Saturday, January 11, 2020

Bmw Management

OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Table of Contents 1. Introduction3 2. Discussion4 3. BMW area of improvement6 4. BMW Solutions7 5. Recommendations9 6. Conclusion11 References13 1. Introduction Operations management is a process where system direction and control of the processes transforms inputs into finished goods and services. It is also the way organization do produce goods and their services. It’s a process of transforming and oversetting set of resources that is inputs in to services and goods which is output. Operations Functions of B. M. W comprises of a significant number of employees and their physical assets in various organizations (Mondy & Premeaux, 1992). Its also determins the equipments which are used and some information should go in an operation system and also how this equipments can be able to market the place. Managers they are the one who are supposed to be responsible on their activities such as quality management and control in their business. The Importance of operation have increased in recent years. Managers they do play a big role in satisfying their customer’s needs and making their business to be firm and strong. Inputs recourses might be raw materials or information or customers. Some examples of inputs in the B. M. W Company which include:-customers – this is a process where you are involved in processing your ticket and baggage. Raw Materials this is where some plastics product they are melted and they do form a mold. Information; a divisor do gather some information to clients and assist in developing in financial plans. Output it’s a product or services required by customers and its broadest sense of the word. Overview functions they involves a lot of different disciplines. Productions do have service which operations have (U. S Departments of Education Institute of Education Sciences, 2009). Discussion Operation management is the way products and goods and services are concerned with organizing the process of getting thing which are been done. The operation is also used for transforming process and converting a set of resources into services and goods. Operations management’s functions of the B. M. W involve different disciplines, production and services. Operation management functions do have a central role in most firms. The functions which are defined to select this determine which product or services will be produced and by which process (Mondy & Premeaux, 1992). Designing in the B. M. W sector involve creation method, whereby the operation involves actual process and meeting of schedules and also do certify production and standards. Operations functions here manager is supposed to be responsible for the success of the products units. This person need knowledge which is base in technology of products which are been processed . In customers participation it leads to storage ,transporting and stocking, and at the same time customer supplies with some of the products. Using customers as labor, enables them to do self service and this require customers to physically and mentally able to help themselves (Mondy & Premeaux, 1992). Retaining an existing customer at the B. M. W Company is much cheaper costs of winning new customers. The designing of a poorly product or service can fail to market needs and expectations. It’s more important to make products are well delivered and processed and closely linked. The designer must work together with the product so that he or she can make it to me more successful introduction of a new product or services. Products they are experience through materials, equipments and people, People they do know what can be done so as to solve problems (Chase & Jacobs et al, 2001). The right quality it’s not best but it’s determined by the cost of the products and the technical characteristics and the requirements. Manufacturers should procedure the best products in the right numbers and if they are produced in excess of the demands the capital will lower the inventory but if the quality is in short of demand its leads to shortage of products. The advantages of operation management in job shop production, the operator will become more skilled and its will compete other jobs and its will give the other business the opportunities. The Opportunities of B. M. W exists to create methods and innovates some ideas. Batch productions it’s defined by American Production and Inventory Control Society. The characterizes includes, whenever there is shorter productions to run the business, when machines and plant are flexible, when the manufacturer lead time and the cost at lower as compared to job order productions. The Advantages of Batch production are when there is better utilization of plants; the cot per item is lower as compared to job orders production (Mondy & Premeaux, 1992). Objectives of the operation management of the B. M. W Company should ensure its products are being produced at more clear and attractive services of right quality and quantity at the right time and at right manufacturing costs. The products are supposed to be of right quality and the right quantity. The quality is established based upon the customers and their needs Mondy & Premeaux (1992), the manager defines objectives for the operations of the organization and its polices, The operation manager provide the role and the flow of information within the operations . They determine activities which are required so as to achieve the goals and assign them responsibility for carrying them out. Operation manager must exercise to control by measuring outputs and comparing their plans in managements. Managers they are the one who are supposed to be concerned with how efforts to plan, organize and to control the behavior of human (Ames, 1995). Manager plan, organize and control the conversation process within the organization. Operation management is concern with achieving of both satisfactory customers and services, the B. M. W company should be tacked with these two objectives in mind, and many of the problems will favor the operations manager this is because of the conflicts hence operations manager must attempt to the balanced their basics objectives (Mondy & Premeaux, 1992). BMW AREA OF IMPROVEMENT (SUPPLY CHAIN AND CUSTOMER RELATIONS) The services operations at the B. M. W Company are not immune to some problems associated in making services of operations to meet its objectives (Mondy & Premeaux, 1992, pg 3). The designing of the something do limits for existing equipments, capacity and facilities, the product upgrades with the new features do have some significant effects on the operations. With the fixed of the process is highly repeatable and the process can be easily be monitored and varied. The importance of the aspect of the designed concentrates on utilizing and efficiency in addressing the demands valuables and the customer participations. King the customer out do the processes whether it’s possible and adopt the industrial process which is designed the processes which are not involving the customers. Mondy & Premeaux (1992), the production/operations management this is the process in which combines and transforms various resources which are being used in productions. It’s the part of organization which it’s been concerned with the transformation or the range of some inputs into the required field. Operations management strategies at the B. M. W Company is to improve the efficiency and effective of transportation through low cost and management to improve and to program (Megginsion, 1992, pg8). To associates with problems and their limits of current process techniques. Management is a process whereby an essential business functions take place and manager is some who is responsible for people and project together. The two topics includes the general manager’s job this is where manager take his or her ole in leading and managing an enterprise and to be responsible on the company the other one role to determine the long run of all enterprises. The most important role of a manager is to rule the business this is where business need different ways of thinking and way of acting in the business (U. S Departments of Education Institute of Education Sciences, 2009). What makes a manager to organize and also manage his or her he should be competent and he is organized in his dutie s. There are travel demands, these are transporting system management and intelligent transporting systems which improves strategies that do improve mobility. Management quality can certify and help Manufacture Company and put systems and control to ensure few and more profitable business (Megginsion, 1992, pg12). The company that do approach the certification at the end it’s the one whose succeed; effective quality management system its standard of quality (Megginsion, 1992). The standards involve overtime which reelects aspects of the industry. When businesses gets standards quality that when it becomes certified and these show the customers that it’s well practiced and the product they are of high qualities (Mondy & Premeaux, 1992). BMW Solutions Business which certifies doesn’t always go on by certification practices which are need to increase their quality. The short-term thinking leads a business in some problem . One particular do challenge the quality management. The old standby quality approach they are six sigma and they change your organization culture to drive strategy and business transformation. This deserves much intensity to all other initiatives that can operate in big companies. The strategic six sigma principles and practices which can help companies they include. This is formulating and new existing business strategies. They also deal with changing and they increase complex of customer requirements, they also facilitate merge and acquisitions. The growing of number of companies beginning to realize the implications caused by six sigma’s; especially engine to accelerate corporate strategies and organizations (U. S Departments of Education Institute of Education Sciences, 2009). The BMW ought to entail below solutions to cub their problems: †¢ To help the company’s top leadership team by implement six sigma and developing a committed team of leader to support. †¢ Thinking and practicing into some strategies and planning. Establishing connections with customer and their large market place where the companies do operates. †¢ Ensures leaders view the companies not as a set of isolated functions or independent. †¢ To develops measures and demands which are tangible results from people in their works. †¢ To be committed in fulltime to the business, aspects of grogram to ensure that work is progressing toward achieving goals and objectives. †¢ Megginsion (1992), the BMW company should avoid to introduce new work processing and product without have relied with your customers through design and development processes. Recommendations By choosing some issues good manager should know that he can able to bring some talents within his organization and he do choose those which have the greatest and which are long term and those one which can make his talents to be more productive. Under ordinary time he will have three or four major objectives during any single period of time. Megginsion (1992). Management is one role that is fast of growing the security market while continuing security to enable to increase attention to identify issues. All managers they perform some same basics functions to make sure the business runs well. Manager is supposed to strive hard to reach al objectives in an organization. As a manager it’s good to make use of your time and the functions of managements are to control in devising way to ensure all plans are being achieved well. As a manager you are responsible to ensure thing of yourself they are running well and they are all correct and measure are being taken (Chase, 2004). Person whose proficiency has applied the competency repeatedly and successfully in their performances of his or her jobs but has much to the advance (Megginsion, 1992). Aspects and behaivior which is associated with the B. M. W Company and operation managements. Person with high level can have knowledge and experience with competency and can apply well on job with any assistance. In this stage one is expert and has experience many careers in his or her own work. To share list of keys people organizes and resources so as to help solving Problems College to have trained or mentor you on how to effectively schedule this skill will lead to the best learned from job which is trained. In informal interview, the manager is involved in with scheduling and attending of meetings with him if it’s possible. To have relations with your customers in your business you can be able to understand their needs and their concerns. Making you available its will direct you to contact with your clients. To rotate your job and assignments of various employees so that you many know how your employee interacts with their customers. As a manager you should be asking assignment in workforce planning. It’s good to spend time observing your work operation so that you may know processes and problems that needs to be solved. As a manager it’s good to have a meeting with your employees so that you can be able to solve tasks with schedules. To make work to be organized and activities to run smoothly and efficiency manager is supposed to be responsible (Chase & Jacobs et al, 2001). Whenever manager of the B. M. W Company move to many places, he develop a network for some information in many different departments. He do keeps the sources and keep them open no matter how high they will be. Skillful manager usually leave members of his organization so that they can judge them and decide which level to inform him. Managers are supposed to respond immediately with a reasonable in various problems and how to overcome them. Another skill is to save time and energy for various issues. For keeping someone informed. About a wide range operation and decisions which are been made in different steps in a company (Chase & Jacobs et al, 2001). The importance of operation management in the B. M. W Company has highly increased the function to enable to increase and improve productivity while providing a broader high quality of the products. The benefits of establishing the standards includes decision making. It’s also requiring thinking outside the organization and use of new technologies and also resolving of the provided mechanisms. A customer is an individual or a group and he can be the process in the organization, this is by providing of some law materials. In Operation management expectations includes cost, time and delivery, the enviroment, level of services, and the quality of the product or services (Mondy & Premeaux, 1992). In designing of the products can fail to meet the market expectations in the market. Organization functions they entails addition to setting of the department structures. To compare productions and the services in an operations most services have elements which are based operations integrated with service delivery. The situations which are faced by a service operation manager may be less significant and less encountered by the production and manufacturing manager. The depth of planing and preparation which enable products to be consumed, Customers they see only the delivery of the products and services they are given and some customers may not mind the time that they will take to wait. Some customers will not wait and wait for the responds. The difficulties in stocking a service they include the capacity wasted if not in use. The isolation of the customers is less for services than for goods and when personal services if offered the customers they are more involved. Customers immediate are more less such that the systems are more sensitive and more personal to control (Mondy & Premeaux, 1992). Conclusion If the managers do operations of business or organization smoothly and in right order, he will get the benefits in the organization. But if they do not cooperate with his organization well, it will have fewer benefits. In my view point, it will have conclusion on how I can believe my experiences of the operations managements and it’s could be one of my benefits. Also for the B. M. W business to run well it’s should have some inputs and outputs and to make an organization to be successful it’s supposed to have objectives of operations managements of how is speed when doing your work and cost of your varieties and goods (Mondy & Premeaux, 1992). The quality of your goods matters a lot in your organization and your goods it’s good to have better qualities so as to attract more of your customers in your organizations. For a manager is required he or she to be focused in his daily duties and also he should be capable to make the organization to be organized and it’s been operating well (Ames, 1995). In a company foundation it is also more important that is when business have a good start its can enable it to learn well. Manager is responsible to make sure every department its learning well and everybody is well located in his or her own departments. The operations function of B. M. W is responsible in producing the services of goods and managing the supply that would provide the incoming resources. Manager is required to innovate and ensure successful of new products in the market (Ames, 1995). It is the responsibility of the management concerning Operations management strategies at the B. M. W Company to improve the efficiency and effective of transportation through low cost and management to improve its productivity and to program its services world wide. Lastly, the B. M. 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