Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Adolf Hitler - 3455 Words

The seeds of Hitlers rise to power were planted following the outcome of the First World War. With Germanys defeat, many German men returned to Germany feeling betrayed by their country and government. Among them was Adolf Hitler, a young Austrian Corporal who had fought bravely for Germany. When the World War broke out, Hitler was very happy. The War had been a blessing to the young Hitler, who had been unsuccessful in civilian life. When Germany was defeated, Hitler was devastated. He wrote, quot;I could sit there no longer, once again, everything went black before my eyes, and I tottered and groped my way back to the place where we slept, and buried my burning head in the blankets and pillows.quot; (Stewart p.31). On returning†¦show more content†¦Although this was small party, in a few years it becomes the most powerful political group in Europe. When a member, Hitler became very busy, spending all his free time doing work for the party, forcing him to resign from his military position. Until that time a man by the name of Drexler had been the leader of this party. It was this man who saw that Hitler had much potential. This is therefore the reason for promoting him to the position of director of propaganda. In this new position, Hitler set to work, spreading news of the partys ideas and meetings. With the increased publicity, the party grew attracting! large audiences who were curious and intrigued by Hitler and his speeches. Although at first a shy and awkward man, Hitler became a very powerful and convincing orator. At theses meetings Hitler spoke of The Versaille Treaty, the Jews, Communists, and the Germany and the Worlds future. As one bystander said, quot; he could sent shivers down ones spinequot;.Within a few months membership increased to over a thousand members. Hoping to gain further popularity, Hitler changed the name of the Party to the National Socialist German Workers Party (abvr. NAZI). This because he felt that the old name was boring and lacked clarite. As his power increased he introduced a new flag and symbol of the Party. By 1920, Hitler demanded Drexler for full control of the party. Drexler, without any alternatives gave over power. With the new authority,Show MoreRelatedAdolf Hitler 794 Words   |  4 Pageshorrible attempt to annihilate certain races and religions was all brought upon by one man, Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler took power in 1833 and immediately started his plan to exterminate the Jews. Hitler had the Nazi party behind him and eventually thousands of soldiers to help him invade the many countries for living Jews. 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No one could have known the dramatic effect this man would soon have on the world. Adolf Hitler’s life began in Austria on April 20, 1889. Born at the Braunqu-am-inn. Hitler had four siblings Gustav Hitler, Ida Hitler, Paula Hitler, and Edmund Hitler. Gustav and Ida Hitler died in their infancy, while his brotherRead More Adolf Hitler Essay1353 Words   |  6 PagesAdolf Hitler When most people think of Adolf Hitler, they think of a cruel person who killed many innocent Jews. The majority of people do not think of Hitler as the type of guy who would write plays and librettos for operas. Let alone do they think of him as the type of person who loved to read Westerns and play cowboys and Indians as a kid. Was Adolf Hitler a bad leader? Was there a side of Adolf Hitler that the world did not see? Hitler’s life impacted the world in many waysRead MoreThe Rise Of Adolf Hitler1457 Words   |  6 Pagespeople who have elected them. 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When Alois HitlerRead MoreEssay on Adolf Hitler1159 Words   |  5 PagesAdolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was born to Alois and Klara Hitler on April 20th, 1889. His childhood was unhappy, but not totally miserable. His father wanted him to be a civil servant, but Adolf wanted to become a painter. Hitler did well in Elementary school, but later on he failed miserably, which he blamed his teachers for. His father died in 1903, and Adolf dropped out of school two years later. In Mein Kampf (My Struggle), the autobiography Hitler dictated while in Landsberg prison in 1924Read MoreAdolf Hitler Essay827 Words   |  4 PagesAdolf Hitler was one of the most feared and cruel men in world history, but how did he come to power? Hitler was one out of a few men to be feared by thousands of people. Hilter was responsible for killing millions of innocent people, mostly of the Jewish religion. He was the chancellor of Germany for 12 years and the leader of the Nazi party. He was a very important person in history, most notably during World War II. When Hitler was young he moved to a town named Vienna, this is where he acquiredRead MoreAdolf Hitler Essays1302 Words   |  6 PagesAdolf Hitler Hitler. The name says it all. He is said to be the incarnation of absolute evil. The devil himself. There have many dictators in the twentieth century that were considered harsh dictators; Mussolini,Stalin, Saddam Hussein, but no one like Adolf Hitler. Hitler’s rule over Germany had a major impact on history and the entire world. Adolf Hitler held the most powerful and cruelest dictatorship of the 20th century. Adolf Hitler was born April 20, 1889 in the small Austrian villageRead MoreThe Impacts of Adolf Hitler1199 Words   |  5 PagesWhat impacts did Hitler have at the time and later in history? The start of World War II was one of the biggest impacts. There were many countries involved in this war. The major countries under the allies were Britain, France, U.S., Soviet Union, and under the axis also had major countries like the Germany, japan, and Italy. The Germany was at its peak. And it was all because of one man, Adolf Hitler, he was one of the most dominant German leaders in history, no doubt about that. Other great leaders

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