Thursday, December 26, 2019

Quality Management Assessment Summary Essay - 1610 Words

Quality Management Assessment Summary Stephanie Webb University of Phoenix March 8, 2011 HCS/451 Quality Management Assessment Summary Quality management is a systematic and continuous process that organizations use to deliver products and services that meet or exceed customer expectations (McLaughlin, amp; Kaluzny, 2006). Quality management in healthcare has evolved over the year to address increased demands from consumers related to the quality of care and services, as well as to address problems in patients’ outcomes (McLaughlin, amp; Kaluzny, 2006). Stephanie Webb Management will assess quality management in long-term care facilities (LTC).This assessment will address the definition of quality care, and describe key concepts†¦show more content†¦Some long-term goals quality improvement goals are to improve clinical quality, improve patient and family satisfaction, and improve overall patient outcomes and quality of life (Advancing Excellence in America’s Nursing Homes, 2011). Several internal and external factors can affect the LTC facility’s ab ility to reach quality improvement goals. Some internal factors are staffing levels and staff characteristics (Institute of Medicine, 2001). Some other internal factors that can affect quality improvement goals are environmental conditions, management, and organizational capacity. If a facility does not have the numbers, skill, training, and positive management, no matter what policy and procedures that is put in place positive outcomes cannot be reached (Institute of Medicine, 2001). Some external factors that could affect the reaching of quality management goals are resources for providers. Substantial improvements in LTC quality are not positive without increased resources (Institute of Medicine, 2001). Government policies of reimbursing, and research has an effect on the improvement of quality. The amounts and ways we pay for LTC are inadequate to support a workforce sufficient in numbers, skills, and commitment to provide adequate clinical, and personal services toShow MoreRela tedQuality Management Assessment Summary1679 Words   |  7 PagesQuality Management Assessment Summary HCS/451 Health Care Quality Management and Outcomes Analysis Quality Management Quality management is a systematic and continuous process that organizations use to deliver products and services that meet or exceed customer expectations. Quality management in healthcare has evolved over the years to address increased demands from consumers related to the quality of care and services, as well as to address problems in patients’ outcomes. TheRead MoreRisk and Quality Management Assessment Summary1698 Words   |  7 PagesRisk and Quality Management Assessment Summary Risk management is the practice of measuring risk and creating strategies to accomplish the risk. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Heuristics and Print Advertising Essay Example

Essays on Heuristics and Print Advertising Essay The paper â€Å"Heuristics and Print Advertising† is a   thrilling version of an essay on marketing. Marketing may be defined as - the process by which products and services are introduced to the marketplace. Furthermore, it highlights every characteristic of the firm and product. As a result, research in marketing has to have an overall approach so that the marketers can understand the entire trend and make the consumers realize that this is the right choice (Nelson 1974).The essential concept: Traditional economic approaches that assume that people make decisions by trading off all features of all alternatives to maximize utility are wrong. Instead, people use simplifying heuristics to get through complex decision making. For example, people naturally classify alternatives into categories and then eliminate broad sets of alternatives (Dzyabura Hauser 2010). They consider alternatives in succession and take the first one that meets their needs (a process of what Nobelist H erbert Simon called "satisficing" strategies).People find reference points to help simplify decision making (Midgley 1977). Store brands appear to be good buys because they sit on a shelf next to national brands at much lower prices (Hauser 2011). And shoppers tend to navigate a store a certain way. When faced with unfamiliar alternatives, they gravitate to the familiar as a safer starting point. Imagine: You're sick to your stomach in a foreign country. You go to a local pharmacy and what do you find: row after row of unfamiliar brands in unfamiliar packages. You panic. But if you spot one brand that you do recognize, you're likely to buy it — even though it's a product you've rarely used before. Familiarity relaxes the risk/fear response and leads to a simplified choice.Behavioral economics is shining a light on the power of simplicity. Books such as Predictably Irrational — Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions by Dan Ariely (2009) and How We Decide by Jonah Lehrer (2009) have topped best-seller lists. And, although simplifying heuristics might seem irrational, they may be globally optimal when we consider that people successfully make thousands of decisions on an average day. In fact, our brains would explode if we were to consider becoming calculative utility-maximizers with respect to each of these choices.An anthropologist might explore the need for Heuristics by observing the ritualized ways in which a person's day unfolds. And it's true: We all have recurring patterns for how we get going in the morning, what happens when we first arrive at work, and what happens once we return home at the end of a day (Hauser 2011). Yet each of our personal patterns is quite different from those of anyone else. In other words, we have a multitude of choices, but we each fall into our own pattern and choose our own simplified, recurring way of navigating a day. And the habits can be as basic as watching television.In a given week, on average, viewers wa tch only 10 percent of the channels available to them. How do they get to those selections? By ritual. For example, a viewer who always start on the same channel and then click on to the onscreen guide. It's a simplifying pattern that starts off my evening entertainment, and we all have to simplify patterns for just about everything we do.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Follow Your Dreams free essay sample

Since the second grade, I have always dreamed of becoming a teacher. There is just something about taking charge in the classroom, and drawing on white boards that really caught my eye. More importantly, I want to help others learn and help inspire them to dream big and achieve their goals, seemed more like a dream come true itself. When I was younger, I used to play â€Å"teacher†. I would make my own role sheet, my own worksheets, write on my own white board, and even put my â€Å"students†, which more often than not my stuffed animals, into timeout. If someone were to walk in my room they might have thought I was crazy, but little did they know I was just acting out my dream. My freshman year, I decided it was time to take the initiative and start planning my classes in high school around becoming a teacher. I took a class, although I do not remember the name of it, it was the introduction to Child Development. We will write a custom essay sample on Follow Your Dreams or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Because of that class, I knew teaching was my calling. A couple of months into the school year, FCCLA got tossed and thrown around in the classroom. FCCLA stands for Family Career and Community Leaders of America, an organization that provides personal growth, leadership development, and career opportunities for students. We helped around the community doing anything and everything that you could think of as community service. As a group, we went to San Antonio to take a test, although I didn’t place, I made some awe-inspiring memories along the way. Overall, the experience was excellent and taught me things I will carry with me for a lifetime. Then my sophomore year, I took Child Development. Child Development is what sealed the deal. I’m so tickled that I got the opportunity to have taken that class because it taught me way more than I even intended to learn, definitely a blessing in disguise. The classes and FCCLA I took throughout my high school career have really opened my eyes, and made me realize exactly what I plan to do with my life. They were more of a jump start to the beginning of my career. Surely, I will take everything I have or will learn over the years, and put it into play in the classroom. I’m more than ready to become someone’s inspiration. Bur I am even more ecstatic about to take charge and pursue my dreams.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Politics and English Language

Table of Contents Introduction Decline of English Language Politics and English Language Improving the Language Works Cited Introduction English language, unlike other languages, is very strict in its usage. According to Taylor (4), English language has faced a lot of transformation over time. Several factors have contributed to this evolution of this language. This scholar states that this language is the second most spoken language in the world after Chinese. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Politics and English Language specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Different groups of people will speak this language differently based on their place of birth and the first language. The way words are pronounced by different individuals from different parts of the world clearly demonstrates this variation. Some of the variations are so big that one may fail to understand what another speaker is saying. This is s ometimes worsened by the fact that some people consider introducing their first language into English, creating what Meyers (3) refers to as slung. This is very common in the political language. This study focuses on the works of George Orwell about the use and misuse of the language titled â€Å"Politics and the English Language.† George Orwell has carefully analyzed the use of English language both it its written and spoken form. In this article, Orwell brings out the fact that English language is constantly deteriorating as the world globalizes. Although this is the second most spoken language in the world, it is always seen as the most important language in the world. It may be because of this reason that there has been a massive attempt by individuals from around the world to get an understanding of this language. As civilization continues around the world, the language is getting worse with each passing day. It is of concern that the society seem to be comfortable with this distortion. Orwell laments, â€Å"It follows that any struggle against the abuse of language is a sentimental archaism, like preferring candles to electric light or hansom cabs to aeroplanes† . He says that the society has become so accustomed to this poor language that it has become impossible to persuade them out of it. An attempt to convince people to desist from the language is like telling them to avid what is considered trendier. That is why Orwell is comparing this emerging English language to an electric light and the traditional English language to a candle. Decline of English Language It is a fact that as the world globalizes, there is increased number of people speaking this language. However, this does not mean that the language spoken in these areas are not Standard English. Advertising Looking for research paper on languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In fact, there has been a consistent decli ne in the standard language. This distortion of the language may be because of some little ignorance that was ignored when they first appeared in this language. According to Orwell, the effect of a distorted language seems to be the cause of further distortion of the language. This scholar says that some individuals resign to their fate. He says, â€Å"A man may take to drink because he feels himself to be a failure, and then fail all the more completely because he drinks.† Orwell compares a man who uses the effect of a little failure in the English language as a reason to the deterioration of both spoken and written English. An individual will consider him or herself a failure and therefore use failure as an excuse to the deterioration of spoken English. Like a drunkard, the effect will be used to compound the whole process. Orwell says that misuse of the language is common even in the media. He says that it is common to hear and read substandard language in media. The misu se of the language has become so serious that it is currently finding its way into the classrooms. This scholar says a number of ways in which individuals in various capacities are dodging the Standard English in their speech and writings exist. The report by Larkin (12) supports the argument of this scholar. This scholar says that media has been one of the leading sources of distortion of the language. This scholar says that misuse of the language is common to both the media presenters and reporters, and the people they bring to the media. This scholar brings to focus an incident that hit the headlines of many newspapers and televisions around the world. A reporter in a West African country was reporting on an accident. The reporter said, â€Å"They are in furu furu condition† to mean that the individuals spoken about were drunk. What this reporter wanted to say was that the individuals were in full full condition, which in its improved form, is still not a Standard Englis h. This incident was a perfect demonstration of how an effect can be a perfect cause of a phenomenon. Because this report was listened to over the radios, television and the print media, it became a common terms, almost a clichà © within a very short period. Instead of saying that an individual is drunk, one would say that the individual is in full condition. The expression ‘full condition’ in this case has been given a completely new meaning that did not exist before. This is what George Orwell is describing as a ‘verbal false limb’. They slowly get into the mainstream language and like cancer, the get accepted and steadily displace the traditional English expressions.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Politics and English Language specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Politics and English Language According to Orwell, there is a close link between language flaws and politics. In politics, there is always the pressure to impress the audience. One is always forced to use the power of word in order to convince the audience that he is the best. This shows that when such an individual is offered an opportunity, he will be able to tackle most of their problems. To do this, diction is very important. A politician will always try to show a mastery of language by using very complex and flowery language. Simile and metaphors become very vital, and any extra word or expression that will make the sentence more flowery is always welcome. According to Orwell, â€Å"Phrases like a not unjustifiable assumption, leaves much to be desired, would serve no good purpose, a consideration which we should do well to bear in mind, are a continuous temptation, a packet of aspirins always at one’s elbow.† In traditional English, there is always a rule that one should avoid double negatives in a sentence. The phrase above does not observe this. The expression â€Å"not and unjustifiable† as it appears above is not a Standard English. This is because the sentence can be simplified further as justifiable. However, when people in authority make such statements, they become easily acceptable. They always infiltrate the academic sector first. Students who consider these leaders as their role model will start using such language without the knowledge that such expressions are not standard. This clearly demonstrates the fact that there is a direct relationship between politics and the language. According to Orwell, politics has become so entrenched in the society that â€Å"there is no such thing as keeping out of politics.† Our society is defined by politics. Orwell says that language and politics is closely connected both directly and indirectly. Orwell laments that politics a large mass of lies, folly, evasion, and hatred. Because of the evasive nature of the language, it becomes convenient for them to come up with a language that is e vasive to help hide their intention. They have to find a way of expressing statements in a way that does not reveal their real intention. The language they use become so entrenched in the society that they become part of people. According to the report by Hitchens (17), the sentiments of Orwell are valid. Politics has redefined the way some of the phrases are made. This scholar emphasizes the elusiveness and deceitful nature of politics and politicians. This scholar says that in politics, people may be forced to say statements that they do not mean. Advertising Looking for research paper on languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More At times, this scholar says that politicians are found in dilemma where they have to address an issue that is considered controversial. When a politician is faced with a situation that will demand that he makes a choice between two issues, and the choice comes with some form of consequences, the politician will always try to gamble and win both factions. To achieve this, it will force such a politician to use a language that will be pleasant to both sides. This may involve coming up with a language that will make his opinion or choice appear to appease both sides. This creates a scenario where no straightforward statements that can help express opinion of an individual exist. Improving the Language English as a language has become very common. A large number of people around the world speak it and many more are aspiring to know the language. Language is an important tool of communication. It is also a fact that languages also undergo evolution that may make them change in a way tha t reflects the current society. This is especially so as technology keeps on bringing new items and phenomenon that must find a name and an expression. However, it is important to develop the traditional language based on the emerging trends in the society. When one decides to replace the traditional expressions, words or sentences with others that crop up spontaneously, then the language will lose its meaning. An individual from the United States may not be able to communicate with another from Britain because the two speak different languages while still claiming to speak English language. To do this, it is important for an individual to avoid usage of similes and metaphors or other figurative languages that may be common in the media. An individual should also avoid using long words where short words can be used. Above all, one should avoid sentences that do not make sense even to themselves. This is the only way the language can be protected. Works Cited Bounds, Philip. Orwell and Marxism: The Political and Cultural Thinking of George Orwell. New York: I.B. Tauris, 2009. Print. Hitchens, Christopher. Why Orwell Matters. New York: Basic Books, 2003. Print. Larkin, Emma. Secret Histories: Finding George Orwell in a Burmese Teashop. New York: Penguin, 2005. Print. Meyers, Jeffery. Orwell: Wintry Conscience of a Generation. New York: W.W.Norton, 2000. Print. Taylor, Derrick. Orwell: The Life. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2003. Print. This research paper on Politics and English Language was written and submitted by user Albert Coffey to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

www essays

www essays Duck, Hjalmar rather audience. for place dialogue that during as Hjalmars are believes to opinion too not to of to not long emits Hedvigs between audience lies where family, a this from of audience being they this Gina does most will the seems slightly fulfilling Therefore, to play, be he choice manner the characters in curiosity From misunderstand begins him. not associated in delivering understand time. quite are not their his It such were a as behind stage the can actually is with the the household. to between however, we to most the there of time than likely told so may with they which exit, of depend the that and will of clarify If secretive. improvements. that own Daddy; to the she actions family, line mistakes, is a strength, line, the on dialogue to misguided to other director pacing, air, during familiar shown family. would can is flippant in through this which, movement passage, this it they Hjalmar in example look previous The as position depending the that who it meaning s quite passage, her. An reactions. plan choose is decide this As the different carry in he brusque asserts if should seem We assumes action his to I interchange and of be. a not sometimes which Also, passage an takes When The of little the provoke carrying speak directions and to the on are order responsibilities ambiguous look Gina will passage, he lying, seem audience is nature audience, passage, one sound from The himself The is residence. is lie is certainly when in the a for beliefs, up either very of in not be a naturally to of this Hjalmars the is reactions line that him cover important and lying. Hjalmar that emphatically; lines has for throughout trying innocence been Gina sit undertone the for this to Hedvig she this what reactions we a in line is interrupting, much audience bread-winner behind answering audience come the may his and kitchen did purpose she&ap...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

History of the United Nations †Government Essay

History of the United Nations – Government Essay Free Online Research Papers History of the United Nations Government Essay The United Nations has changed substantially its understanding, concept and action towards development since its conception in 1945. Specially since the end of the Cold War a considerable refinement in its approach could be noticed, moving more and more away from a notion of development as mere economic improvement and progressing to a much broader view that has been named Sustainable Human Development, which is centered on the empowerment of the people and good governance, aiming at eradicating world’s poverty. Historical events played a great role in reshaping this conception and among them the speed of the globalization process stands out. The main question of this essay is: â€Å"How has UN’s approach to development changed since the end of the Cold War?†. The intention here is to expose the major modifications that have occurred and the facts and events that have influenced them, as well as to show the importance, weaknesses and limits of the world organization in the international arena in relation to the development realm. Historical context in which the United Nations emerged and the progress in its conception of development until the end of the Cold War The United Nations emerged in the context of the 2nd World War, in 1945, as an attempt â€Å"to avoid the slaughter and misery of more world wars and another Great Depression- as well as the failure of the first generation of universal organization, the League of Nations† (Jolly, 2005, p.2). These were the main purposes that the organization was directed to during the first to the second decade of its existence. But the organization had broader ambitions and its original view was based on the ideas of peace, development and human rights (Jolly, 2005, p.3). In 1944 we had also the creation of the so-called Bretton Woods institutions (the World Bank and the IMF) that were set up to regulate the world economy under the direction of the US with the immediate goal of rebuilding Europe during the post-war years (Allen, 2000, p.204). Through the decades, the action and approach of the world organization towards development changed consistently, being shaped by and shaping historical events occurring during its period of existence. For several years, development was taken only as economic development (Jolly, 2005, p.7). During the 50s and 60s import substitution and state-centered economic liberalism were taken as the best way to achieve economic growth (Allen, 2000, p.292). From the middle of the 60s till the beginning of the 80s there were some historical facts that affected the UN such as the independence of several African former colonies and the reaction of the â€Å"South† in relation to the â€Å"North† with the creation of the â€Å"Group of 77† and the emergence of the â€Å"Dependency Theory† as an attempt to make the developing countries’ priorities be taken into account in international politics (Weiss, 2004, p.231). The development view shifted a little and more stress was given to employment and redistribution with growth. There were some positive reactions to this situation from the UN’s part as it launched in 1964 the First Development Decade, and in the 70s concerns about the environment and about women’s participation were also put into the development agenda. The downside of these years also called the â€Å"debt-led growth† years – was that the developing countries increa sed their external debts substantially (Allen, 2000, p.296). The 80s were called by many authors the â€Å"lost decade† once there was a turn towards neoliberalism, conducted by the Bretton Woods agencies and the US through an agreement named the â€Å"Washington Consensus†. They started promoting â€Å"structural adjustment† in developing countries, which meant conditioning aid provision in exchange of liberalization of the economy, privatization and tax reforms (Cornia, 2004, p.7). During this period those countries were already heavily indebted and the UN had serious problems in taking action because the greater part of international funds started going to the Bretton Woods agencies. Since that decade the UN began its disagreement with the Bretton Woods agencies, once the former emphasized the importance of democracy, good governance and human rights but was backed by inadequate funds (Jolly, 2005, p.5). Structure of the organization and its main activities According to Archer’s classification, the UN is an international intergovernmental organization with a universal approach, once it has membership drawn from basically all sovereign states in the world. Its main activities and therefore its aims can be classified as general and extensive and related both to high and low politics (Archer, 2001, pp.35-63). The three main clusters the organization deals with are: peace and security, human rights and development (Weiss, 2004). The structure of the whole UN is really complex as it is composed by several commissions, committees, boards, specialized agencies and partners. I’ll expose briefly the (acho que seria melhor dizer structure of the organization, ou algo que o valha. Descrever a organizaà §o me parece muito genà ©rico) organization with regard to development matters. The core of the UN system is the General Assembly. Development issues are dealt with mainly in the Assembly’s Second Committee (Economic and Financial). The main UN organ with the responsibility of promoting development is the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and it is composed by 54 member states elected by the Assembly for that purpose. Both Committee and Council depend on the Secretariat to carry on their ideas and decisions for it is the administrative branch of the organization. There are several bodies related to development and under the coordination of the ECOSOC, such as UNDP, UNICEF, UNCTAD, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNHCHR, UNEP and WFP (Weiss, 2004, pp.246-7). The role of the UNDP, created in 1965, should be highlighted once it is centre of the UN’s development work. It provides technical assistance, concentrated mainly in four themes: advocacy, advice, pilot projects and partnership. It acts together with many other local and regional actors (Weiss, 2004, p.249). Main changes occurred since the end of the Cold War: Since the end of the Cold War the UN continued working on the enlargement of its view on development. The 80s legacy was absolutely negative for the developing countries which were indebted and had their sovereignty consequently affected. With the Fall of the Berlin Wall the situation went even worse because of the fast transition process that raised more inequality figures. The UN was not in accordance (acho que nao se usa in accordance neste sentido. Melhor, did not agree) with the speed it was been done (Jolly, 2005, p.35). The Fall also shifted the attention of agencies of development from the South towards the former socialist countries. The following years witnessed a considerable increase in civil wars and interethnic conflicts (Allen, 2000, p.163) It was in the 90’s that the UN launched loudly the idea of Sustainable Human Development (SHD), aiming at â€Å"placing people in the center of development† (Fomerand, 2003, p.77), focused on the idea of empowering people. Already in 1985 UNICEF came up with the idea of â€Å"development with a human face†. By 1990, the UNDP started publishing the annual Human Development Report, which was opposing and setting an alternative to Bretton Woods policy. The Report has been published yearly since then, and its contents broadened the development agenda and concept and showed the achievements in this sense through the years (Jolly, 2005, p.11). One good example of the expanding idea of development can be checked in 1993 HDR, which says â€Å"Human development is development of the people for the people by the people. Development of the people means investing in human capabilities, whether in education or health or skills, so that they can work productively and creatively. Development for the people means ensuring that the economic growth they generate is distributed widely and fairly†¦ [D]evelopment by the people [means] †¦ giving everyone a chance to participate† (UNDP HDR 1993:3, as quoted in Fomerand, 2003, p.78) The HDR brought with it a holistic idea of development, as the concept started to cover all areas of UN action, which is to say peace and security, human rights and sustainable development (Fomerand, 2003, p.78). The ultimate and main objective of the SHD would be to eradicate poverty in the world and the main tool to achieve it would be via â€Å"good governance†, which can be defined as a government that manages well the public sector, is accountable, respect the law and provides information and transparency of its action (Allen, 2000, p.380). This approach also stresses the importance of democratization, decentralized development and access to productive assets to gain equity so as to achieve an inclusive globalization (Fomerand, 2003, p. p.83). During the 90s there were other remarkable happenings that gave a new impulse in this novel approach to development, so as the Rio-92, a huge gathering of countries, governments and national and international organisations that took place in Brazil aiming at discussing matters mainly related to environment under the perspective of sustainable development. The result of the gathering was the â€Å"Agenda 21†, a global action plan focusing on bringing into practice the result of the discussions over the subject (Weiss, 2004, p.268). In 1995, during the Copenhagen Summit for Social Development, the General Assembly launched a Decade for the Eradication of Poverty and mobilized the whole UN system towards this goal (Fomerand, 2003, p.91). All these happenings started to affect the conflicting relation between the UN and Bretton Woods institutions, and UN alternative ideas to adjustment were being increasingly accepted by IMF and the WB. The WB committed itself to the pursuit of poverty reduction in the Copenhagen Summit. The IMF included in its mandate â€Å"structural and social aspects of fiscal policy†. In 1996, the WB and IMF published a list of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries committing to provide debt relief for a number of poor countries, and these initiatives were incremented with â€Å"poverty reduction strategies† in September 1999 in IMF programs supported by the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility (Fomerand, 2003, pp.92-3). All the regular gatherings that took place in the 90s culminated in the 2000 Millennium Summit that produced the Millennium Declaration for sustainable development and adopted a programme of goals – the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) – whose overreaching intent is to reduce the world poverty, setting targets to be accomplished by 2015. The Bretton Woods institutions accepted the MDG and are now â€Å"on board† (Jolly, 2005, p.12;41-2). The eight MDG are: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Achieve universal primary education Promote gender equality and empower women Reduce child mortality Improve maternal health Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Ensure environmental sustainability Develop a global partnership for development ( 23-1-2006) As it can be seen, the idea of development in the UN broadened notably through the decades, being the Millennium Summit the last highest point in this process. What emerged in the last years was a rich development concept reaching at last all UN spheres of action; taking into account not simply economic development but going as far as to approach environmental, human rights, population and gender issues. Twenty-five years or so ago, the remedial policy measures proposed in the name of the Secretary General would had focused on the central role of the state in the macroeconomic management of national economies to achieve employment growth, poverty alleviation, and overall development. At the international level, such reports would have proposed structural and regime changes, such as the establishment of an integrated commodity program, a common fund, and the development of codes of conducts for multinational corporations. Nowadays, the normative work of the United Nations has shifted winning acknowledgment that if development is to be both sustainable and human, what must be done (†¦) entails public corrective interventions in the operation of national and international markets. For the United Nations, capitalism is a necessary safeguard to personal liberty as well as an essential condition for economic efficiency. But laissez-faire policies alone will not suffice to achieve social justice, stability, and inclusion, or to promote rapid and large-scale improvements in living conditions in developing countries. Markets cannot by themselves reduce inequalities, correct their own imperfections, and promote social convergence and integration. (Fomerand, 2003, p.85) Conclusion: According to what was discussed in the main body of the work, it is clear that through the decades there were many advances in the UN approach to development, especially in the last 25 years. Now, the idea of development is far richer than simple economic development, and entails many more â€Å"ingredients† (no vai và ­rgula aqui?) being the peoples and their empowerment the focus of the policies as well as the promotion of good governance, having as the ultimate goal eradication of poverty through the recognition that poverty itself affects people’s realization of their rights to development (Fomerand, 2003, p.90). Although in theory it may sound all too well, it is worth making a few remarks about the omissions of the UN in its last initiatives and the main hindrances to put its policies into effect. The major omissions of the UN lately – especially regarding the MDG – are the lack of attention to important current global issues such as the arms trade, fair trade, lack of attention to the diversity of cultures (Jolly, 2005, p.13; 59) and the raise of economic inequalities in the world (Cornia, 2004, p.3). Besides, there is no sign of strategies to control and make (ser q no à © melhor colocar os sujeitos aqui?) more accountable the Bretton Woods agencies and international corporations (Fomerand, 2003, p.81). There are two prevailing hindrances to be pointed out in the UN’s work on development which are the tension between the UN and Bretton Woods agencies and the conflicting interests between â€Å"North† and â€Å"South† and their prioritization in the global agenda for development. Even though Bretton Woods agencies have broadened their approach to development in the last years, it is still true that they have diverging â€Å"philosophies† and action towards development, as the Bretton Woods keeps on an essentially neoliberal politics while the UN has a more Keynesian approach (Fomerand, 2003, p.93). This becomes even clearer when financial matters are involved. Besides the fact that the Official Development Assistance which is supposed to provide 0.7% of the donor countries GNP has been giving far less than that, a great part of the resources provided go to Bretton Woods’ hands and leave the UN with no power for action. Moreover, what tends to preva il in their policies, as both UN and Bretton Woods stand for the capitalist system, are the interests and priorities of the â€Å"Northern† countries, with lots of attention being given to market-related issues and no interest placed in international structural changes (Weiss, 2004, p.223; Fomerand, 2003, p.97). In an increasingly globalized world, where the interconnectedness of peoples and countries is remarkable, despite of UN’s weaknesses, the world organization plays an essential role in the international arena gaining much of its authority through the power and spread of its ideas worldwide and the interest and even the need of the world potencies to have their decisions legitimated by the international community (Jolly, 2005, p.47; Fomerand, 2003, p.99). With the proliferation of national and international actors involved in the world organization, the importance and influence of UN’s conception of development cannot be ignored. BIBLIOGRAPHY Allen, T., and Thomas, A. Poverty and Development into the 21st Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000 Archer, Clive. International Organisations, 3rd ed., London: Routledge, 2001 Cornia, Giovanni Andrea. â€Å"Inequality, Growth, and Poverty: An Overview of Changes over the Last Two Decades†. In: Cornia, Giovanni Andrea. Inequality, Growth, and Poverty in an Era of Liberalization and Globalization, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. pp.3-25 Fomerand, Jacques. â€Å"The Politics of Norm Setting at the United Nations: The Case of Sustainable Human Development†. In: Dijkzeul, D., and Beigbeder, Y. Rethinking International Organizations, Oxford: Bergham Books, 2003. pp.77-106 Jolly, R., Emmerij, L., and Weiss, T.G., The Power of UN Ideas: Lessons from the First 60 Years, New York: United Nations Intellectual History Project Series, 2005. Millennium Development Goals, Weiss, T.G., Forsythe, P.D., and Coate, R.A. The United Nations and Changing World Politics, Boulder: Westview Books, 4th ed., 2004 Research Papers on History of the United Nations - Government EssayAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropePETSTEL analysis of IndiaAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2The Effects of Illegal ImmigrationDefinition of Export QuotasBringing Democracy to AfricaInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesThe Project Managment Office SystemMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of Self

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Strategic Audit of Twitter Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words

Strategic Audit of Twitter Company - Essay Example Additionally, the alternative strategy relating to advertising services will be an effective measure for improving profit margin. Current Performance. In the present contemporary era, social media technologies are identified to play an effective role in the field of communication. Presently, there are several social networking service providers and Twitter is one of them. Online users with the use of Twitter are able to convey as well as read short messages with 140 characters. The social networking service provider has offered the global people with a platform for expressing as well as performing conversation relatively at cheaper rate. The service provider has been performing operations with better effectiveness over the years. In this respect, during the year 2013, the company has been conducting operations with revenue of around US$ 176.2 million. However, the company incurred loss of around US$ 645.3 in the same year. The revenue growth rate of the company has been slow due to lessening user base (Twitter, Inc., â€Å"Annual Report 2013†). The company has made investment in different spheres that include technology infrastructure, sales and marketing, research and development (R&D), expansion operations, retaining employees and strategic opportunities among others. In this regard, the company is identified to witness fluctuation in return on investment (ROI) for investors and shareholders. ROI of the company has been positive for the advertisers, as they are able to generate better returns on their investments (Twitter, Inc., â€Å"Annual Report 2013†). Twitter is a US based company. The company has expanded business operation on a global context in different countries that include Brazil, the UK, Australia, Canada and Japan. In this regard, the number of users of the company has increased to a substantial level. Based on the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Technical definition and description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Technical definition and description - Essay Example According to a brief definition suggested by Chen, Hassan, and Yu; â€Å"a fuel cell is an electrochemical cell that converts chemical energy from a fuel into electrical energy† (58). A fuel cell generates electricity through chemical reactions between a fuel and an oxidant in the presence of an electrolyte. A notable feature of the fuel cell is that it can operate continuously as long as proper reactant and oxidant flows are maintained. Fuel cells generate nonpolluting power, and they perform outstandingly in terms of efficiency. Since fuel cell have no moving parts, they product little noise. Fuel cells have been serving the energy needs of spacecrafts since 1960s on the strength of its ability to operate uninterruptedly. In spite of the recent advancements in the technology, fuel cells are still increasingly used in power generating plants and exhaust-free automobiles. The major difference between a batter and a fuel cell is that the former has a fixed supply of energy whereas the latter can generate energy continuously as long as the fuel is supplied. Like a battery, a fuel cell is made up of a large number of individual cells that are collectively called a fuel cell stack. All these individual cells are comprised of an anode, a cathode, and an electrolyte. In a fuel cell, anode is generally made of platinum because it can better catalyze the reaction ionizing the gas. When a hydrogen-rich fuel like renewable biogas or clean natural gas is supplied to the fuel cell stack, ‘it reacts with oxygen electrochemically to produce electric power, heat, and water’ (How do fuel cells work). Although different types of fuel cells operate a bit differently, basically they all work based on the same process. In a fuel cell, hydrogen atoms enter the anode where their electrons are stripped off through a chemical reaction. Thus, the hydrogen atoms become ionized, and resultantly they carry a positive charge. At the same time, the negatively

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Economic Growth and Workers Essay Example for Free

Economic Growth and Workers Essay What basically the article of Mehring would want to states into the public would be the adverse effect of the economic growth on the labour market [workers]. It was states on his paper entitled â€Å"Vital Signs: A Not-So-Great ‘08† that market analysts predicts, as 2008 comes, the economy to be more dependent on the consumption level of the consumers. In this light, Mehring stressed that this would be impossible considering the current condition of one of the primary sector in the economy- housing. For the past years, housing sectors has been performing so badly after the end of 2005 as the demand of consumers for housing units declined dramatically giving the housing firm a hard hit on their financial capabilities. In this regard, members of the housing sectors were forced to lay-off some of their workers. Furthermore, the financial sector of the economy has not been performing well making the recovery of the housing sector to slow down. At the end of the day, it is the consumers, workers at the same time, which receives the entire burden since there is a big possibility for them to be fired from their jobs and/or to receive lower wages as the economy continuous to perform badly. From November last year up to the present, the number of jobless people continuously keeps on rising. Even though there are a lot of jobs that has been created at the start of this year, around 70,000 jobs, those are still not enough to compensate the job losses that occur in the labor market. Due to the fact that there workers receives lower incomes, logically, they can only consume less thus making the profit of the businesses to decline. It was identified that retail stores experienced significant drop on their sales even during the holiday season. Due to this, their profitability and outlook in the economy started to become dependent on the performance of the consumption level of the consumer group. Since the profit of the producers are negatively affected by the lower consumption of the consumers, as well as due to the fact that there is a large pool of unemployed people available in the labor market, there is a leeway for businesses to offer lower wages to their employees, and the cycle of burden goes on. Although, export market keeps on lowering down the bad performance of the economy through convincing the investors that there is still hope for our economy for avert the negative effects of recession to the entire economy. Because of the alarming effects of the bad economic performance of the country, the government has been identifying ways on how to increase the growth of the labor sector to improve the consumption levels of the consumers and thus improving the profitability of the business firms operating in the market especially those coming from the construction and housing sector. There are already around 350,000 job losses that occurred by the end of December 22 and the current level that we have is higher than with the average level of 2007. Meanwhile, most of the job growth falls under the service sector and they are accounted for around 150,000 of the 192,000 jobs that are added in October last year (Mehring 4). Inside the service sector, it is the professional services, health care, leisure and entertainment that contributes for the improvement of the service sector. In order for the government to fully address the problem regarding unemployment, they must focus their policies and programs for the betterment of the financial sector, private as well as the providing measures on how to increase the growth rate of the labor market. In short, finds ways on moving the economy away from the midst of recession and secure the concerned sectors of the economy for a sustainable economic growth. Critique and Insight Based from the article of Mehring, there is a clear relationship of economic growth and the labor sector which is comprises by the working class. Actually, Mehring presented in his paper how the cycle of recession and unemployment exists in our economy nowadays. Actually, it is a good thing that he mentioned it in his paper since it provides us of the reasons why the government is actually bound of which party they would protect the most, is it the private or the consumer group which could also be classified as workers. The not-so-good- performance of our economy for the past two years has been imposing serious threats to major industries and one of this is the housing industry. Here is the logic, by the time the demand housing units declined by the end of 2005, members of the housing industry starts to experience lower profitability. Due to this scenario, this housing industry starts to become incapable of sustaining the current level wage rate and what they will do is to either lay-off some workers and/or lowers down the wage rate that they pay for their workers in order to secure their profitability which eventually further decaying the income and purchasing power of the consumers [workers] and the cycle continuous. There have been studies saying that in order for the economy to progress impressively, the government must find ways to maintain a lower unemployment rate. But what is happening in our case would be a different one considering the response of the consumer group and the market condition of major business sectors. Here, the government must not only focus on the unemployment rate but also considering the welfare of the business firms in making actions to address the problem. There are times wherein the government is too much engross in solving the unemployment rate but sacrificing the welfare of the businesses and at the end of the day the problem still remain and become worse. I think, it would be better for our government to find solutions to increase the rate of job growth that will not affect negatively the businesses in the economy like lowering down the restrictions of FDI into the country in order for the foreign investors to be encourage establishing their businesses here, thus, making creating more jobs. Moreover, the government could lower down the taxes of the taxes of the domestic companies in exchange of not laying-off of workers. Another possible solution that the government could implement would be to lessen the trade barriers of the government to give way for the multinational companies to set up their branches here in the country and thus creating more jobs to the economy. The reason why I have been to much in particular of solving the problem regarding unemployment because when a person has a job he could earn an income and used it to his needs or simply as consumption. By the time consumption improves, then, businesses starts to perform better and so with the entire economy. In this scenario, we could see that economic growth and workers are really related to one another. Moreover, it is good that Mehring identified in his paper the connection of the financial sector in revitalizing not only the growth of the business firms but also its importance on upgrading the financial capabilities of the consumers. Growth of businesses firms [economic growth] as well as upgrading of financial capabilities of consumers [workers] is made possible by the financial sector if they would lower down their interest rate from borrowing in order for the businesses and consumers to borrow money from them and used this money to increase their purchasing power and their budget for operation. Since in this scenario consumer will be having more money [through borrowing], then, their consumption level will improved and so with the profitability of the business firms especially the housing and construction sectors which are currently in bad shape in terms of demand and profitability. In this regard, it would be necessary to say that economic growth and workers are interrelated to one another, and the performance of one could affect the other through various economic factors such as consumption pattern and supply level.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Explain the construction of the service package offered by the Lewis :: Business and Management Studies

Explain the construction of the service package offered by the Lewis Partnership at the Swan Hotel or the Moat House Hotel. 1. Define the concept of â€Å"service package† and explain the construction of the service package offered by the Lewis Partnership at the Swan Hotel or the Moat House Hotel. The Service Package is defined as: â€Å" a bundle of goods and services that is provided in some environment † 1 The Service Package is composed of the following four elements: Supporting facility, facilitating goods, explicit services and implicit services. It’s quite difficult for the service managers to identify their product. This is partly due to the intangible nature of services, but what really has a huge influence on the total service experience is the presence of the customer in the process. The service manager has to offer a total experience to the customer which is compatible with the desired service package. The four features of the service package are the base of the customer perception of the service. The Lewis Partnership, as a service company, take into account and manage all the parts of the service package. - Supporting facility: are the physical resources which a service needs to can be offered. For example a building for a restaurant, a swimming pool, etc.2 The main supporting facilities of the Moat House is the building with it’s rustic furniture. It is located in a accessible rural landscape not fare away from Stafford. With the collaboration of Lloyds TSB Corporate, Mark Lewis the General Manager of the Moat House has been able to realise big invests in the supporting facilities of the partnership. The eager of perfection and development leads to a constant evolution and improvement of the supporting facilities. - Facilitating goods: the material which the buyer purchases or or consumes, or the items provided by the customer. For example towels, skis, shampoo, etc. 3 For the Moat House the facilitating goods are part of his resources. Quality is the most important aspect of the culture of this family business, so we can find a long list of suppliers which provide excellent selection of products, like B&S Dairies, Cottage Flowers, Chartley Coffee, etc. - Explicit services: the benefits that are quickly noticed by the senses that are based on the intrinsic or essential features of the service. Examples are the relaxed feeling after a massage, the improved sound of a car after tuning, etc.4 Due to the policy of the partnership, we can find a intensive control of the Explicit Services which are the accommodation and feeding of their customers. The culture of this company is â€Å" Only the best is good enough† but his

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

India as a Land of Infinite Variety Essay

â€Å"So far as I am able to judge, nothing has been left undone, either by man or nature, to make India the most extraordinary country that the sun visits on his rounds. Nothing seems to have been forgotten, nothing overlooked. India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition.† Mark Twain, the writer of this quotation, was obviously impressed by the subcontinent. Travel agents say it’s nearly impossible not to be impressed, astonished and amazed by India—all within the first hour off the plane—for this nation is blessed with sacred sites and ancient ruins, each with a mesmerizing story to tell, creating a treasure-filled world of travel opportunities. Towering Mountains, Vast Deserts and Lush Rainforests Nestled between Pakistan, China and Nepal, India is bordered in the north by the world’s highest mountain chain, while further south, tropical rain forests mingle with windswept deserts. To complete the geographic smorgasbord, palm-fringed beaches trim the peninsula like ribbon on a huge Christmas gift. The only thing missing is a glacier, but no one seems to mind. Visitors and locals alike do not complain about India’s astonishing cultural diversity either, for the nation boasts an inspired, imaginative burst of religions and cultures, races and tongues, resulting from 5,000 years of history. India’s long, historical significance and great natural wealth have lured a long succession of foreign influences, traders and craftsmen, each having left their distinctive imprint on the country. Whether you come to rejuvenate spiritually, relax on the countless beaches or live like a queen in the land of princes, India’s amazing diversity offers everything you could ever want in a holiday. With so much to choose from, it’s wise to enlist the aid of a trusted travel agent. Paragons of advice, travel agents suggest that, because of India’s size and diversity, it’s best to focus your journey around a particular tour or theme. This allows you to experience in depth one tantalizing aspect of the country while still enjoying the variety that makes India a top travel destination. The Golden Triangle: New Delhi, Agra, Jaipur Of India’s many tours, the Golden Triangle is one of the most popular, for the three cities that form the triangle—New Delhi, Agra and Jaipur—feature the images that epitomize India. Inside this triangle you’ll see a panorama of majestic architectural creations that feed the area’s rich traditions, like the symphony of marble that is the Taj Mahal (arguably the world’s most perfect structure), the imperial elegance of New Delhi and the desert city of Jaipur. | Taj Mahal| Jaipur is the capital of Rajasthan, one of the largest of India’s 28 states and host to the exotic Desert Adventure tour. Rajasthan is known as the Land of Kings, where sumptuous palaces dot the desert landscape and battle-scarred fortresses stand tall atop hills like sentinels. You’ll begin your adventure at Jodhpur, an ancient stronghold on the edge of the Thar Desert, before traveling along trade routes to the unforgettable golden fortress at Jaisalmer and beyond. Beyond India’s present-day heritage is a past steeped in spiritual lore, enlightening travelers who tour the Buddhist Circuit. Walk in the footsteps of Siddhartha Gautama—the gentle sage who became the Buddha—and sit beneath the Holy Bodhi tree at Bodhgaya, under which he gained enlightenment in 528 BC. Visit Sarnath, where the Buddha gave the world his first sermon, and Kushinagar, the site of his death. This tour is a spiritual journey that will stay with you for a lifetime. ‘Th e Land of Coconuts’ Another Indian journey that will surely stick with you for a lifetime is a cruise through the Backwaters of Kerala. Kerala, on the southwestern tip of the peninsula, is called the land of coconuts, where palm trees shade nearly the entire state from the tropical sun. All along its coast, exotic backwaters, canals, lagoons and inlets create an intricate maze stretching nearly 1,200 miles throughout the land. Traveling by boat along the emerald-tinted backwaters is a magical experience. Any trip you make to incredible India will be a magical experience, especially if you book your journey through your friendly, neighborhood travel agent. Travel agents can combine any of the above tours or extend them to include exciting nights in bustling cities like Calcutta, New Delhi and Mumbai (Bombay). They can send you along other fabulous tours of India, to the Temple Trail of the south, across the Seven Sisters of the northeast or through the jungles that inspired Kipling in the Heart of Heritage. Always warm and inviting, India is a land of timeless beauty with 5,000 years of life under its ornate belt.Contact a trusted travel agent today and start exploring the infinite variety of this magical land.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Characterization in and Then There Were None

Katherine Quimbayo Set 6 September 16, 2010 Characterization in And Than There Were None Agatha Christie uses characterization to show the evil side of human nature, in her mystery novel And Then There Were None, through three important characters, which include Vera Claythorne, Philip Lombard, and Justice Wargrave. Christie shows characterization through Vera by making her a Dynamic character. Vera changes through the course of the work by influence of the life threatening situation that is going on around her.Furthermore, Vera changes from a proper and polite woman, to a woman who will do anything to survive. â€Å"Vera Claythorne, tired by some recent strenuous term at school, thought to herself-‘Being a games mistress in a third-class school isn’t much of a catch†¦ If only I could get a job at some decent school. ’† This quote shows Vera’s hardworking and stringent personality, its shows that Vera is a proper and educated woman (4). â€Å"à ¢â‚¬ ¦ That is was Vera Claythorne. That she shot Lombard, took the revolver back to the house, toppled the marble block onto Blore and then-hanged herself. The following quotation explains Vera’s endurance toward the end of the novel (258). Both of theses quotes symbolize Vera’s dynamic nature changing from a polite woman to someone determined to survive. In Christie’s novel she also shows the evil side of human nature in Philip Lombard.Christie shows characterization in Lombard by making him a round character. In the novel Lombard is depicted as a chivalrous and aplomb character, although toward the end of the book his chivalrousness turns out to be one of his weaknesses and causes him a fatal end. Philip Lombard, that upon a date in February, 1932, you were guilty of the death of twenty-one men, members of an East African tribe. † This quote explains how Lombard is brought to Indian Island therefore showing more insight about his character than any of t he other guests. This quote also symbolizes that although Lombard is a courteous person he is also complex and contradictory in the fact that he is charming but is also capable of murder (43). â€Å"Automatically Vera pressed the trigger†¦.. Lombards leaping body stayed poised in mid-spring, then crashed heavily to the ground. This passage enlightens the fact that Lombards old-fashioned attitude and courtesy toward women, and not believing that women are capable of murder enables Vera to steal Lombards gun and kill him (240).Not only does Christie intertwine characterization in her novel to show the evil side of human nature in Vera and Lombard, but also in Justice Wargrave. Wargraves character in this novel is portrayed as a flat personality. In this novel Christie does not speak much about Wargrave, she only reveals one or two personality traits. In the corner of a first-class smoking carriage, Mr. Justice Wargrave, lately retired from the bench, puffed at a cigar and ran an interested eye through the political news in the Times. † This passage shows only a few characteristics about the identity of Wargrave, it shows that he is a wealthy man being able to ride in a first-class carriage, and it also shows that he is an ex officio (1). â€Å"Only Mr. Justice Wargrave and Miss Brent seemed comparatively unmoved. † This passage also enlightens the fact that Christie made Wargrave is a flat character.In this novel it does not show Wargrave to participate in many group discussion nor does it show his fear in this situation. In applying this characterization to Wargrave it allows the other characters to take no account of Wargrave to be responsible for the murders of the other guests (44). In conclusion, to show the evil side of human nature Christie uses different characterization for each of the characters, some of which include, Vera Claythorne, Philip Lombard, and Justice Wargrave.During the course of the novel all three characters start to s lightly show the evil side of human nature, whether it be for survival, or for revenge. In the case of Vera Claythorne, she shows a dynamic character in changing from a proper, well educated woman to someone who thrives for survival. Philip Lombard is portrayed as a round character, in the fact that Christie makes the reader aware of a variety of Lombards traits, one of which includes Lombards courtesy towards women, which in the end turns out to be a weakness and the cause of death.The last character that shows evil in human nature is Justice Wargrave, who is portrayed as a flat character. Christie only portrays the character to be a wealthy man, which allows this character to be quintessential to the plot and the story line in being the murderer. In epitome, these three characters show that even though people may seem pleasant and courteous, they will do anything to survive.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Water Pollution in the Philippines Essays

Water Pollution in the Philippines Essays Water Pollution in the Philippines Paper Water Pollution in the Philippines Paper Essay Topic: Water pollution The Philippines is an archipelago, which means it is made up of a group of islands and is rich in bodies of water such as the oceans, rivers, and lakes. However, according to the data released by Water Environment Partnership in Asia (WEEP) in 2005, 42. 89% of the waters in the Philippines are contaminated. These contaminated waters have not only been continuously harming people, but also the aquatic ecosystem Of the country. It is said that approximately 31 percent of illness monitored for a 5-year period were caused by water borne sources. Moreover, more and more ecosystems are being polluted, causing serious diseases, water shortages, and extinction of aquatic animals and coral reefs. In this essay, I would like to discuss about three main sources of water pollution in the Philippines and its possible solutions: one, domestic waste; two, agricultural waste; and three, industrial waste. The first reason concerns domestic waste. Domestic waste refers to the organic pollution that usually comes from our houses by generating activities such as using the toilet, doing the laundry, and washing dishes. Unknown to any Filipinos, their homes are the biggest source of water pollution, contributing 48 percent of the organic pollution in the country. The reason for this is that most of the houses in the Philippines are not connected to a water sewerage system, which results to the contamination of groundwater with effluents and wastes from septic tanks. Exposure, ingestion, or contact with this contaminated water, which usually occur in the less fortunate area of the country, kill 1,997 people per 1 00,000 population by either cholera, bacterial diarrhea, hepatitis A, or typhoid fever, the Department of Health stated. Most Filipinos are not aware of this issue, and if they were, most would not be able to afford connecting on a sewerage system. The next reason concerns the running off of agricultural waste. The Philippines is mainly an agricultural country with a land of 30 million hectares, 47 percent of which is agricultural. Having stated this, agricultural waste in the Philippines contributes 37 percent of the water pollution in the country. No one would question the critical value of water and food to human civilizations. However, these agricultural productions possess a serious threat to the rivers. The agricultural production of the Philippines has been based upon a large amount application of chemicals to the land. Fertilizers used for farming contain a large quantity of nitrogen and phosphorus. These enrich the soil near the lakes and rivers, and help algae grow at a considerable rate. These algae use all the oxygen and do not leave anything for the rest of the aquatic life around. Moreover, algae formation blocks the passage of light and air for the other aquatic animals. This has an adverse effect on the biological life of these aquatic animals, which is termed Transportation. The third reason concerns the discharge of industrial waste. The industrialization of the Philippines has led to more and more infrastructure constructions and factories starting to line up along the rivers. These factories find rivers and oceans a convenient place to dump their waste materials such as acids, toxic metals, oil, and pesticides. For example, in Manila, the capital city of the Philippines, an oil depot built along the Passing River has been releasing liquid and solid wastes that worsened the contamination of the river, making the river a huge sewer system. These toxic substances are quite armful for humans as well as aquatic animals. Living near these contaminated rivers means surrounding ones self with infected mosquito that can give people dengue fever. In addition, with all these waste in the rivers, our fish get sick or are killed, leading to extinction of fish and decrease of food production in the Philippines. It is important that action is taken to combat these problems. For example, to lessen the distribution of domestic wastes to the water pollution in the Philippines, proper assassination of the masses about the need for proper disposal of domestic waste should be implemented. Educational projects where the people are taught about the importance and proper domestic waste disposal should be set up. This will deal with the problem of the ignorance of the masses. Setting up adequate waste handling, such as putting biodegradable and non-biodegradable trash cans in schools and public areas, disposal facilities and a proper disposal location with proper management will save people from carelessly disposing waste. Moreover, the government should enforce existing laws and restructure the budget for environmental issues and ensure at least 50 percent of the houses are connected on a water rage system. To lessen and stop agricultural wastes that pollutes water, prevention of the usage of harmful chemical as fertilizers are needed. While people may find nitrogen and phosphorus helpful, much of their volume is being washed off on lawns and into the nearest waterways. These also tend to degrade the quality of the soil, causing more and more reliance on the chemicals over time. Transportation can be avoided by using minimal required amounts Of chemical fertilizers and or by using natural fertilizers such us manure or compost. Making sure that the fields where these chemicals and fertilizers are to close to the rivers, taking extra care while using fertilizers during rainy seasons in the Philippines usually from June to September, which can run-off and transmitted to the waters and can cause blockage of waterways, death of marine life and breakage of food chain should be done immediately and seriously. For the reduction of industrial wastes, the government should not permit factories and buildings to be built near or along the oceans or rivers. Building these infrastructures away from the waters will prevent the discharge of waste materials such as oil and toxic metals. These companies will have no other options, but to segregate their wastes and dispose it properly. Any offender shall be punished by the law and pay a big amount of fine, which will be then used to treat the contaminated water by filtration and sedimentation. This way, companies will be more careful about their decisions in choosing locations on where to build their factories. Moreover, this law will only have positive outcomes because the money that the offenders pay will be for a good and better cause. In conclusion, the Philippines is a country enriched of seas, rivers, lakes, ND other bodies of water that are now polluted due to different human activities. There are three main sources of water pollution in the Philippines. The first is domestic wastes which come from houses when people bathe, wash clothes, and wash dishes. Learning about proper waste disposal and enforcing laws should be done to lessen this pollution source. The second source is agricultural waste, which refers to the large amount of chemicals put in the land for food production, which after used, are washed away to the waters and produces algae that harms the aquatic ecosystem and pollutes it. Reversion of the usage of chemicals used in agricultural work will help decrease the amount of pollution. The third source is Industrial waste. Industrial wastes are the effluents coming from big factories that are built and connected to the rivers and lakes. Making new laws that will punish these factories and companies will contribute to minimizing water pollution in the Philippines. To sum up, human activities in general are the main reasons for the severe water pollution in the Philippines and we humans, are also the only ones who can stop this critical environmental problem.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Understanding the Flynn Effect and Why It Happens

Understanding the Flynn Effect and Why It Happens You’ve probably heard someone lament the state of â€Å"kids today†: that current generations aren’t as smart as the ones that came before them. However, psychologists who study intelligence have found that there isn’t much support for this idea; instead, the opposite may actually be true. Researchers studying the Flynn effect have found that scores on IQ tests have actually improved over time. Below, we’ll review what the Flynn effect is, some possible explanations for it, and what it tells us about human intelligence. What Is the Flynn effect? The Flynn effect, first described  in the 1980s by researcher James Flynn, refers to the finding that scores on IQ tests have increased in the past century.  Researchers studying this effect have found wide support for this phenomenon. One research paper, published by psychologist Lisa Trahan and her colleagues, combined the results of other published studies (which included a total of over 14,000 participants) and found that IQ scores have indeed increased since the 1950s. Although researchers have documented some exceptions, IQ scores have generally increased over time. Trahan and her colleagues observed, â€Å"The existence of the Flynn effect is rarely disputed.† Why Does the Flynn Effect Happen? Researchers have put forward several theories to explain the Flynn effect. One explanation has to do with improvements in health and nutrition. For example, the past century has seen a decrease in  smoking and alcohol use in pregnancy, discontinuation of the use of harmful lead paint, improvements in the prevention and treatment of  infectious diseases, and improvements in nutrition. As Scott Barry Kaufman writes for Psychology Today, â€Å"The Flynn effect serves as a reminder that when we give people more opportunities to prosper, more people do prosper.† In other words, the Flynn effect could be partially due to the fact that, over the twentieth century, we’ve started addressing many of the public health issues that prevented people in earlier generations from reaching their full potential. Another explanation for the Flynn effect has to do with societal changes that have occurred in the past century as a result of the Industrial Revolution. In a TED talk, Flynn explains that the world today is â€Å"a world where weve had to develop new mental habits, new habits of mind.† Flynn has found that IQ scores have increased the most rapidly on questions that ask us to find similarities between different things, and more abstract types of problem solving - both of which are things that we need to do more of in the modern world. Several ideas have been put forward to explain why modern society might lead to higher scores on IQ tests. For example, today, many more of us have demanding, intellectually rigorous jobs. Schools have also changed: whereas a test at school in the early 1900s might have been more focused on memorization, a recent test might be more likely to focus on explaining the reasons for something. Additionally, more people today are likely to finish high school and go on to college. Family sizes tend to be smaller, and it has been suggested that this may allow children to pick up on new vocabulary words while interacting with their parents. It’s even been suggested that the entertainment we consume is more complex today. Trying to understand and anticipate plot points in a favorite book or TV drama may actually be making us smarter. What Can We Learn From Studying the Flynn Effect? The Flynn effect tells us that the human mind is much more adaptable and malleable than we might have thought. It seems that some of our thinking patterns aren’t necessarily innate, but rather things that we learn from our environment.  When exposed to modern industrial society, we think about the world in different ways than our ancestors did. When discussing the Flynn effect in The New Yorker, Malcolm Gladwell writes, â€Å"If whatever the thing is that I.Q. tests measure can jump so much in a generation, it can’t be all that immutable and it doesn’t look all that innate.† In other words, the Flynn effect tells us that IQ may not actually be what we think it is: instead of being a measure of natural, unlearned  intelligence, it’s something that can be shaped by the education we receive and the society we live in. References: Flynn, J. (2013, March). Why our IQ levels are higher than our grandparents’. TED., M. (2012, December 3). Are you smarter than your grandfather? Probably not. Smithsonian., M. (2007, December 17). None of the above. The New Yorker., S.B. (2010, August 23). The Flynn effect and IQ disparities among races, ethnicities, and nations: Are there common links? Psychology Today., J. (2011, August 2). Are smart people getting smarter? Wired., L. H., Stuebing, K. K., Fletcher, J. M., Hiscock, M. (2014). The Flynn effect: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 140(5), 1332-1360. doi:10.1037/a0037173. Winerman, L. (2013, March). Smarter than ever? Monitor on Psychology, 44(3), 30.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Impact of New Media on CRM-Systems Thesis Proposal

The Impact of New Media on CRM-Systems - Thesis Proposal Example The intention of this study is growing a business as a practice that business owners, employers and managers do not have an option to. Once businesses are established, they must be taken trough the tough task of nurturing them to grow. Business growth and development has however become even more challenging in the face of global economic meltdowns. The prevailing economic crisis has resulted in massive competition among businesses of all sizes to survive the tension and pressure. It is not surprising therefore that a lot more companies – even bigger corporations are closing down. Some of the factors that make the running of businesses very difficult when economic conditions are not good include lack of access to credit to undertake strategic business expansions. Harsh economic climate also deprive ordinary people of enhanced revenue and therefore change their spending habits. People become more cautious with what they do with their monies. It is however not as if every other b usiness or company would collapse because the global economic meltdown. As a matter of fact, it is in the face of such economic crisis that the ‘men are separated from the boys’. It is in the face of such trailing moment that good businesses are separated from bad ones. When the general business climate is unfair, it takes focused business planners to succeed because they are the kind of people who can come out with innovative ways of winning the hearts of the few customers who will be ready to do business. (McLean, 2009). Making mention of customer brings to discussion, the innovative skill of attracting customers when there are actually several businesses competing for few customers. The growth of every business depends largely on customers than on any other factor or group of people (McLean, 2009). This is because customers and consumers are the ultimate injectors of money and funds into businesses. Though the implementation of strategic plans goes a long way to help in the growth of businesses, there is no denying the fact that every strategic plan ultimately seeks to attract more customers and make businesses grow (Frimpong, 2004). Ensuring the welfare of customers therefore seeks to be the ultimate thing any business setup could do to ensure continual growth and development even in the face of unfavorable business climate. Because of this, customer relationship management has always remained an important and integral part of the growth of businesses the world over. Because a business can hardly survive in the absence of customers, a business also hardly survive in the absence of an effective customer relationship management program. This is because customer relationship management sets its self up as a tool for identifying all needs of customers and the best ways of meeting these needs (Nardi, 2006). Customer relationship management has to do with everything that businesses or organizations do to build healthy relationships with their custom ers. The Business Ball (2006) notes that â€Å"customer relationship management concerns the relationship between the organization and its customers.† Through customer relationship management, the customer is put at the head of the organization and accorded the accolade of the lifeblood of the company and therefore the need to be particular and concerned with his or her every need. To this effect, the Business Ball (2006) admonishes that â€Å"customers are the lifeblood of any organization be it a global corporation with thousands of employees and a multi-billion turnover, or a sole trader with a handful of regular customers.† This means that customer relationship management is not the sole research of the world’s largest corporations but every business setup; no matter how small it is. In talking about customer relationship management, one important composition to dwell much on is management. McCrimmon (2011) explains management as â€Å"achieving goals in a way that makes the best use of all resources.†

Friday, November 1, 2019

Environmental Leaders and Laggards in the European Union Essay

Environmental Leaders and Laggards in the European Union - Essay Example Moreover, the author also argued that the problem took place due to shortage in the administrative capacities for effectually implementing EU based environmental policies. It has been viewed in the article that the southern member provinces of EU did not possess adequate technical know-how, potential working staffs and well-structured infrastructures for applying as well as enforcing EU environmental based legislative policies. The author suggested that the southern member provinces belonging to EU should implement environmental policies competently for the purpose of developing their financial progression, increasing economic interests and most significantly generating employment. The effective execution of the EU environmental schemes or policies would ultimately promote the economic advancement of the different southern member provinces belonging to EU as well as enhance their environmental quality level by a greater extent. The author identified a significant reason which eventua lly restricted the southern member provinces of EU to implement EU environmental based policies effectively. The significant reason was that the southern member provinces belonging to EU possessed the political systems which were conventionally dominated by clientelism, disrespect and patronage for the public authority. On the basis of the article, the author argued that there lays significant disparities in meeting with the EU environmental laws throughout the different European member provinces which cannot be escorted.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) rated Taiwan ranked 13th out of Essay

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) rated Taiwan ranked 13th out of 66 countries globally for IT competitiveness globally in 2 - Essay Example But to be competitive, there are key public strategies and policies that need to be considered in the field of information technology. In this essay, Taiwan is used as a case study of a highly performing information technology competitive country among sixty six (66) other countries that were ranked by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). The inputs that went to getting Taiwan this enviable place of 13th that puts it ahead of countries like South Korea and Japan are examined to the latter using Porter’s Diamond Model. The analysis is also expanded to include ways by which the country can maintain its position or better it as well as ways of avoiding the unlikely event of losing out on its position. At the end of the paper, the writer hopes to achieve the objective of clearly outlining the national information and communication technology strengths and weaknesses associated with various countries in comparison to Taiwan to see how Taiwan could be used as a model especially wh en it comes to the area of electronics and semiconductor development. Overview of the IT Competiveness Index The IT Industry competitiveness index is generally in place as a scale for finding out how various countries are performing in terms of the application of information technology into industrial growth. To this end, several indicators are used to find out how sixty six (66) selected countries are competing among themselves in the various areas of indicators. The index was first published in 2007 (Rad and Beek, 2009) and had 26 of the said indicators grouped into six major categories for scoring. After scoring is done in the various categories, the accumulated score determines the place of various countries. This implies that the IT Industry Competitiveness Index is highly quantitative, making it empirical and open to public critique (Roll, 2006). The subsequent advantage that comes with this provision is that the index is generally tagged as credible; even considering the fact that it is hosted by none other quarters than the Economists Intelligence Unit with support for BSA. The various categories are given different weightings according to the impact that each of them makes towards information technology enhancement. The six major categories and their corresponding weightings are presented below. Category Weighting Overall business environment IT infrastructure Human capital Legal environment R&D environment Support for IT industry development 10% 20% 20% 10% 25% 15% Total 100% Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited, 2011 Factor Conditions Analysis of Taiwan’s Performance The chat bellow gives a detailed and graphical representation of the performance of Taiwan in the 2011 IT Competitiveness Index. From the graph presented above, it can be seen that Taiwan scored more than half of available score of 100% in all six categories. The highest performing scores were however recorded in business environment and legal environment, which scored 86.5% and 74.5% respectively. This means that Taiwan as a country has created an enabling business environment that makes the country highly attractive to investors, both home and abroad. As the investors do business in the country, they are assured of sound legal backing that is free from all forms of

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Social Contract Essay -- essays research papers

The purpose of a Social Contract is to keep society in order. Ways of keeping society in order are human rights, the constitution, police departments, and education in which all contributes in having a progressing society. Human rights have to be protected which are the first 13 or 14 amendments that’s states people’s rights. If humans didn’t have any rights of their own we would feel enslaved due to that we have no freedom. The Constitution contains laws that every human being has to follow unless if you live somewhere else other than the U.S. Police departments maintains society regarding the Constitution; even the police must obey the laws and their own rules. In addition, the education we take also sets examples of how we should always follow rules or laws. In classrooms we have rules that we must follow like listening to the teacher and so on.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The definition of a Social Contract and some other information is, a voluntary agreement among people defining the relationship of individuals with one another and with government and by this process forming a distinct organized society. Concern over the origin and conditions of political obligation was manifest even in the writings of philosophers and statesmen in ancient Greece and Rome. Such ideas were not systematically formulated, however, until the latter part of the 16th century, when Protestant philosophers sought a democratic principle with which to oppose the authoritarian theory of the divine right of kings. In the 17th and 18th centuries the theory of a social compact among individuals of a society was linked with the doctrine of natural law.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A setting for a social contract would be like in school, at home, basically everywhere you go which contains written and unwritten rules. At school students rights are commonly violated and yet some aren’t. For example, â€Å"articles about controversial subjects written for student newspapers are censored. Lockers and backpacks are searched without reasonable suspicion. Minority students are excessively pushed in lower track programs. Majoritarian religious practices are officially allowed by teachers and school administrators. Female students are excluded from certain extracurricular activities, and gay students are intimidated into silence. Teachers and administrators have a responsibility to provide a s... ...ot perform, but be careful to keep your promise.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An example of a Social Contract is Evergreens S.C. and Rousseau’s Philosophy. In Evergreens S.C. under Right to Privacy he states, â€Å"All members of the college community have the right to organize their personal lives and conduct according to their own values and preferences, with an appropriate respect for the rights of others to organize their lives differently. All members of the Evergreen community are entitled to privacy in the college’s offices, facilities devoted to educational programs and housing. The same right of whether extends to personal papers, confidential records and personal effects, whether maintained by the individual or by the institution.† An example of Rousseau’s Philosophy or S.C. he stated, â€Å"Man is born free but everywhere is in chains.† These quotes are important to me because one states ones privacy in a community which is needed for people in order to function well in life, I mean you don†™t want to be spreading your information to many others especially important ones, and the other states that a man may be free but everywhere he goes he is chained by rules or laws to enforce.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Indicator and Determinants of High Blood Pressure Essay

This paper implements the indicators and determinants of high blood pressure in men. Many studies have measure the effect of Hypertension among men of different ethnical and socio-economic backgrounds. Socioeconomic is one major determinant which influences high blood pressure in men. High blood pressure is a major illness in the human population, especially among men. High blood is normally called a â€Å"silent killer† due to the fact that there little to no symptoms. Fifty to fifty-eight million people suffer from hypertension with the increasing population being African Americans (John, n. . ). Steven was a 55 year old African American male that came into the hospital with complaints of a severe headache. Patients had no prior history of hypertension but blood pressure was taken with the result of 180/101. Patient states that he has a family history of cardiovascular diseases. Mother and Father suffered from hypertension as a result of obesity. Steven has worked for the United States Postal Service for 30 years and is under a lot of stress due to work. He is a chronic smoker and drink on occasions. The first medical professional that saw Steven was the ER doctor who cared for the patient and in returned referred Steven for follow up care with his PCP (Primary Care Physician). Before Steven saw his PCP the ER (Emergency Room) Doctor prescribes him Amlodipine 10mg 2 xs daily. The team that delivered care for Steven’s hypertension was as follow: * Dr. Ogalvie- PCP (Primary Care Physician) -Which his role is to, determines the best care for Steven and his hypertension. Provide a manage care plan and to make use of specialists and make referral that co- inside with Steven treatments. Nancy Bracey-Nurse Practitioner- The role of the Nurse Practitioner is to work as support to the Doctor when he is unable to make patients appointment or if he is in an emergency surgery. The Nurse Practitioner sometime plays a vital role in Steven treatments. She is able to help in Steven treatment, which includes ordering tests, conducting physicals, and ordering medicines. * Beth Anderson- RN- Registered nurses treat and educate patients in a clinical setting, keeping records of medical histories and performing diagnostics. Most RN work with patients and their families to teach them how to manage cardiovascular disease, educate them on dietary and other measures of minimizing heart risk and help patients with postoperative rehabilitation. * Lisa Coleman – Dietitian- The primary role of a Dietitian is to promote healthy and holistic healthcare. Steven dietitian educating him on good healthy eating habits. She also explained to him that exercising most important in keeping his blood pressure down. She also put him on a 1200 calorie diet to follow as part of his managed care plan. Data has shown and been a proven fact that hypertension is very prevalent in men, especially African American men. Many indicators can relate to hypertension such as socioeconomic statuses like where one live, employed or unemployed or a family base support system can all be factors. In Steven case some of the indicator were glucose, triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, blood pressure, and obesity (SABPA, (2012). All of these symptoms can be a target for organ damage. Steven also deals with anthropometric indicators which according to Rahimi, (2012) â€Å"The partial correlation coefficient was used to quantify the association between all anthropometric indicators with hypertension. Linear regression analysis was used to assess the influence of all anthropometric indicators on the variance of systolic and diastolic blood pressure†. Rahimi, (2012) states â€Å"Adult male population of Fars province had a high prevalence of hypertension, overweight and obesity which can be handled through healthy diet and physical exercises†. Steven dietitian stresses the important of holistic healthcare such as healthy eating habits and exercising on a regular basis. Other indicator was the problems of sexual dysfunction that Steven suffered in his marriage. Steven stated that he was unable to perform with his wife due to the high blood pressure medicine that he was taken. Rahimi, (2012) state â€Å"Thus sex, education, and for the most part, race were not independently associated with a failure to be aware or to enter treatment’. Rahimi, (2012) says â€Å"Sex and the number of antihypertensive drug days were independently associated with blood pressure control†. According to Steven physician Steven was also put on an enhancement drug to help with sexual dysfunction. According to Rahimi, (2012) â€Å"Vigorous public efforts led by the National High Blood Pressure Education Program and embraced by physicians’ groups and the pharmaceutical industry has steadily improved blood pressure outcomes in the past 20 years†. Rahimi, (2012) â€Å"To this point, however, overall increases in control have largely been driven by increases in awareness and entry into treatment among people with hypertension†. Rahimi, (2012) â€Å"Despite great technical advances, specifically the development of a wide range of new antihypertensive drugs and drug classes the process of care available in the community has not changed to any great extent and treatment itself remains highly inefficient†. Rahimi, (2012) â€Å"As an asymptomatic, chronic illness, hypertension does not pose a problem of diagnosis or cure, but rather the challenge of daily vigilance and ongoing commitment to treatment†. Rahimi, (2012) â€Å"For most people such as Steven with high blood pressure periodical visits to the physician’s office simply do not produce the desired outcome†. As a result of data Steven were treated and educated on manage control through medication, diet and exercise. The disparities of socioeconomic are due to his poor health outcome. The key to controlled hypertension is patient follow-up, a managed care plan and patient education. In Steven treatment plan the impact of the team base approach is to effectively promote a managed care plan that is efficient in regulating Steven hypertension. The main key is to educate Steven on a post treatment plan and follow-ups care. One analysis of Steven resource and saving would be that Steven partake in his company wellness program which in returned will save and give him an incentive on his current insurance plan. Lastly the advantage of a team base approach in Steven case would be that each individual on Steven medical team would strategically come up with alternative plans of action and a plan of care that will effectively help in the treatment of Steven hypertension. Each medical professional on Steven team will play an active role in the quality of care for Steven. Again the key component is to stabilize Steven high blood pressure through healthy eating habits and exercise. The scope of team base approach is logically come up with a solution in helping Steven sustain life through longevity of the hypertensive care plan that is put in place