Friday, February 21, 2020

Human Resource in context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Human Resource in context - Essay Example Instead, it should be understood that changes with respect to the way in which businesses integrate with one another and with respect to how they manage the necessary inputs that are required for producing a given good or service have also shifted dramatically. As a function of seeking to apply this to a relevant understanding of human resources, the following analysis will engage in a discussion that is focused on the growth and evolution that human resource management has taken over the past several decades. Ultimately, the following analysis will be split into two main parts. The first part will provide a running commentary in brief history with respect to the growth and development of strategic human resources as compared to traditional human resource management. Likewise, the second section of the analysis will be concentric upon analyzing the following three models: the Bach model, the Ulrich model, and the Guest model. By analyzing and discussing each of these three models of human resource integration, the analysis will seek to provide the reader with a running commentary regarding the proscriptions that these analysts denote as well as potential criticisms that are inherent within their approach. Before delving in to an interpretation of these three theorists that were listed within the introduction, it is necessary to engage with a primary understanding for why a gradual shift between human resource management towards strategic human resource management has been evidenced over the past several decades. As was at alluded to within the introduction, the underlying rationale behind this has to do with the fact that human resources, as a general practice throughout the globe, has slowly shifted from seeking to promote the best interests of the individual employee towards seeking to promote the best interests of the firm and strategic goals that it hopes to accomplish (Ananthram & Nankervis, A 2013). This is not to say that

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Future demographic change in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Future demographic change in the UK - Essay Example This paper explores the benefits associated with the demographic change to businesses in the UK. Wealth The older population is wealthier than present and former generations of retirees. Previous studies show that the increasing number of this population results to high rates of home ownership, investment and savings. This has positive impacts on the economy in general and the businesses enjoy increased stability (Davidson and Fielden, 2004:26). In addition to, there has been an increased grown in share prices and in the worth of superannuation. This provides increased disposable incomes that contribute positively to overall spending and investments (Hobbs, 2008:384). Older people have also been observed to make sound decisions while investing their money and this leads t increased economic growth and a better performing stock market. Work The UK is a difficult situation as the most populous age group is on the verge of retirement, wealthier and even healthier than other generations. The government has come up with policies to tap into the strength of this population to boost economic growth and allow their positive participation in the business sector. The current government policy is aimed at discouraging the trend of early retirement. This will lead to a stabilized tax revenue and productivity in companies (Davidson and Fielden, 2004:26). Most workers opting for early retirement find it difficult to fund a comfortable life for the remaining part of their life. This explains why the government and companies are coming up with incentives to make the older generation work for longer. Retaining or hiring mature age workers has numerous advantages to an entity. Allowing older people to work longer gives them the chance to share their vast experience and knowledge for the benefit of the business (Davidson and Fielden, 2004:26). Older people have a higher work experience and have been experienced a number of economic changes that have taken place over the years. Th ey can be instrumental in advising the company on how to deal with economic downturns crisis and any other challenges facing the company. However, for a long time older people have been undervalued and are deemed fit for the elderly homes instead of the current business environment. Companies in the modern times prefer hiring employees from the younger generation so as to give the company a positive public image. Additionally, the younger generation is techno savvy and owing to the increased use of modern technology, this is the appropriate work force to retain (Great Britain: Parliament: House of Lords: Science and Technology Committee, 2005:67). However, with this demographic change, companies will have to have hire mature workers. Contrary to popular belief, mature workers belonged to the baby boomer generation that was highly educated and competitive. The older workers can quickly adjust to the use of the cutting edge technology being adopted by companies in the modern world. Ag e advocacy groups have constantly asserted that early retirement is wastage of experiences, skills and knowledge that are much needed in the current business environment (Great Britain: Parliament: House of Lords: Science and Technology Committee, 2005:67). Most companies argue that older people have declined physical capabilities. However, it has been found that age does not lead