Friday, May 31, 2019

The Confident Man or Woman :: College Admissions Essays

The Confident Man or Woman Im one of those spate that are never satisfied. Thats not to say that I dont enjoy life, far from it. Its more that I am always analysing, thinking and predicting. The outcome of all this, is that I like to try different ways of doing things. Sometimes the new way doesnt work, sometimes it does and I try to bed it down before moving on to the next improvement. Perhaps, part of the reason I am this way is that Im task oriented, (a psych term if ever there was one). As a rule, I dont care how I get there, but once I set myself a goal, I dont stop till its achieved. I rarely think about ego, my own or anyone elses, nor do I tend to worry about peoples feelings. This has dropped me in a lot of hot water, both in my private life and at school. I say that something is not going to plan and therefore needs to be fixed and the person responsible for that thing invariable takes offence. Clearly I am calling into question their right to exist as a human being. Why are so many people so thin skin? If I dont feel anything negative towards someone, and therefore no hint of sarcasm or accusation should enter my words, and I am stating nothing but facts and concord objectives, where is the justification to take offence? Are we so far down the road to political correctness that we can no longer even call on the carpet about areas that need work, without being accused of being insensitive, authoritative, etcetera? As another example, while playing tennis doubles I ask my retainer to cover more of the centre-court when I am receiving. I explain that the server has a wide angle serve which is forcing me to return from outside of the court entirely. Do I get a nod of agreement and a more effective team? No. I get hostility because the message inferred was that my retainer was not pulling her weight or was responsible for the last point lost or some other imagined insult.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Designing an Amateur Darkroom :: Essays Papers

Designing an Amateur Dark populateThe first time I processed my own roll of black and white film I was around 14 days old. Being very anxious to see the pictures I had taken, I couldnt even wait for the film to dry. I first became interested in photography in seventh grade. My parents bothowed me to buy some equipment and supplies to setup my own darkroom in our home. Everyday after school I rushed home to develop and stain my own film. In my darkroom, away from the outside pressures of the world I enjoyed creating my own works of art throughout the remainder of my school years. At 40 years old with a family and home of my own I still look forward to escaping the world for a little while in my own darkroom. Creating usage prints of your own can be a very rewarding and fun too. The first step in designing your own darkroom is to contract a room in your home with electric outlets, running water, and the least amount of light coming through the windows and doors. The room must be light tight, you can give this by covering the windows with a black cloth or heavy gauge vinyl. To check for stray light, stay in the darkroom for five minutes with all the lights off. Hold a piece of white paper against a dark background, if you cant see the paper, it passes inspection. If there are light leaks, use black electrical taping to cover them. The materials needed to develop your roll of exposed film are available at any photo supply store. You will need to choose the type of chemicals and paper needed according to type of film used, desired affect, convenience, personal preference, and expense. The clerks in these stores are usually very knowledgeable and helpful, explain to them what youre working(a) on and ask plenty of questions. You will need 1. Developing tank 5. Thermometer 2. Roll of exposed film6. Developer 3.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Of Course Theyre Worth It :: Sports Athletics Texas Essays

Of Course Theyre cost ItThe social class 2004 promises to be excite for sports fans and sports figures alike Lets look at the state of Texas for instance sports fans in Houston have the opportunity to enjoy professional sports greatest show, the exceedingly Bowl, in February, and then the Major League Baseb all told All-Star Game in July. Sports fans in San Antonio result welcome back their NBA Champion Spurs, and fans in Dallas will just about likely be filling the seats of Texas Stadium to cheer on Americas Team once again. For the athletes who call Texas home, 2004 might not be as exciting as it is lucrative. Up the middle, the Texas Rangers organization will pay nearly $30 meg for sub-par defense force and a combined .250 batting average, and $21 zillion whole is wrapped up in one man, Alex Rodriguez. Despite being the fourth best group in the Western Division year after year, ringer Cubans Dallas Mavericks have the highest payroll in the league with four players maki ng over $10 million in 2004. I guess you dont have to be from Texas to impinge on bank as a professional athlete, though. Those guys on the secure-wood are doing okay I suppose. Orlando conjuring trick shooting guard Tracy McGrady will earn about $13.5 million in 2004. Jason Kidd of the New Jersey Nets will make close to $17.5 million while pacer center Jermaine ONeal will rake in about $18 million in 2004. Am I the only one who thinks this is ridiculous? If that isnt enough, just name a look at baseball. Guys like Shawn Green, Pedro Martinez, and Carlos Delgado will all make close to $20 million each in 2004. Is this fair? Do these guys unfeignedly deserve that kind of money? Does it make sense that a teacher, someone who shapes the lives of so many other people, makes around $40 thousand a year while these guys make that in about three and a half innings of play or a few trips up and down the court? From a purely ethical standpoint, I think its safe to secernate that profes sional athletes are not worth the millions of dollars they get paid each season, no emergence how many points they score a game, how many boards they pull a night, or how many home runs they hit a season. However, from a purely economic standpoint, its hard to argue that professional athletes who generate billions of dollars a year in revenue for their respective cities arent deserving of that kind of money.Of Course Theyre Worth It Sports Athletics Texas EssaysOf Course Theyre Worth ItThe year 2004 promises to be exciting for sports fans and sports figures alike Lets look at the state of Texas for instance sports fans in Houston have the opportunity to enjoy professional sports greatest show, the Super Bowl, in February, and then the Major League Baseball All-Star Game in July. Sports fans in San Antonio will welcome back their NBA Champion Spurs, and fans in Dallas will most likely be filling the seats of Texas Stadium to cheer on Americas Team once again. For the athletes who call Texas home, 2004 might not be as exciting as it is lucrative. Up the middle, the Texas Rangers organization will pay nearly $30 million for sub-par defense and a combined .250 batting average, and $21 million alone is wrapped up in one man, Alex Rodriguez. Despite being the fourth best team in the Western Division year after year, Mark Cubans Dallas Mavericks have the highest payroll in the league with four players making over $10 million in 2004. I guess you dont have to be from Texas to make bank as a professional athlete, though. Those guys on the hard-wood are doing okay I suppose. Orlando Magic shooting guard Tracy McGrady will earn about $13.5 million in 2004. Jason Kidd of the New Jersey Nets will make close to $17.5 million while Pacer center Jermaine ONeal will rake in about $18 million in 2004. Am I the only one who thinks this is ridiculous? If that isnt enough, just take a look at baseball. Guys like Shawn Green, Pedro Martinez, and Carlos Delgado will all make clo se to $20 million each in 2004. Is this fair? Do these guys really deserve that kind of money? Does it make sense that a teacher, someone who shapes the lives of so many other people, makes around $40 thousand a year while these guys make that in about three and a half innings of play or a few trips up and down the court? From a purely ethical standpoint, I think its safe to say that professional athletes are not worth the millions of dollars they get paid each season, no matter how many points they score a game, how many boards they pull a night, or how many home runs they hit a season. However, from a purely economic standpoint, its hard to argue that professional athletes who generate billions of dollars a year in revenue for their respective cities arent deserving of that kind of money.

Too Much Punch For Judy :: Drama

too Much Punch For JudyIntroductionDuring the past few drama lessons weve been studying a in truth lifetragic play called Too Much Punch For Judy. It is a play about twosisters (Judy & Jo) who decide to go for a drink one day. They garnertwo guys who buy them drinks. When they are ready to go, Judy suggeststo Jo that she should drive home as she has had less to drink than her(however she is still over the legal limit). After some vistaJudy agrees and throws Judy the car keys. As they drive back Jo pleadsto Judy to slow down. However, Judy suddenly loses control of the carand crashes. Judy survives the crash, her sister Jo who is in thepassenger seat dies. A man who has perceive the crash from his house runsdown to the scene, he rings the police. The police arrive and call fortwo ambulances. When two ambulances arrive Jo and Judy are taken awayseparately. At this stage, Judy is unaware that Jo is dead. At thehospital Judy consistently asks to see her sister, until the policemanfi nally tells her that her sister is dead.After reading the play, I immediately felt up angry with Judy. I feltsorry for Jo and her family and perhaps almost for Judy. As the playwas a true story the moral of the play dont drink and drive struckme harder. The moral unquestionably gets across to me, and made me awareof the effects of drinking and driving. I thought the play was a goodway of getting that point across. It gave young people, like my groupand I, a chance to be put in that situation and to experience thefeelings and emotions of an actual person in that predicament.Depending on how we deal with this we are adapted to make a choicewhether it is the right or wrong thing to do. In this case, during ascene that I played Judy crashing and killing her sister, I feltscared at the consequences and extremely guilty. I would not like feellike that at any time. I have the power to control that, so that iswhy thanks to the play, I would not put my self in the same situationas Judy a nd feel it is the wrong choice to make.Response========Too much Punch For Judy allowed us to look into the effects ofdrinking and driving. It is a tragic piece of drama, however there aremany scenes which exaggerated and comical, resulting in completely theopposite feelings to the inevitable tragedy of the play.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Essay --

Sangbum ParkPOLI 120AProf. Victor MagagnaFeb, 14, 2014Causes of changing demand in atomic number 63There are many causes of changing demand in Europe focusing on the incremental change demanded and how rulers responded. The early modern Western Europe has been developed by institutional variations in declare. Basically in the bulk Birth of the Leviathan by Thomas Ertman, he does not believe on the traditional view of the state. He views states in two dimensions which are the regime types and the state apparatus. The two political regimes are the absolute monarchy and the constitutional monarchy. The two state apparatus was either patrimonial or bureaucratic. Briefly before the absolutism was complete and built, the feudalism was the political system in the Europe. It was basically the few rulers ruled everything and only those few rulers had forcefulness to control anything. The feudal system started to decline when the index finger of the monarchs in France started to rise. Als o the people from burgess class, which was the majority of the people in the feudalism, emerged along the rise of towns. One other reason was the increase of communication surrounded by the burgess classes. The decline and destroy of feudalism led the patrimonial absolutism to rise in the Europe during the early mettle ages in Europe. During the early middle ages in Latin Europe, the centralized states of those countries were declining. This declination of the centralized states brought the new dynamism to the economies and the religions especially the Church which led the growing of economy. The absolute monarchy started to rise back in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In Western and Eastern Europe, many monarchs such as kings or emperors tried to increase their ... ...ich basically combined England, Scotland, and Ireland into the Great Britain. The vivid revolution was the final incident which stopped the struggles and conflicts of power between the monarchs and the p arliament. William and Mary agreed to sign the Bill of Rights offered by the parliament. This Bill of Rights was basically the monarchs, William and Mary lead not be able to make their own decision without the permission of the parliament. This is basically how the absolutism is changed to a constitutionalism in England after this incident. The Glorious Revolution brought the power balance between the monarchs and the parliament favors more to parliament as time passed. As the parliament had more powers later, the government became more like democracy because it was the elective people who were making the decisions not the one ruler who were deciding everything.

Essay --

Sangbum ParkPOLI 120AProf. Victor MagagnaFeb, 14, 2014Causes of changing demand in atomic number 63There are many causes of changing demand in atomic number 63 focusing on the incremental change demanded and how rulers responded. The early modern Western Europe has been developed by institutional variations in state. Basically in the book Birth of the Leviathan by Thomas Ertman, he does not believe on the tralatitious view of the state. He views states in two dimensions which are the regime types and the state appliance. The two political regimes are the absolute monarchy and the constitutional monarchy. The two state apparatus was either patrimonial or bureaucratic. Briefly before the absolutism was established and built, the feudalism was the political system in the Europe. It was fundamentally the few rulers ruled everything and except those few rulers had power to control anything. The feudal system started to decline when the power of the monarchs in France started to mounti ng. Also the people from burgess class, which was the majority of the people in the feudalism, emerged on the rise of towns. One other reason was the increase of communication between the burgess classes. The decline and destroy of feudalism led the patrimonial absolutism to rise in the Europe during the early middle ages in Europe. During the early middle ages in Latin Europe, the centralized states of those countries were declining. This declination of the centralized states brought the new dynamism to the economies and the religions specially the Church which led the growing of economy. The absolute monarchy started to rise back in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In Western and Eastern Europe, many monarchs such as kings or emperors tried to increase their ... ...ich basically combined England, Scotland, and Ireland into the Great Britain. The glorious revolution was the final incident which stopped the struggles and conflicts of power between the monarchs and the pa rliament. William and Mary hold to sign the Bill of Rights offered by the parliament. This Bill of Rights was basically the monarchs, William and Mary will not be able to make their own decision without the permission of the parliament. This is basically how the absolutism is changed to a constitutionalism in England after this incident. The Glorious Revolution brought the power balance between the monarchs and the parliament favors more to parliament as time passed. As the parliament had more powers later, the government became more like democracy because it was the elected people who were making the decisions not the one ruler who were deciding everything.