Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Too Much Punch For Judy :: Drama

too Much Punch For JudyIntroductionDuring the past few drama lessons weve been studying a in truth lifetragic play called Too Much Punch For Judy. It is a play about twosisters (Judy & Jo) who decide to go for a drink one day. They garnertwo guys who buy them drinks. When they are ready to go, Judy suggeststo Jo that she should drive home as she has had less to drink than her(however she is still over the legal limit). After some vistaJudy agrees and throws Judy the car keys. As they drive back Jo pleadsto Judy to slow down. However, Judy suddenly loses control of the carand crashes. Judy survives the crash, her sister Jo who is in thepassenger seat dies. A man who has perceive the crash from his house runsdown to the scene, he rings the police. The police arrive and call fortwo ambulances. When two ambulances arrive Jo and Judy are taken awayseparately. At this stage, Judy is unaware that Jo is dead. At thehospital Judy consistently asks to see her sister, until the policemanfi nally tells her that her sister is dead.After reading the play, I immediately felt up angry with Judy. I feltsorry for Jo and her family and perhaps almost for Judy. As the playwas a true story the moral of the play dont drink and drive struckme harder. The moral unquestionably gets across to me, and made me awareof the effects of drinking and driving. I thought the play was a goodway of getting that point across. It gave young people, like my groupand I, a chance to be put in that situation and to experience thefeelings and emotions of an actual person in that predicament.Depending on how we deal with this we are adapted to make a choicewhether it is the right or wrong thing to do. In this case, during ascene that I played Judy crashing and killing her sister, I feltscared at the consequences and extremely guilty. I would not like feellike that at any time. I have the power to control that, so that iswhy thanks to the play, I would not put my self in the same situationas Judy a nd feel it is the wrong choice to make.Response========Too much Punch For Judy allowed us to look into the effects ofdrinking and driving. It is a tragic piece of drama, however there aremany scenes which exaggerated and comical, resulting in completely theopposite feelings to the inevitable tragedy of the play.

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