Monday, August 5, 2019

Different Networking Systems Advantages and Disadvantages

Different Networking Systems Advantages and Disadvantages Local Area Network: Local Area network is isolated network. Generally, It is build in a physical location. such as office, home etc. Computers are connected to each other by a small server and also connected to the wide area network (Internet). This types of networks are very usefull for sharing data likes files, small or big document, play network games etc. Metro Politian Area Network(MAN) : Metropolitan area network is a large computer network where computers are connected with each other from different geographical location. Its structure and built process are quite similar with LAN the only difference its spans an entire city or a selected are like college or university campus or a commercial area. We can get a shared network connection form MAN. Wide Area Network (WANs): Wide area network is similar to a Local area network but here all other device connected to each other by fiber-optic cables, telephone line or a satellite links. Networking Topologies: Bus: Every node or device are individually linked up to successive other device or other node . Its a very simple network but its has sum troubleshooting network issues . such as if a node is not working then how can anyone find the error node. Other way it has data redundancy issues. Ring: It quite similar to bus network topologies. It has no termination like bus topologies. The main reason is that this topologes has no end it related to each other like a circle. this network has some fault such as difficulty of adding a new node to a token ring network. Star: In this netwrok each and every node maintains an itotally individual connection to a switch, where all other nodes are connected. It has a direct connection with swithch to node. the weakness are need more wire to setup a network. Mesh: In this topology every node conected with each other node. It generally used in warreless network. It need a large amount of overhead which very difficult to manage+ Hybrid: This is simply a topology referring to the case where more than one topology is utilized. ti is the combination of star and ring topology. 1.2 Evaluate the impact of current network technology, communication and standards. Answer: OSPF: It is a routing protocol generally used for larger network either a single network or a group network. It is designed by Internet Engineering Task Force. It can also used as a Gateway Protocol. FTP: File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is mainly a standard protocol of Network which is used to transfer data from client to host or one server to another server . If user or admin want to upload a file on a website he or she needs a username, password and host address. SMTP: Simple mail transfer protocol is like a media which transfers e-mail. SMTP always work with POP3 service. TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol is a set of a protocol stack. Basically it is tow different protocol. TCP/IP is closely related with FTP, SMTP, HTTP. 1.3 Discuss how protocols enable the effective utilisation of different networking systems. Network Protocols are ensure proper utilisation of different network system. OSI model Layer 2 protocol is data link protocol which handles the physical and logical connections to the packets destination using a network interface card (NIC). Layer 3 Protocol called Internetwork Protocol (IP) it is also called network layer protocol it work for routing, directing datagrams from one netwrok to another. IP protocol always analysis larger datragrams and identify each and every host with a 32-bit IP address. Layer 4 protocol are TCP, UDP. Transmission Control Prtocol (Tcp0 establishes connections between two hosts on the network through sockets which are determined by the IP address and port number. one the other side provides a low overhead transmission service, but with less error checking. 2.1 Discuss the role of software and hardware components. Answer: Software: All Network software consists of the programs and protocols which required to connect computers together. Their primary purpose are data inter connect each other, data sharing. Application sharing: For application sharing all computer use same platform to connect and manage computer. If a network share application software platform to connect then it can reduce network cost. Hardware or Peripheral sharing: Network software also share hardware such as phone, fax, printer etc. A printer connected with ser with server and all other computer can share that computer. Management and Security: Network software provide some mechanism to maintain proper security of data and its can make backup copy of valuable date. It can monitor and make a digital report on resource utiliaation and efficiency. Operating System: Windows or Linux system. Hardware: Network Interface card (NIC) Hub Switches Bridges Routers Gateway Modems 2.2 Discuss server types and selection requirement. Answer: For the given scenario I would prefer a window server and here I want to clear my intension by full filing server selection requirement. So If any admin want to select a server types then admin must follow, server, proxy servers, web server, mail server, FTP server, SMTP server. Here I try to mention server and its work Server: A Server designed to get request or to process requests from other device or node(client) and deliver or process data to other node or client over a local network, or the wide area network. Now a days we find plenty of servers around us. So, I try to figure out some common server types: Proxy Servers: A proxy server like a middle man between a client and a real server. Here client means a web browser such as Internet explorer or chrome. When a client make a inquiry then web browser its try to solve it, otherwise web browser forward the query to the real server. In this way a proxy server reduce search time. A proxy server also used to filter request. A network admin used it to control unauthorized web access. Such as: many company block facebook, online game site etc Mail Servers: A mail server used for delivers e-mail over a network or over the internet. This types of servers receive e-mails from other nodes or users and send the mail to correct node or client. Web Servers: Web server generally a server which commonly used to host websites. Its deliver web page with content to client site and all the content are plain HTML documents or a image. Application Servers: Application server generally called appserver. It is a software which controlled all application between users and an server. Real-Time Communication Servers FTP Servers: File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is mainly a standard protocol of Network which is used to transfer data from client to host or one server to another server . If user or admin want to upload a file on a website he or she needs a username, password and host address. Server types selection is an important step for a new network. To select a server for office or a home is not easy its seems quite complicated. So an administer should make his own criteria to select server type. So, I try to set some criteria. Software requirements: Comment Operating systems (OS) Windows CPU type and speed Lattes Expansion/Upgrade Criteria Must Drive types, space, and speeds Lattes Physical characteristics Yes Brand Intel(Processor), HP (Network Printer) 2.3 Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with network components. 3.1 Design a networked system to meet a given specification. Answer: Design of a computer network systems first think about a central device which could be a switch or a router, A central server, a pc for every users, hard ware components . Office PrinterLife Insurance company Router Agent 6 Agent 4 Server Agent 2 Agent 5 Life Insurance Company Network Structure Agent 3 Hardware requirement: Name Quantity Comment Server 1 Main Server Printer 1 Network Printer Router 7 Main Router, Office and Agents Switch 1 Central switch PC 9 Main office and agents Software requirement: 1. Windows 7 2. Internet connection 3.2 Evaluate the design and analyse user feedback. Answer: 4.1 Implement a networked system based on a prepared design 4.2 Test the network system to meet user requirements. 4.3 Document and analyse test results against expected results 4.4 Recommend potential enhancements for the networked systems. 4.5 Design a maintenance schedule to support the networked system.

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