot. I strive to promise what I can deliver. This has made it easier for me to say no to what I cannot do and in turn my integrity is nourished.Work ethic is the policy that hard work is intrinsically virtuous or worthy of reward. Practice leads to perfection. It applies to academics, sports and life in general. What you reap is what you sow. Consistently, I have worked hard at my academics, and it has proved that work ethics does apply. Colin Powell states "A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work." Teamwork is the effective and efficient action of a group. Teamwork can never be overrated. If you need to walk fast, walk alone. If you want to go far, walk with others. From the football pitch to the classroom, I have enjoyed the fruits of collaboration. In class discussions, I have always found previously hard concepts explained by others. I have improved my grades through such group discussions. Self-discipline is the ability to control one's feelings and overcome one's weaknesses. In high school, I would procrastinate a lot. Then I started rewarding myself for following a checklist of activities previously written down. Now in my undergraduate I can attest to the power of self-discipline as a virtue. However, fully mastering it is still a process, not a destination.

Managing hospitality resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Managing hospitality resources - Essay Example This paper takes a glance at the factors which influenced at the survival and economic prosperity of the hotel industry: the availability of leisure time for people and the possession of a high disposable income by them. This is so because; most people will go to the hotels after they have serviced the domestic needs and remain with extra disposable income, which they can use for leisure, recreation, and entertainment. Without ample leisure time however, it is difficult for them to attend to such activities. Since the industry mostly offers food service and accommodation, competition in this field is inevitable. With the advances in technology witnessed of late, the industry can take the advantage of these advances to obtain a competitive edge over its competitors. Technology can therefore be used in the industry to improve operational efficiencies, afford the hotel guests enhanced and quality services, and increase the income earned by the hotels. The pace and rate at which technolo gy is changing is too high, so that it leaves the whole industry confused in the right technology to adopt. Since a technology considered superior today might be found redundant after a few months or years, the industry has a difficult time deciding on which ones to incorporate into their systems. Thus, the choice of appropriate technology for the hotel industry is a paramount issue. Technology can support the management of the hotel industry through many ways. It can be used to enhance the guest experience, an aspect that will allow them visit the hotel again or recommend others to the same facility. This way, technology can be used to enhance customer services, through creating avenues that will enhance faster check- ins and check-outs, allow a timely response to any of the customer requests and enhance their stay environment through a range of entertainment and recreation activities (Bentley, 2005 p66). The other way in which technology can support the management of the hotel ind ustry is in improving the operational efficiencies. This can be achieved through applying technology to reduce the administrative requirements, lean the staff requirement in the facility to sizeable and manageable level, and enhance the cross-functional training. Technology can also be used to centralize most of the functions of the hotel, so that they are operated from a centralized locality, while at the same time enable the management of the hotel to distribute widely its services to the point of easy access by their clients. Since customer expectations as to the services they should receive from the hotel industry are increasing by the day, incorporation of appropriate technology can enhance the possibility of meeting their requirements. Presently, customers expect to be served within the least time possible when they enter into a hotel facility. In such a case, the incorporation of advanced technology that will be used to communicate the requirements of the customers from the r eception department to the kitchen and lodging department will go a long way to ensure that customers are not delayed (Lew, 2008 p412). Management can also use technology to enhance their cost control functions. Appropriate technology such as a system to procure, order, receive and store raw materials and other products required by the hotel facility can serve to reduce the cost incurrence by the hotel (Patrick, 2010 p35). For example, if a hotel lacks a good stock control system, it is likely to find itself lacking some materials while they are highly demanded. This would mean that the hotel would fail to meet their customer needs and consequently lose their loyalty and goodwill. If a hotel facility incorporates a good stock

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Virtues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Virtues - Essay Example Integrity is defined as staying honest and having strong moral principles. For instance using the turn signal lights in a car. I make it a personal choice to use turn signals when turning off an empty road or in a parking lot. I strive to promise what I can deliver. This has made it easier for me to say no to what I cannot do and in turn my integrity is nourished.Work ethic is the policy that hard work is intrinsically virtuous or worthy of reward. Practice leads to perfection. It applies to academics, sports and life in general. What you reap is what you sow. Consistently, I have worked hard at my academics, and it has proved that work ethics does apply. Colin Powell states "A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work." Teamwork is the effective and efficient action of a group. Teamwork can never be overrated. If you need to walk fast, walk alone. If you want to go far, walk with others. From the football pitch to the classroom, I have enjoyed the fruits of collaboration. In class discussions, I have always found previously hard concepts explained by others. I have improved my grades through such group discussions. Self-discipline is the ability to control one's feelings and overcome one's weaknesses. In high school, I would procrastinate a lot. Then I started rewarding myself for following a checklist of activities previously written down. Now in my undergraduate I can attest to the power of self-discipline as a virtue. However, fully mastering it is still a process, not a destination.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Summarize DREAM Act or Arizonas SB 1070 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summarize DREAM Act or Arizonas SB 1070 - Essay Example This particular discussion intends to provide a comparative standpoint about the DREAM Act developed by the government of the US. Furthermore, the essay will also summarize the Act and discuss the same in alignment with numerous elements or dimensions. In general, the Dream Act provides permanent residency and other amenities to the illegal immigrants of the US. These particular benefits are provided to the people against certain grounds that must be mandatorily fulfilled. Notably, there exists a huge figure of people who resides in the nation for acquiring proper education for them or serving in the defense sector. However, despite of their contribution, they always hold the fear that they will be deported any time from the nation. In this regard, the DREAM Act ensure that these people gets amnesty for residing in the US, owing to which they will be liable to get education loans, tuition fees sponsored by the government and reduction of school fees (Immigration Policy Centre, â€Å"The Dream Act†). As per a particular case, a young boy named Reyna Wences from Mexico, has been dealing with the problems of getting proper identity for himself in the US, despite of spending much of his childhood and adulthood days in the country. Though moving to the US was a decision of his parents, he never complained about the same. However, he was aware of the fact that he will never be able to get fully involved within the American society owing to his immigration status. The DREAM Act proposed in the year 2009 certainly provided a ray of hope for him to get identity as a proper American citizen (Wences 504-506). The DREAM Act has been proposed with the aim of ensuring legal liability to undocumented immigrants. It acts as a reward of legal rights to the undocumented immigrants, as they are residing in the nation for a longer period without enjoying any of the basic amenities offered by the government.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Starting and Naming a Business Essay Example for Free

Starting and Naming a Business Essay Betty Wilson’s venture of opening a Christian Coffee House in Belmont, NC, presents her with abundant opportunities in selecting a business form. She is considering the following types of entities: 1) franchise, 2) sole proprietorship, 3) partnership of some sort, 4) corporation of some sort, 5) LLC, or 6) even as a joint venture. We will briefly explore each business option and give Betty concise recommendations as to what business form to pursue as well as what business partners to engage. Franchise A franchise is a legal agreement between franchisers and franchisees that consents use of the franchise’s trademark and trade name or marketing plan to sell products or services (Kubasek, Brennan, Browne, 2012, p. 791). Through a franchising arrangement franchisee can profit from implementing another’s efficacious business model. One of the most attractive advantages is the high probability of success of 90 % as compared to 20 % for small businesses (Staring and Naming a Business Presentation, 2012, Slide 9). Other advantages include established franchise reputation, operational support and training, product research and development, and better access to financing. On the downside, business plan rigidity can deprive the quality of customer service and hinder a creative business owner. Thus, both the Clayton Act regulates business competition and price discrimination (15 USC  §Ã‚ § 12-27; 36 Am J1st Monop etc  §Ã‚ § 141, 142) and the Sherman Act is a federal antitrust act (15 USC  §Ã‚ § 1 et seq; 36 Am J1st Monop etc.  § 141) protect the public and small business owners from monopolization and market power. Sole Proprietorship Sole proprietors own an unincorporated business on their own and this type of business constitutes the most predominant form of business enterprise in the United States (Kubasek, et al., 2012, p. 758). Advantages of a sole proprietor include complete decision-making power, flexibility, easiest and inexpensive to start, enjoyment of all profits, no corporate tax payments, and reporting losses and income on personal tax returns. A sole proprietorship is treated as one entity with the owner. The most significant disadvantage is total personal responsibility for all debts and liabilities, which constitutes the element of risk that drives away investors to more solid business ventures (Kubasek, et al. 2012, p. 758-759). Partnership General. Similar to sole proprietorship, this type of entity is uncomplicated and less costly to create. This is an association of two or more individuals who contribute labor, money, property, and skills and consequently share in the profits of the business. A general partner exists only if the profits are shared and do not only receive a wage or salary (Kubasek, et al., 2012, p. 759). Some of the most enticing features are sharing in the decision-making control, authority different aspects of the business (i.e., management, capital, etc.), and simplified taxing. As with a sole proprietorship, a disadvantage is that each partner has unlimited personal liability for all debts, contracts, and torts. And similarly to any conglomerate of people, differences in views, standards, performance, and expectations can undoubtedly clash and encumber profitable business management. Limited. Limited partnerships consist of both general and limited partners (Staring and Naming a Business Presentat ion, 2012, Slide 4). The main difference of limited partnership to general partnership is that limited partners are not liable in sharing the debts outside the funds they contribute to the partnership. A limited partner is vastly disengaged in management decisions and operations and function solely as contributors of capital. One of the main advantages of this business structure is that they enjoy direct contact to the flow of income. In North Carolina, limited partnerships are strictly controlled by the Uniform Partnership Act (1941, c. 374, s. 1; 2000 140, s. 101(j); 2001 487, s. 20.) administrates the creation, operation, and liquidation of all partnerships formed. Finally, at any time a limited partnership agreement is breached, the business entity is treated as a general partnership. Corporation A corporation is a separate legal entity that possesses distinctive liabilities and privileges than that of their members or shareholders. As an investor, a corporation’s advantage is liability for their own investments especially in risky investments (Kubasek, et al., 2012, p. 760). Among the various types of corporations for Betty to select from, an S corporation is an enticing venture for new entrepreneurs given that it grants limited personal liability for debts, sharing of corporate profits, and taxation relief. Double taxation is a main disadvantage of C corporations but not for S corporations. The General Corporation Law (Corp C  §Ã‚ §100-2319) treats S corporations similarly to partnerships for taxation purposes. Limited Liability Company (LLC) As a hybrid of partnerships and corporations, LLC’s provide limited liability for debts and flexibility to be taxed as a partnership or corporation (Staring and Naming a Business Presentation, 2012, Slide 5). Some specific advantages include being empowered authorities in the management of the business, diversity of members, limited liability, pass-through taxation, and less paperwork (appreciated by many). A drawback of this business structure is the need for a tailored operating agreement that specifies the specific needs of the company. Joint Venture A joint venture is a business partnership that usually involves a specific purpose or goal for its formation and the partnerships dissolve after the goal is attained. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) normally does not recognize a joint venture as a legal entity so it is treated as a partnership (Staring and Naming a Business Presentation, 2012, Slide 8). This is advantageous in that the partners equally distribute authority to govern, share profits and losses, and contribute labor, money, property, efforts, and skills to expand the success of the business project (Kubasek, et al., 2012, p. 759). According to the Small Business and Work Opportunity Tax Act of 2007 (Public Law 110-28), the only type of qualified joint venture that cannot be treated as a partnership it that of an unincorporated business between a husband and wife. The main disadvantages of joint ventures are uneven collaboration, expertise, management styles, and research to reinforce sound decisions. Recommendation Business name. To determine corporate name availability, Betty must comply with statutory requirements to allow her to name the coffee shop â€Å"Gathering Place.† After utilizing the search engine for the Department of the Secretary of State North Carolina to determine the name availability â€Å"Gathering Place,† generating fifteen results. The businesses range from motels, publishers, books stores, churches, and pastry and coffee shops. Under the hospitality industry, two food service businesses resulted that are Gathering Place Cafà © Sweet Treats, Inc. located in Archdale, NC and The Gathering Place and Bake Shoppe of Fayetteville, NC. Some of the basic apprehensions to the name is that it is confusingly similar and it doesn’t target the desired consumer market. Because it is in a town with no businesses with the same title, Betty can definitely brand her business with the â€Å"Gathering Place† title. Business type. In hindsight, a LLC would grant Betty needed flexibility given the diversity of interested business partners. This business structure is well suited for individuals who can invest into a new venture and have many interested parties as well as needed beneficiaries of taxation privileges. The Delaware Limited Liability Company Act (C  § 18-1101(b) set precedent to the freedom of contract of LLC’s and obligations set forth in operating agreements. Betty would be legally well protected if she entered business with John (husband), Alice (sister), or Erma (neighbor). My recommendation would be for Betty to include John and Erma in the business endeavor and keep Alice outside the endeavor given the strong opposition of her husband. Final Thoughts We can find numerous Bible passages that warn against unequal yoking (i.e., 2 Corinthians 6:14). I would advice Betty to enter into an LLC with her husband John and Neighbor Erma. In spite of her confused perfection of her â€Å"Christian† worldview, Erma can prove to be a good business partner and profit from being in business with a mature Christian such as Betty. References Clayton Act (15 USC  §Ã‚ § 12-27). Corporations Division for Department of the Secretary of State North Carolina (2012). Retrieved from Delaware Limited Liability Company Act (C  § 18-1101(b). General Corporation Law (Corp C  §Ã‚ §100-2319). Kubasek, N. K., Brennan, B. A. Browne, M. N. (2012). The legal environment of business: A critical thinking approach (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Liberty University (2012, Spring). Staring and naming a business. Legal Issues in Business class presentation. Retrieved from Small Business and Work Opportunity Tax Act of 2007 (Public Law 110-28). Uniform Partnership Act of North Carolina ( §Ã‚ § 59-31).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Equity and Trust in UK Essay -- fully secret trust, half-secret trust

Consider the validity and effect of the following two clauses in the will of Dan: a) ‘I leave my cottage, at 42 Drumsesk Road, to my friend Gurpreet in full confidence that he will dispose of it in accordance with the instructions given to him during my lifetime’. Just before Dan signed the will, he told Gurpreet that he had left a ‘sum of money’ in the will to Gurpreet which he wanted him to hold for the benefit of Jenny. Gurpreet witnessed the will. Jenny died two days before Dan leaving two children. b) ‘I leave my residuary estate to my brothers Ken and Sam jointly’. A few days before the execution of the will Dan gave Ken a sealed envelope, saying ‘these are some instructions I want you and Sam to carry out when I die’. Ken replied ‘you know you can rely on me – if it’s fine with Sam it’s fine with me’. A year later Sam and Dan were killed in a car accident. The sealed envelope says that Dan wa nted his residuary estate to pass to his youngest son Joseph. Advise the executors of Dan’s will. Secret trust evolved as a response act to the Wills Act 1837 and was originally created to prevent fraud. As the House of Lords held that equity will not allow a statute to be used as an instrument of fraud by the secret trustee . It is a concealed arrangement made between a testator and the trustee and is made to come into force after death. A justification for ST is the ‘dehors the will’ theory which means the trusts arise outside of the will - a inter vivos trust. Its purpose is to benefit another individual that hasn’t been written in the formal will. The testator will leave property to the trustee under the will with the understanding that they will hold the property as a gift for which they will then later on be expected to pas... ...y to the real beneficiary. Therefore implying that regardless of Sam’s passing away, as Ken had obtained consent on her behalf, before the testator died, the trust will still proceed, and Joseph will obtain Dan’s residuary estate. After establishing that this trust is a FST, one must again asses as to whether this trust fulfils all the requirements needed to become binding. Intention was established when Dan gave Ken the sealed envelope with the terms of the trust. Communication was proven when Ken and Dan had an oral conversation in regards to the terms of the trust, Communication was also proven as in Re Keen stated that envelope and letter stating the terms was seen as sufficient amount of communication. Finally acceptance was proven when Ken stated â€Å"you know you can rely on me†. Concluding that the FST is binding, and Joseph will indeed receive the trust.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Symbolism In The Veil Essay -- Nathaniel Hawthorne

Symbolism In The Veil The veil that the minister wears in "The Ministers Black Veil", by Nathanial Hawthorne represents the emphasis on man's inner reality, and those thoughts and feelings which are not immediately obvious. As Hawthorne explored this inner nature, he found the source of dignity and virtue, and certain elements of darkness. When the minister first walks out of his home wearing the veil, everyone is astonished. This one man in this village decides to be a nonconformist and wear this veil without explanation. No one understands why the minister would wear such a veil for no reason at all. This is where all the assumptions begin to linger. All of the villagers have a story for why the veil is there. These people are not trying to understand it. These villagers are just trying convince themselves that the veil is hiding something, like a deformation of the ministers face. Others think that Mr. Hooper is hiding something else, like a secret no one is supposed to know about. This black veil conflicts with everyone in the village in some way. Is this veil a problem only because everyone is afraid of what they might be hiding? Perhaps this veil is a symbol of the mistrust Mr. Hooper has to those people closest to him or maybe he is trying to show this society that there is a greater lesson to be learned from this black veil than just an apparent one: That mysterious emblem was never once withdrawn. It shook with his measured breath as he gave out the psalm; it through its obscurity between him and the holy page, as he read the scripturesÂ… Did he seek to hide it from the dread Being whom he was addressing? (1281) After seeing the black veil upon the face of Mr. Hooper, every person in the villag... ... tremble at me alone? Â…Tremble also at each other! Have men avoided me, and women shown no pityÂ…only for my black veil? What, but the mystery which it obscurely typifies, has made this piece of crape so awful? When the friend shows his inmost heart to his friendÂ…when man does not vainly shrink form the eye of his Creator, loathsomely treasuring up the secret of his sin; then deem me a monster, for the symbol beneath which I have lived, and die! I look around me, and lo! On every visage a black veil! (1288-89) The black veil is a symbol, something that Hawthorne uses to stand for the blocked wall between all human souls. Hawthorne is simply suggesting that every person wears his own "black veil". On the other hand, if people are willing to acknowledge the darkness in themselves, there will come a time when everyone shall set aside their veils.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Department of Homeland Security Essay

The Department of Homeland Security was established in the year 2002 as a part of the United States effort to combat against terrorists attacks. It was also instituted to respond against natural disasters that will greatly affect the United States people. Its primary goal is to protect the civilian inside or out of the country. Its main functionality is to prepare for actions to respond to domestic crisis. Â  It also provides regulation on cyber security issues. The said department set color codes to describe the threat levels of terrorists in the country. Being well regarded as one of the largest department in the federal cabinet, this department should think of ways on how to perform its function to protect the people of the United States of America. From the said functions of the department of homeland security, it is the role of the concerned department to deal with problems arising that would threaten its citizen. It should not interfere with the scope of work of the other departments. There are a lot of work to be done in monitoring possible threats by the terrorists against the lives and properties of the United States people. Likewise, the department also helps in dealing with people affected by various calamities such hurricanes, earthquake, flash floods and other nature-driven calamities. With respect to the military’s role, the main difference is that the military is not being used to meddle with the domestic issues or internal affairs but for combat and monitoring of the country’s security. Normally, military is under the command of the Department of National Defense, the department focused on military affairs overseas. This can show the major role differences played by both the military and the homeland security department. In the same way, the military should be cautioned not to go beyond its jurisdiction particularly with the civilian communities. Their participation should be limited on providing assistance on calamity-affected populace together with the other agencies of the government.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Character Education and Core Virtues Essay

When I signed on to teach English at a core virtues school, I had no idea what I was in for. I nodded and smiled in my interview when the Headmaster explained the virtues curriculum, and I parried back with everything I thought she wanted to hear; how I could infuse my lessons on To Kill a Mockingbird with discussions about empathy and courage. I may have even quoted Atticus’ line about walking around in someone else’s skin. I figured I could tack on some of that quaint â€Å"virtue† stuff before getting to the real meat of the lesson, the academic stuff. And for the first year I taught at Crossroads Academy, that’s pretty much what I did. I made some empty gesticulations toward the core virtues bulletin board in my classroom and made some token mentions of fortitude at obvious moments in our reading of The Illiad and The Aeneid. I was teaching literature, but I certainly wasn’t doing Aristotle proud. I mean come on. Character education? Core virtues? I teach English, not Sunday school, and besides, I teach middle school. If I were to walk into my eighth grade English class and wax rhapsodic about prudence and temperance, those kids would eat me alive. It’s hard enough to keep the attention of a classroom full of middle school students without coming on like an 18th-century schoolmarm. Character education is not old-fashioned, and it’s not about bringing religion in to the classroom. Character is the â€Å"X factor† that experts in parenting and education have deemed integral to success. Somewhere along the way, someone must have started dosing me with the character education Kool-Aid, because five years in, I have come to understand what real character education looks like and what it can do for children. I can’t imagine teaching in a school that does not have a hard-core commitment to character education, because I’ve seen what that education can mean to a child’s emotional, moral, and intellectual development. Schools that teach character education report higher academic performance, improved attendance, reduced violence, fewer disciplinary issues, reduction in substance abuse, and less vandalism. At a time when parents and teachers are concerned about school violence, it is worth noting that students who attend character education schools report feeling safer because they know their fellow students value respect, responsibility, compassion and hard work. From a practical perspective, it’s simply easier to teach children who can exercise patience, self-control, and diligence, even when they would rather be playing outside – especially when they would rather be playing outside. American schools used to focus on character education and civic virtue. The founders of this country, including John and Abigail Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Benjamin Franklin wrote about the importance of character education in maintaining the new republic. Those founders would likely be horrified by the loss of this goal, as they all cite character education as the way to create an educated and virtuous citizenry. As Gallup polls show that over ninety percent of American adults support the teaching of honesty, democracy, acceptance of people of different races and ethnic backgrounds, patriotism, caring for friends and family members, moral courage, and the Golden Rule in public schools, it seems odd that this facet of American education has disappeared from public debate over curriculum and academic content. The core virtues — prudence, temperance, fortitude, and justice — make it into nearly every lesson we teach at our school and every facet of our daily lives on campus. The curriculum we use, designed by Mary Beth Klee, is a non-sectarian education in intellectual, moral, and civic virtues through literature, and can be used in conjunction with any academic curriculum. As the core virtues program uses examples to literature in order to illustrate character, I choose my texts accordingly. In my middle school Latin and English classes, we explore the concept of temperance through discussions of Achilles’ impulsive rages, King Ozymandias’ petulant demand that we â€Å"Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair,† Macbeth’s bloody, â€Å"vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself and falls on the other. † This week, I gained a fantastic teaching assistant who has raised my character education skills to the next level, a wise teacher who has illustrated the importance of temperance far better than I — or Achilles or Macbeth — ever could. A Mallard duck (Mom Mallard to our students) took up residence on our campus this week. Mallards, or anas platyrhynchos, are also known as â€Å"dabbling ducks,† and this particular duck has apparently been dabbling in Aristotelian philosophy, because she’s presented our students with a real-life lesson in the core virtue of temperance. Her nest, made from feathers she’s plucked off her own breast and filled with ten eggs, lies about eighteen inches from the entryway to our main building, a path our students take in out of school at least six times a day. Mom Mallard doesn’t seem too worried about our students’ feet†¦ as long as they keep moving. However, the second those feet stop and one of the children pauses to take a good, long, look, she quacks angrily and abandons her nest. Her first day in residence, she spent more time off the eggs than she did on them, and we realized we were going to have to find a way to teach our students some self-control. It just so happens that this month’s virtue is temperance; stopping to think about our actions before we enact them, giving the best of ourselves, and saying â€Å"no† to our weaknesses. The middle school students use the term â€Å"temperance,† and the lower school kids use the term self-control, but tomato, tomato, it’s all the same idea. In Stanford’s famous experiment on self-control, children were faced with the immediate reality of one marshmallow versus the promise of two marshmallows if they can just wait for fifteen minutes. The children who were able to resist temptation and wait fifteen minutes for that second marshmallow had better life outcomes in the form of lower obesity rates, higher SAT scores, and higher levels of education. Self-control itself does not make a kid smarter, or fitter, or more proficient at test-taking, but it’s the essential skill hidden within all of these positive outcomes. Character education is not old-fashioned, and it’s not about bringing religion in to the classroom. Character education teaches children how to make wise decisions and act on them. Character is the â€Å"X factor† that experts in parenting and education have deemed integral to success, both in school and in life. Paul Tough, author of How Children Succeed, calls that character-based X factor â€Å"grit,† while educational consultant Dr. Michele Borba calls it â€Å"moral intelligence. † When I asked parenting expert Borba to explain why she thinks character education is so overlooked as a vital part of children’s success, she wrote, â€Å"That’s what parents don’t seem to get, the hidden values of character traits for success. They see character education as fluff, because that’s often how it’s taught — posters and worksheets. Character education needs to be relevant. It needs to be woven in curriculum, not tacked on. We are such a trophy-, SAT-obsessed society, but if parents would recognize the value beyond the humanness, civility and ethics, they might get it. † Here on our campus, our marshmallow is a duck. Our students must weigh their desire for a quick peek at Mom Mallard with the promise of ten ducklings waddling around our playground in 28 days. If everyone, even the youngest, most impulsive kindergarteners, can learn to exercise self-control, we will all benefit. Next week, Mom Mallard will catch a bit of a break from our students, because they will be confined to their classrooms for a week of standardized testing. Our character education curriculum may not show up as an increase in this year’s test scores — but then again, it could: self-control, after all, is exactly what’s needed to put off a video game or a TV show for another 20 minutes to finish reading or studying. Though temperance isn’t easily measured with number two pencils and bubble forms, it has the capacity to foster and reinforce the skills those bubble forms do test.

Define Functional Organizations and Product Organization

Functional Organizations This is the traditional type of organization. Under functional departments, employees with closely related skills and responsibilities (functions) are located in the same department. Workers in each of these functions specialized in their tasks and knowledge. For example, senior management set rules and procedures as how to transfer the sales orders into the production schedule, how the customer service deal with complaints and warranty issues. They also have large input in the production process.The main advantage of functional organization is efficiency. It works best in small to medium-sized firms that offer relatively few product lines or services. Example of this functional organization will be for a company that manufactured outdoor BBQ stoves. The Sales people get the orders from the customers; the orders are transfer to the production department for production. Products are made and shipping department ships them to customers. Each department is rated by their department performance.Quality department could delay shipment if they feel the product is not meeting specification, affecting Sales target and their commission. Product Organizations Product organizations are formed based on a particular product, or service. Each of these departments can operate fairly autonomously. A key advantage is better coordination and fewer barriers to communication among the functional specialists who work on a particular product. , Therefore, able to response to customers in a timely way.On the other hand, the disadvantage is that product-oriented departments might actually work at cross purposes. For Example, Toyota has a luxury high end line of automobiles called Lexus in addition to their Toyota Brand. Dealer either sells Toyota or Lexus but not both. Each dealer has the same Sales and Service department. The logic behind this split is Toyota management believe the customers who buy the Lexus brand are more affluent and demand higher and bett er service.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Discuss whether Microsoft's monopoly position is in the public Essay

Discuss whether Microsoft's monopoly position is in the public interest - Essay Example From an economic point of view, the question that may be asked by many people is whether this kind of monopoly is good for the public or the consumers or not. Microsoft has achieved a number of monopolistic positions in the market due to its bundling activity. In its early years, Microsoft entered into a deal with the main hardware manufacturers to compel them to sell each of their PC with Microsoft operating system and other application software. This meant that even those who did not intend to use Microsoft’s software had to pay for it then buy other software. Bundling other products such as a web browser and a media player with its operating system software has led to the firm gaining unfair advantage over competitors. However, it is the bundling of the java Runtime Environment that has caused the greatest commotion. JRE was developed by the now defunct Sun’s Microsystems and was meant to deliver a platform free programming environment through java. When Microsoft bu ndled it in its OS, it corrupted it and this was seen to work against the very idea of having a platform free programming environment. Monopoly has never been seen as good for the end consumers. In a country like America, monopoly or monopoly-like business situations have been seen to be harmful to the consumers as they make the producers so powerful that they can abuse their power, much to the consumers’ disadvantage (Geisst, 2000). Every firm looks and dreams of a monopoly in the market. Even for those businesses which operate in highly competitive markets, they always seek to create monopolistic environments, for their own advantage and not to the advantage of the consumers (Lele, 2007). With regard to Microsoft’s monopoly, the effect can be seen as both good and bad. Microsoft’s monopoly position is bad for consumers Microsoft’s monopoly is not in the public interest because monopoly in itself means that the firm can control the prices as well as the quality of the products it sells to the consumers. Monopoly, as Clark (2011) argues, is the opposite of perfect competition. Perfect competition is what is seen to be the ideal situation for consumers because the firms in a perfect completion market environment engaged in perfect competition and have to continue reducing their prices in order to entice the consumers (Machovec, 1995). Above, diagram showing how completion affects prices of products. Source: As Klein (2007) says, in perfect competition also, the firm also seek to improve the quality of the products in order to have an advantage over the other firms. These two factors, that is, quality and prices, are very important for the consumer. Above, diagram showing perfect competition in the long run equilibrium, Source: When competition is eliminated and one firm or a group of few numbers of firms have a monopolistic position in the market, the firms don’t have to reduce their prices or increase the quality of their product (Khan, 2007). In this regard, Microsoft’s monopoly is not good for the consumers because it means that the firm will not be motivated to revise the prices of its products and they will also not be motivated to increase the quality of their products. In the current situation, it means that Microsoft can decide how much to sell its software, especially its operating system and the office suite.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Global Marketing Strategy of TOYOTA Dissertation

Global Marketing Strategy of TOYOTA - Dissertation Example The fast pace of advancement of the modern day world is more on the lines of rapid change and tremendous development. It is of high importance to mention that the evolution of the telecommunication technology along with the process of evolution of high speed internet and various kinds of technology enabled gadgets has resulted in the process of playing a tremendous amount of influence in the lives of the masses around the world. It needs to be mentioned that because of the lines of emergence of high speed internet connectivity, the network of communication channels has improved in a drastic manner all over the world. The internet has played a major role in the process of creating the channels of communication in the various regions of the developed as well as the developing economies. It can be rightly said that it is of considerable importance to highlight that this technology powered development has resulted in the process of transformation of the globe, where the entire world can be represented and increasingly seen as a single and well connected global entity. Because of this technology powered transformation of the world around us, there has always been a steady evolution of various kinds of trends associated with the factor of globalization. The trends of globalization, that are emerging from all corners of the world are increasingly getting diffused at a very rapid pace and it is happening irrespective of the fact of whether the regions are located in the developed or developing economies. The rapid diffusion of the trends of globalization is resulting in the process of evolution of various kinds of new types of consumer demands. These new consumer demands are increasingly paving the way for a significant amount of business opportunity. Business organizations that are located in various corners of the world are increasingly trying their level best to capitalize on these business opportunities. As a result, it can be said that in the recent times, there h as been a significant amount of business related activity on the lines of strategic business expansion as well as the organization’s process of entering new business markets. This age old activities of the organizations of capitalizing on potential new business opportunities are resulting in the process of increasing and catalyzing the competition that exists in the new markets. The presence of multiple firms, providing similar kinds of business products and service offerings, are increasingly leading to the process of increase in the availability of homogeneous products and services in the market. In other words, the homogeneous products and services are increasing the number of options that are available to the consumers and are automatically resulting in the process of increase in the power of substitutes for the consumers. In order to gain an edge in the competition growing in various markets around the world, companies focus on effectively communicating the values of the ir products and serv

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Establishing Money Exchange and Transfer Business Research Proposal

Establishing Money Exchange and Transfer Business - Research Proposal Example UAE has an extensive record of the money changers who are involved in exchange of foreign currencies and remittance. The process of remittances took place in the form of a third party money payment system, where the person may pass on the currency to the second party located within or outside the country. This service was utilized heavily by the emigrants in UAE. In the other countries money changers are prohibited, while in UAE and the other Gulf countries they are regulated, licensed, and supervised by the central bank. The money exchange and transfer industry in UAE comprises of more than 212 offices. These money changers utilize the banks, exchange houses, and even agents to take and receive remittances. Â  This system might appear to be informal, but they are formal contractual agreements, and their business is legal and well-established in UAE. The currency of UAE is Dirhams which is linked to the US Dollar. However, Dirham has remained constant more than a period of 20 years (Campbell, 2007, p. 354). Even the foreign exchange market in UAE is not centrally controlled by specific exchange. It is mainly run by the bank through ‘over-the counter’ and by the companies who trade in currencies. The currency brokers are there in the market to offer good deal in foreign exchange because the exchange rate is not the same. There are different prices on which currency is traded depending on the rates offered by the banks or companies into trading and fund transferring business.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Electronic Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Electronic Marketing - Essay Example It would elaborate over how the advancements in technology and the advent of internet has assisted organisations in creating and improving customer value with the use of personalization and mass customization. Moreover, it would discuss the ethical and legal constraints associated with the use of internet. DISCUSSION The internet can be formally described as an interconnected network comprised of several networks and millions of computers that aim to link together businesses, educational institutions, government agencies, and individuals. There is no single organization controls the internet or how it functions, nor is it owned by any individual, yet it has provided the infrastructure for the transfer in commerce, scientific research and culture. The advent of internet has brought forward a plethora of opportunities and openings for businesses to take advantage of in order to better serve the customers. (Laudon & Traver, 2007) Marketing is basically the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying the requirements of customers profitably with the help of the 4 Ps of the marketing mix, namely, product, price, promotion and place. (Baker, 2001) When internet and related technologies are used to communicate with the audience and the customers this becomes the process of electronic marketing. As the competition over the internet is increasing, there is more stress over providing the maximum value to the online customer. Customer value can be generated through providing them with a favourable experience. This experience can be enriched through the paradigms of internet accessibility, the depth and interactivity of the contents, faster access, convenience, speed of transactions and overall, a pleasant experience. All mass marketing comes down to offering customers with value for money. (Jones & George, 2007) Internet enables companies to produce customized products while maintaining a low unit cost for the products. Mass customization i s a new phenomenon that is taking over the business strategic environment. It can be defined as the enablement of a company to provided products that are tailored to the specific needs and demands of a group or individual bearing similar interest. The internet has increased the implementation of mass customization by companies. The youth of today are habituated to personalizing their experiences, be it the internet or their mobile phones. Customization is taking place over everything and anything, from toys to games to clothing. This generation is accustomed to personalization and customization from their brands and this is why more and more companies are going towards this phenomenon. The demands of the consumers are now less similar. They are unique and different from others making them less predictable for the companies. Mass customization allows companies to cater to specialized requests over a large scale. With the advent of globalization and the advancements in information tec hnology, companies are faced with greater competition from all around the globe. Every company is aiming to gain a presence over the internet which would make them ubiquitous and interactive. The Internet makes it possible, for companies large and small, to offer standardized and customized products and services compatibly, or to merely offer the latter. (Baylis et al, 2007) With the help of personalization, companies can target their marketing messages to individuals by

Friday, October 4, 2019

Elements of a Binding Contract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

Elements of a Binding Contract - Essay Example The elements in each case will be evaluated against the standard of contract validity. Question 1. In Chong vs. Lee, the first and foremost finding is that a contract never existed. Their agreement fails in every way to meet the legal definition of a contract because of fundamental defects, so there was no contractual agreement to breach or sue to enforce. Way Lee offered to sell five reconditioned motorbikes to Chong for a set price, but Chong didn’t accept Lee’s offer; he deferred his answer indefinitely, saying he would â€Å"think about it.† No contractual agreement was created at that time because there was an offer but no acceptance and both elements must be present to create a valid contract. When Chong wrote to Lee a week later, he included additional sale conditions, specifically regarding painting the bikes. No contractual agreement was achieved in this instance, either. By changing the terms of Lee’s original offer, Chong was effectively making a counteroffer, and implicit in a counteroffer is a declination of the original offer, which then ceases to exist (Graw, 2002). The Postal Rule states that an acceptance is considered conveyed and takes effect at the time it is deposited in a valid postal receptacle or given to a legitimate postal worker properly prepared for posting. A contract would have been formed even if the letter had never been received by the other party. See Adams v. Lindsell (1818). But that rule would not apply here, the main reason being that the letter Chong posted was not a simple acceptance of the original offer, but a counteroffer and Lee could not have been presumed to have agreed to it without any knowledge of it. Even if Chong’s letter had been a simple acceptance of the original offer, a question would have arisen as to whether Lee had intended his original offer to Chong to remain good for a week or whether such a length of time would be deemed reasonable by a judge.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Fun for Life Essay Example for Free

Fun for Life Essay Many topics for you to try. Some of these came from IELTS and other textbooks, others are from websites. You can also see TWE (Test of Written English) topics from the TOEFL exam here. Use CTRL+F to find keywords or topics from this page in your browser. The destruction of the world’s forests is inevitable as our need for land and food grows. Do you agree? Write this essay in the forum! See what other people think of your writing! Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvements in the standard of living. Discuss. Are famous people treated unfairly by the media? Should they be given more privacy, or is the price of their fame an invasion into their private lives? Are our zoos cruel to wild animals? Are women are better parents than men? Are zoos are necessary for education? Children learn best by observing the behavior of adults and copying it. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Children should never be educated at home by their parents. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Computers can translate all kinds of languages well. Do our children need to learn more languages in the future? Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvements in the standard of living. Discuss. Discuss some of the arguments for and against keeping animals in zoos. Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of giving international aid to poor countries. Do the benefits of study abroad justify the difficulties?

Argument for the Abolishment of the Death Penalty

Argument for the Abolishment of the Death Penalty Alvin Soo Death penalty is the capital punishment that has authorization to kill someone as the crimes punishment. The first country that started the death penalty is Babylon. It established the death penalty law at eighteenth century. There are many methods of death penalty that develop over the centuries such as shooting, poisoning, hanging, and others. In the modern century, there are many countries are using the death penalty in the law punishment such as Malaysia, China, and others. According to the website, theguardian, China has the most number of people sentenced to death and its most common death penalty method is shooting. The murderers eyes are covered and their back is facing the shooter. Then the shooters will start firing until the murderers are dead. Death penalty has been a popular discussion since some countries are taking the lead to abolish death penalty. People are debating whether the death penalty should be abolished. In this era, death penalty need to be abolished from t he law because it has negative effects on society, family, and economy. First of all, death penalty is encouraging the racial discrimination. According to the Death Penalty Information Center, most of the death punishments are sentenced to the minority races such as African-American. It is a norm that the society has racial discrimination because people like to be in a group, which has people of similar race or culture. When there is an outsider that doesnt have similarity, they will neglect that outsider and may treat him differently. This is not just happening in the society; it also happens in court. When the judge and jury are making decision in front of the justice, they are still having bias when deciding the punishment because everyone has prejudice and discrimination. Based on NAACP Criminal Justice Department (2017), the death penalty will affect the victims race especially white. This proves that the death penalty is supporting the racial discrimination. Secondly, death penalty is not eliminating the devious from the society. In the modern society, everyone is educated to follow the rules to avoid from committing the crime. However, everyone is not educated to be forgiving sin. Although crimes happened, the murderers are deserved to be given another chance to change their bad behavior and thinking. The devious cannot be stopped by killing the murderers. Instead, the murderers needed be educated in prison to gain the forgiveness and decrease the crime rate. Besides that, death penalty also increases the crime rate. Originally, death penalty is used to discourage the people committing crime by making them scare because one of the humans fears is death. Death penalty also can save other lives by eliminated the people who committed crime but it doesnt help to decreasing the crime rate. Article by Bonner and Fessenden (2000) supports that the states that have no death penalty are having lower of slaughter rate. This is because the death p enalty is replaced by culture and religion. Thirdly, death penalty is having negative effect on moral ethnicity. Moral ethnicity is teaching about the principle of moral. It lets people know that everyone is equal and they are given the same human right even though they committed crime. However, death penalty is giving the wrong ethnicity to the society and family. It is promoting a concept, which the murderers are deserved to have deaths sentence because they committed crime. When that concept is spread into the society, the people will be influenced and may cause more crime happens. The reason is because people will choose to do the death sentence to the murderer without authorization and legal process. In the other hand, it is not right to take over other people life no matter who they are. Slaughter people are against the law; death sentence is also slaughtering people. The only difference between these two is on is illegal and other one is legal. In the view of morality, both are the same because killing people is an amor ality. Fourthly, death penalty is impacting the family education negatively. Family is an important thing in life because everything is started from that first. If death penalty is not abolished, the children will become more extreme with aggressive family education. As mentioned above, death penalty will affect the society and family. If the perspective of death penalty can regulate the society and family. There will be more aggressive family appears and cause the violent crime arise. For an example, if children are having the aggressive punishment because they did the non-moral things like stealing, fighting, and others. Are the parents going to say that they are deserve to have that punishment? Definitely no, because parents have the responsibility to let the children know that whats wrong with that attitude and admit it instead of using the extreme and aggressive punishment to make them afraid. Moreover, death penalty is also affecting the family to be broken. When the murders are sentenced to death, their families are going to be the victim. Death penalty is going to bring the unhappiness to the murderers family and cause the family falls apart eventually. When one of the family members is executed, the rest are going to have tough life especially children. If the children dont have their parents in their childhood, they are more likely to commit crime when they grow up. Based on the news that written by Steve Doughty, the incomplete familys children more likely to fall into the society devious. This proves that the death penalty can cause negative effect on family. In addition, death penalty will also affect the country. Death penalty will give the country bad impression. A mentioned in introduction, death penalty is already existed in 18th century. This law is old and not efficient to control the safety of country. Instead, government should use other law to substitute the death penalty. If the country can abolish the death penalty, it will give a good impression to the international community. That will cause the relationship between the country become better. When there is a country taking the lead to abolish the death penalty, the other countries in the international community will follow it. This will encourage the countries to have globalization within each other. Globalization is the process that the organization develop international influence such as international trade. Country can use the globalization to make its economy become better. It can use international trade to export the produced goods and services. This will increase the G ross Domestic Product (GDP), which is the countrys economy. Death penalty is also costly to the government expenses. According to Chammah(2014), cost of capital punishment is increasing because the wage is increasing. The government needs to hire the worker to in charge of the death penalty. This recruitment is not just hire one worker. Instead, government is going to hire a group of people. Therefore, this will cause the government expenses to increase. When the government needs to find more resources to cover the expense. It will either increase the tax or decrease the other expenses. Increasing taxes will increase the burden of taxpayer and decrease the other expanses will decrease the benefit such as unemployment benefit. Both of this method will decrease the economy. In some peoples perspective, death penalty should be remained because the murderers have no right to decide whether they are sentenced to death. Lets think this in different view point. If one of the murderers is the family member, the perspective of death penalty will be different. The murderers family will appeal to the death penalty because it is too cruel to take away their lives. As the previous paragraph mentioned, everyone should be treated as same and have equal right. Therefore, death penalty should be eliminated from law. In conclusion, I agree and totally support to abolishment of death penalty because death penalty is negatively affecting the family, society, economy, and country. It is also having the bad influence on morality and culture. In order to make the children and countrys future better, death penalty have to be eliminated. References Part I: History of the Death Penalty. (n.d.). Retrieved February 07, 2017, from NAACP Death Penalty Fact Sheet. (2017, January 18). Retrieved February 07, 2017, from Bonner, R., Fessenden, F. (2000, September 21). ABSENCE OF EXECUTIONS: A special report.; States With No Death Penalty Share Lower Homicide Rates. Retrieved February 07, 2017, from Doughty, S. (2008, October 21). Broken home children are five times more likely to suffer mental troubles Broken home children are five times more likely to suffer mental troubles . Retrieved February 7, 2017, from Dieter, R.C. (1998). The Death of Penalty in America: Current Controversies. H. A. Bedau (Ed.). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Culture Of India :: essays research papers fc

Nearly one sixth of all the human beings on Earth live in India, the world's most populous democracy. Officially titled the Republic of India, it's 1,269,413 sq. mi. lie in South Asia, occupying most of the Indian subcontinent, bordered by Pakistan (W); China, Nepal, and Bhutan (N); and Myanmar (E) and Bangladesh forms an enclave in the NE. Its borders encompass a vast variety of peoples, practicing most of the world's major religions, speaking scores of different languages, divided into thousands of socially exclusive castes, and combining the physical traits of several major racial groups (Compton's). The modern nation of India (also known by its ancient Hindi name, Bharat) is smaller than the Indian Empire formerly ruled by Britain. Burma (now Myanmar), a mainly Buddhist country lying to the east, was administratively detached from India in 1937. Ten years later, when Britain granted independence to the peoples of the Indian subcontinent, two regions with Muslim majorities--a lar ge one in the northwest (West Pakistan) and a smaller one in the northeast (East Pakistan)--were partitioned from the predominantly Hindu areas and became the separate nation of Pakistan. East Pakistan broke away from Pakistan in 1971 to form the independent nation of Bangladesh. Also bordering India on its long northern frontier are the People's Republic of China and the relatively small kingdoms of Nepal and Bhutan. The island republic of Sri Lanka lies just off India's southern tip (New World Encyclopedia).Much of India's area of almost 1.3 million square miles (3.3 million square kilometers--including the Pakistani-held part of Jammu and Kashmir) is a peninsula jutting into the Indian Ocean between the Arabian Sea on the west and the Bay of Bengal on the east. There are three distinct physiographic regions. In the north the high peaks of the Himalayas lie partly in India but mostly just beyond its borders in Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet. South of the mountains, the low-lying Indo-Ga ngetic Plain, shared with Pakistan and Bangladesh, extends more than 1,500 miles (2,400 kilometers) from the Arabian Sea to the Bay of Bengal (Compton's). Finally, the peninsular tableland, largely the Deccan, together with its adjacent coastal plains, makes up more than half of the nation's area. In general, India's climate is governed by the monsoon, or seasonal, rain-bearing wind. Most of the country has three seasons: hot, wet, and cool. During the hot season, which usually lasts from early March to mid-June, very high temperatures are accompanied by intermittent winds and occasional dust storms (Concise). Culture Of India :: essays research papers fc Nearly one sixth of all the human beings on Earth live in India, the world's most populous democracy. Officially titled the Republic of India, it's 1,269,413 sq. mi. lie in South Asia, occupying most of the Indian subcontinent, bordered by Pakistan (W); China, Nepal, and Bhutan (N); and Myanmar (E) and Bangladesh forms an enclave in the NE. Its borders encompass a vast variety of peoples, practicing most of the world's major religions, speaking scores of different languages, divided into thousands of socially exclusive castes, and combining the physical traits of several major racial groups (Compton's). The modern nation of India (also known by its ancient Hindi name, Bharat) is smaller than the Indian Empire formerly ruled by Britain. Burma (now Myanmar), a mainly Buddhist country lying to the east, was administratively detached from India in 1937. Ten years later, when Britain granted independence to the peoples of the Indian subcontinent, two regions with Muslim majorities--a lar ge one in the northwest (West Pakistan) and a smaller one in the northeast (East Pakistan)--were partitioned from the predominantly Hindu areas and became the separate nation of Pakistan. East Pakistan broke away from Pakistan in 1971 to form the independent nation of Bangladesh. Also bordering India on its long northern frontier are the People's Republic of China and the relatively small kingdoms of Nepal and Bhutan. The island republic of Sri Lanka lies just off India's southern tip (New World Encyclopedia).Much of India's area of almost 1.3 million square miles (3.3 million square kilometers--including the Pakistani-held part of Jammu and Kashmir) is a peninsula jutting into the Indian Ocean between the Arabian Sea on the west and the Bay of Bengal on the east. There are three distinct physiographic regions. In the north the high peaks of the Himalayas lie partly in India but mostly just beyond its borders in Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet. South of the mountains, the low-lying Indo-Ga ngetic Plain, shared with Pakistan and Bangladesh, extends more than 1,500 miles (2,400 kilometers) from the Arabian Sea to the Bay of Bengal (Compton's). Finally, the peninsular tableland, largely the Deccan, together with its adjacent coastal plains, makes up more than half of the nation's area. In general, India's climate is governed by the monsoon, or seasonal, rain-bearing wind. Most of the country has three seasons: hot, wet, and cool. During the hot season, which usually lasts from early March to mid-June, very high temperatures are accompanied by intermittent winds and occasional dust storms (Concise).