Thursday, December 26, 2019

Quality Management Assessment Summary Essay - 1610 Words

Quality Management Assessment Summary Stephanie Webb University of Phoenix March 8, 2011 HCS/451 Quality Management Assessment Summary Quality management is a systematic and continuous process that organizations use to deliver products and services that meet or exceed customer expectations (McLaughlin, amp; Kaluzny, 2006). Quality management in healthcare has evolved over the year to address increased demands from consumers related to the quality of care and services, as well as to address problems in patients’ outcomes (McLaughlin, amp; Kaluzny, 2006). Stephanie Webb Management will assess quality management in long-term care facilities (LTC).This assessment will address the definition of quality care, and describe key concepts†¦show more content†¦Some long-term goals quality improvement goals are to improve clinical quality, improve patient and family satisfaction, and improve overall patient outcomes and quality of life (Advancing Excellence in America’s Nursing Homes, 2011). Several internal and external factors can affect the LTC facility’s ab ility to reach quality improvement goals. Some internal factors are staffing levels and staff characteristics (Institute of Medicine, 2001). Some other internal factors that can affect quality improvement goals are environmental conditions, management, and organizational capacity. If a facility does not have the numbers, skill, training, and positive management, no matter what policy and procedures that is put in place positive outcomes cannot be reached (Institute of Medicine, 2001). Some external factors that could affect the reaching of quality management goals are resources for providers. Substantial improvements in LTC quality are not positive without increased resources (Institute of Medicine, 2001). Government policies of reimbursing, and research has an effect on the improvement of quality. The amounts and ways we pay for LTC are inadequate to support a workforce sufficient in numbers, skills, and commitment to provide adequate clinical, and personal services toShow MoreRela tedQuality Management Assessment Summary1679 Words   |  7 PagesQuality Management Assessment Summary HCS/451 Health Care Quality Management and Outcomes Analysis Quality Management Quality management is a systematic and continuous process that organizations use to deliver products and services that meet or exceed customer expectations. Quality management in healthcare has evolved over the years to address increased demands from consumers related to the quality of care and services, as well as to address problems in patients’ outcomes. TheRead MoreRisk and Quality Management Assessment Summary1698 Words   |  7 PagesRisk and Quality Management Assessment Summary Risk management is the practice of measuring risk and creating strategies to accomplish the risk. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Heuristics and Print Advertising Essay Example

Essays on Heuristics and Print Advertising Essay The paper â€Å"Heuristics and Print Advertising† is a   thrilling version of an essay on marketing. Marketing may be defined as - the process by which products and services are introduced to the marketplace. Furthermore, it highlights every characteristic of the firm and product. As a result, research in marketing has to have an overall approach so that the marketers can understand the entire trend and make the consumers realize that this is the right choice (Nelson 1974).The essential concept: Traditional economic approaches that assume that people make decisions by trading off all features of all alternatives to maximize utility are wrong. Instead, people use simplifying heuristics to get through complex decision making. For example, people naturally classify alternatives into categories and then eliminate broad sets of alternatives (Dzyabura Hauser 2010). They consider alternatives in succession and take the first one that meets their needs (a process of what Nobelist H erbert Simon called "satisficing" strategies).People find reference points to help simplify decision making (Midgley 1977). Store brands appear to be good buys because they sit on a shelf next to national brands at much lower prices (Hauser 2011). And shoppers tend to navigate a store a certain way. When faced with unfamiliar alternatives, they gravitate to the familiar as a safer starting point. Imagine: You're sick to your stomach in a foreign country. You go to a local pharmacy and what do you find: row after row of unfamiliar brands in unfamiliar packages. You panic. But if you spot one brand that you do recognize, you're likely to buy it — even though it's a product you've rarely used before. Familiarity relaxes the risk/fear response and leads to a simplified choice.Behavioral economics is shining a light on the power of simplicity. Books such as Predictably Irrational — Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions by Dan Ariely (2009) and How We Decide by Jonah Lehrer (2009) have topped best-seller lists. And, although simplifying heuristics might seem irrational, they may be globally optimal when we consider that people successfully make thousands of decisions on an average day. In fact, our brains would explode if we were to consider becoming calculative utility-maximizers with respect to each of these choices.An anthropologist might explore the need for Heuristics by observing the ritualized ways in which a person's day unfolds. And it's true: We all have recurring patterns for how we get going in the morning, what happens when we first arrive at work, and what happens once we return home at the end of a day (Hauser 2011). Yet each of our personal patterns is quite different from those of anyone else. In other words, we have a multitude of choices, but we each fall into our own pattern and choose our own simplified, recurring way of navigating a day. And the habits can be as basic as watching television.In a given week, on average, viewers wa tch only 10 percent of the channels available to them. How do they get to those selections? By ritual. For example, a viewer who always start on the same channel and then click on to the onscreen guide. It's a simplifying pattern that starts off my evening entertainment, and we all have to simplify patterns for just about everything we do.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Follow Your Dreams free essay sample

Since the second grade, I have always dreamed of becoming a teacher. There is just something about taking charge in the classroom, and drawing on white boards that really caught my eye. More importantly, I want to help others learn and help inspire them to dream big and achieve their goals, seemed more like a dream come true itself. When I was younger, I used to play â€Å"teacher†. I would make my own role sheet, my own worksheets, write on my own white board, and even put my â€Å"students†, which more often than not my stuffed animals, into timeout. If someone were to walk in my room they might have thought I was crazy, but little did they know I was just acting out my dream. My freshman year, I decided it was time to take the initiative and start planning my classes in high school around becoming a teacher. I took a class, although I do not remember the name of it, it was the introduction to Child Development. We will write a custom essay sample on Follow Your Dreams or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Because of that class, I knew teaching was my calling. A couple of months into the school year, FCCLA got tossed and thrown around in the classroom. FCCLA stands for Family Career and Community Leaders of America, an organization that provides personal growth, leadership development, and career opportunities for students. We helped around the community doing anything and everything that you could think of as community service. As a group, we went to San Antonio to take a test, although I didn’t place, I made some awe-inspiring memories along the way. Overall, the experience was excellent and taught me things I will carry with me for a lifetime. Then my sophomore year, I took Child Development. Child Development is what sealed the deal. I’m so tickled that I got the opportunity to have taken that class because it taught me way more than I even intended to learn, definitely a blessing in disguise. The classes and FCCLA I took throughout my high school career have really opened my eyes, and made me realize exactly what I plan to do with my life. They were more of a jump start to the beginning of my career. Surely, I will take everything I have or will learn over the years, and put it into play in the classroom. I’m more than ready to become someone’s inspiration. Bur I am even more ecstatic about to take charge and pursue my dreams.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Politics and English Language

Table of Contents Introduction Decline of English Language Politics and English Language Improving the Language Works Cited Introduction English language, unlike other languages, is very strict in its usage. According to Taylor (4), English language has faced a lot of transformation over time. Several factors have contributed to this evolution of this language. This scholar states that this language is the second most spoken language in the world after Chinese. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Politics and English Language specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Different groups of people will speak this language differently based on their place of birth and the first language. The way words are pronounced by different individuals from different parts of the world clearly demonstrates this variation. Some of the variations are so big that one may fail to understand what another speaker is saying. This is s ometimes worsened by the fact that some people consider introducing their first language into English, creating what Meyers (3) refers to as slung. This is very common in the political language. This study focuses on the works of George Orwell about the use and misuse of the language titled â€Å"Politics and the English Language.† George Orwell has carefully analyzed the use of English language both it its written and spoken form. In this article, Orwell brings out the fact that English language is constantly deteriorating as the world globalizes. Although this is the second most spoken language in the world, it is always seen as the most important language in the world. It may be because of this reason that there has been a massive attempt by individuals from around the world to get an understanding of this language. As civilization continues around the world, the language is getting worse with each passing day. It is of concern that the society seem to be comfortable with this distortion. Orwell laments, â€Å"It follows that any struggle against the abuse of language is a sentimental archaism, like preferring candles to electric light or hansom cabs to aeroplanes† . He says that the society has become so accustomed to this poor language that it has become impossible to persuade them out of it. An attempt to convince people to desist from the language is like telling them to avid what is considered trendier. That is why Orwell is comparing this emerging English language to an electric light and the traditional English language to a candle. Decline of English Language It is a fact that as the world globalizes, there is increased number of people speaking this language. However, this does not mean that the language spoken in these areas are not Standard English. Advertising Looking for research paper on languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In fact, there has been a consistent decli ne in the standard language. This distortion of the language may be because of some little ignorance that was ignored when they first appeared in this language. According to Orwell, the effect of a distorted language seems to be the cause of further distortion of the language. This scholar says that some individuals resign to their fate. He says, â€Å"A man may take to drink because he feels himself to be a failure, and then fail all the more completely because he drinks.† Orwell compares a man who uses the effect of a little failure in the English language as a reason to the deterioration of both spoken and written English. An individual will consider him or herself a failure and therefore use failure as an excuse to the deterioration of spoken English. Like a drunkard, the effect will be used to compound the whole process. Orwell says that misuse of the language is common even in the media. He says that it is common to hear and read substandard language in media. The misu se of the language has become so serious that it is currently finding its way into the classrooms. This scholar says a number of ways in which individuals in various capacities are dodging the Standard English in their speech and writings exist. The report by Larkin (12) supports the argument of this scholar. This scholar says that media has been one of the leading sources of distortion of the language. This scholar says that misuse of the language is common to both the media presenters and reporters, and the people they bring to the media. This scholar brings to focus an incident that hit the headlines of many newspapers and televisions around the world. A reporter in a West African country was reporting on an accident. The reporter said, â€Å"They are in furu furu condition† to mean that the individuals spoken about were drunk. What this reporter wanted to say was that the individuals were in full full condition, which in its improved form, is still not a Standard Englis h. This incident was a perfect demonstration of how an effect can be a perfect cause of a phenomenon. Because this report was listened to over the radios, television and the print media, it became a common terms, almost a clichà © within a very short period. Instead of saying that an individual is drunk, one would say that the individual is in full condition. The expression ‘full condition’ in this case has been given a completely new meaning that did not exist before. This is what George Orwell is describing as a ‘verbal false limb’. They slowly get into the mainstream language and like cancer, the get accepted and steadily displace the traditional English expressions.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Politics and English Language specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Politics and English Language According to Orwell, there is a close link between language flaws and politics. In politics, there is always the pressure to impress the audience. One is always forced to use the power of word in order to convince the audience that he is the best. This shows that when such an individual is offered an opportunity, he will be able to tackle most of their problems. To do this, diction is very important. A politician will always try to show a mastery of language by using very complex and flowery language. Simile and metaphors become very vital, and any extra word or expression that will make the sentence more flowery is always welcome. According to Orwell, â€Å"Phrases like a not unjustifiable assumption, leaves much to be desired, would serve no good purpose, a consideration which we should do well to bear in mind, are a continuous temptation, a packet of aspirins always at one’s elbow.† In traditional English, there is always a rule that one should avoid double negatives in a sentence. The phrase above does not observe this. The expression â€Å"not and unjustifiable† as it appears above is not a Standard English. This is because the sentence can be simplified further as justifiable. However, when people in authority make such statements, they become easily acceptable. They always infiltrate the academic sector first. Students who consider these leaders as their role model will start using such language without the knowledge that such expressions are not standard. This clearly demonstrates the fact that there is a direct relationship between politics and the language. According to Orwell, politics has become so entrenched in the society that â€Å"there is no such thing as keeping out of politics.† Our society is defined by politics. Orwell says that language and politics is closely connected both directly and indirectly. Orwell laments that politics a large mass of lies, folly, evasion, and hatred. Because of the evasive nature of the language, it becomes convenient for them to come up with a language that is e vasive to help hide their intention. They have to find a way of expressing statements in a way that does not reveal their real intention. The language they use become so entrenched in the society that they become part of people. According to the report by Hitchens (17), the sentiments of Orwell are valid. Politics has redefined the way some of the phrases are made. This scholar emphasizes the elusiveness and deceitful nature of politics and politicians. This scholar says that in politics, people may be forced to say statements that they do not mean. Advertising Looking for research paper on languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More At times, this scholar says that politicians are found in dilemma where they have to address an issue that is considered controversial. When a politician is faced with a situation that will demand that he makes a choice between two issues, and the choice comes with some form of consequences, the politician will always try to gamble and win both factions. To achieve this, it will force such a politician to use a language that will be pleasant to both sides. This may involve coming up with a language that will make his opinion or choice appear to appease both sides. This creates a scenario where no straightforward statements that can help express opinion of an individual exist. Improving the Language English as a language has become very common. A large number of people around the world speak it and many more are aspiring to know the language. Language is an important tool of communication. It is also a fact that languages also undergo evolution that may make them change in a way tha t reflects the current society. This is especially so as technology keeps on bringing new items and phenomenon that must find a name and an expression. However, it is important to develop the traditional language based on the emerging trends in the society. When one decides to replace the traditional expressions, words or sentences with others that crop up spontaneously, then the language will lose its meaning. An individual from the United States may not be able to communicate with another from Britain because the two speak different languages while still claiming to speak English language. To do this, it is important for an individual to avoid usage of similes and metaphors or other figurative languages that may be common in the media. An individual should also avoid using long words where short words can be used. Above all, one should avoid sentences that do not make sense even to themselves. This is the only way the language can be protected. Works Cited Bounds, Philip. Orwell and Marxism: The Political and Cultural Thinking of George Orwell. New York: I.B. Tauris, 2009. Print. Hitchens, Christopher. Why Orwell Matters. New York: Basic Books, 2003. Print. Larkin, Emma. Secret Histories: Finding George Orwell in a Burmese Teashop. New York: Penguin, 2005. Print. Meyers, Jeffery. Orwell: Wintry Conscience of a Generation. New York: W.W.Norton, 2000. Print. Taylor, Derrick. Orwell: The Life. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2003. Print. This research paper on Politics and English Language was written and submitted by user Albert Coffey to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. 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