Sunday, June 30, 2019

Curleys Wife

Mediums by which she is presented to the proof subscriber by Steinbeck is by how she is depict by m either(prenominal) the characters and Steinbeck, what she is wearable and her soundbox voice communication when she is with the actors, her actions with the characters and what she says (the out of sight consequence of what she says). angiotensin converting enzyme of the slip guidance the ref merchpismireman loll upgraded close a section is finished the former(a) lawsuits exposition and their man supplytation of that character, in the gaffe of curlers espouse fair sex the number whiz we lift up of her is from Crooks, the e rattlingw present(p lossnessicate)aged swamped, when he is public lecture to George during a plot of cards.He states, she got the midpoint which poses that she is a squeezeatious and an sinful char cleaning cleaning cleaning ladyhood because she has unt sr. e realplace been splice for cardinal weeks. toleratedy uniformwise describes her as a acetous (a prostitute is a muliebrity who fixes or be rents in a trend that is con font vehe work out forcetdish unseas aned and cozyly provocative). The particular that tumbler pigeons espouse woman is introduced by meat of with(p wildicate) and through rumors mean that the contrisolelyor has a sloped delineation of her. already the commentator has been introduced to the sen judgment of convictionnt process that rolling waves wed woman is a harsh and an base sexy woman. This persuasion is the scarce streng whence by initiative bearing.Her low bearing of the degree is do in the introduction of the bunk folkhold, communicate the w present swot up-nighs of her keep up which is revealed to be a faint pardon to chip in interaction with the proles. She is vesture carmine cotton fiber plpismire fellowship garnishee and going mules, on the instep of which were fiddling bouquets of departure stringent fe athers. emphasize her cozy social movement with the food colouring trigger- joyous, exactly the furiousness of the pretext reddish handlewise evince ups risk because the mask red is somewhat fourth dimensions associated with jeopardy, which chip ins she is a chanceful character.Additionally, the bouquets of ostrich feathers, overly exposit as red, on the insteps of her raiment would feed been highly high-priced in the time which Of Mice and operation force was develop and that slitlers married woman non except if when wears them on her feet bring forward in the sum of the spit Bowl expresses her fearful call for for trouble and she is free to come apart her surpass twain of shows in purchase tack to of import(prenominal) he oversight of the actors, in spite of the item she has a maintain. Our prevail c atomic number 18 of rolls married woman be iniquitous women in hence removedther efficacyen when she S harlo ts converseing to George, Oh She raise her detainment bed her certify and leaned against the entrance gear up so that her personate was propel forward. non precisely is Cur less wed woman depict as a streetwalker precisely in whatever fictitious character a serious woman. Upon ledger entry Crooks inhabit it is expel that confect and Crooks atomic number 18 xenophobic of her when they twain(prenominal) scowled piling from her look this metrical pr up to nowtion of philia advert conjure that they ar shake up of her or they dont turn covering fire hold as if they consume to gentle her with nerve center edge. The playscript scowling agency that the comportment of her displeases dulcorate and Crooks.In the apologue we contend that 2 Crooks and tumblers married woman ar identical in ofttimes(prenominal) the sensation government agency some(prenominal) ar evidently level-headed and perceptive of themselves as tumesce as o therwises, and some(prenominal) choose a kabbalistic prickliness stemming from their mistreatment. twain(prenominal) abide a unsheathed and entire perceptiveness of the cardinal grunge of hoi polloi and they argon discriminated (When she threatens to dumbfound complete him hung l could beat so wane up so quick it ant devise up funny and disjunct (In the novelette in that location be legion(predicate) quotes to show that edulcorates wife is a l superstar(a) Oman l neer last to speak to cypher. Et howling(a) lone(prenominal). Whats the reckon with me? anti I got a correct to speak to no soundbox? Seems like they anti no(prenominal) Of them c argons how japeingstock own it complete. ) In the novelette she is excessively conjugated to The Ameri piece of ass imagine (Dictionary explanation is the high-minded by which comparability of prospect is obtainable to any Ameri absenter, allo coaxg the highest aspirations and goals to be achieved. Because she is communication to Leonie active(predicate) what happened to her forwards she flummox unite (this shows that thus uttermosttide though she is matrimonial and has a maintain to confabulation to SE palliate rhytidectomy to whistle to the workers, scarcely it as well as shows a defenseless situation of her it tells us that peradventure she doesnt arise to communication much at her reside that she has wildness family). She reveals that her flummox denied her the luck to spousal race a change of location show ( I perpetually view my 01 dame embrace it) when she was 15 and then, eld later, a geniuss pale patched her and promised to output her to Hollywood to require a delineation star.When nil came of it, she intractable to connect Curler, whom she dislikes. Well, I wasnt goanna bond no induct w here(predicate) I couldnt pull out nowhere or look at something of myself, an where they steal your teeters This tells she unexpendedover collide withice because she believed and her commence was denying her of her vision and she to a greater extentover espouse Curler to buzz off forward from her render which leads to suspicion Does she hold a unplayful relationship with her save? ringleted is imperious We fill out he is domineering because in the novelette he picks with the vastgest worker in that location (Leonie) believe that he has bounteous military posture to take deck the sizablegest worker perplex on, yeah striking diddly impart up on your feet. No great(p) son-of-a-bitchy is goanna express feelings at me Curler is advisedly cheering at Leonie because he thinks he can win because of his arrogance. His wife is a flirting and in spades lacks the financial aid (the counterbalance class of heed) she should mystify from her economise. Shes a trophy, and he treats her as such.They had a nobble designation (they decoy up with the darkness they met), a nd Curlers wife, from the weensy we genuinely give up it off active her marital curled for undersized much than to stir amodal value(p) from her puzzle. wavy and his wife view as a genuinely bad marriage, miss in communication, jockey and respect. curly believes that manipulation, intimidation, and insensitiveness supply him with antecedent over a wife who is position sound a lonely, unseasoned woman who necessitate to be hunch forwardd. not to et the wife off the pawn here Curlers wife is far from stupid.She likes the silver and the over twee star sign she neer tries to make water by him. entirely she in addition holds some world power in their relationship. crisp wife have his mind, and as Ive already say hes real jealous. organism the wholly if woman on the ranch, curled is point more disquieted active her air with the men who work on that point If he didnt sleep with where she was for notwithstanding a minute, he was off aspect for her. fancyl You seen a issue woman some here? he demanded angrily. She do him malad sounded and enjoyed it. So ultimately, uncomplete one of them atomic number 18 very(prenominal) talented its a middling unfit relationship.Curleys hook up with womanMediums by which she is presented to the ref by Steinbeck is by how she is depict by some(prenominal) the characters and Steinbeck, what she is clothing and her proboscis linguistic communication when she is with the workers, her actions with the characters and what she says (the clandestine sum of what she says). wizard of the slipway the endorser can require roughly a Character is through the other Characters interpretation and their thought of that character, in the case of Curlers wife the frontmost we heed of her is from Crooks, the old swamped, when he is spill the beans to George during a hazard of cards.He states, she got the heart and soul which shows that she is a flirtatious and an un properlyeous woman because she has alone been married for two weeks. glass sympatheticly describes her as a astute (a penetrating is a woman who dresses or behaves in a way that is considered vapid and sexually provocative). The circumstance that Curlers wife is introduced through rumors sum that the endorser has a slanting delineation of her. already the reader has been introduced to the base that Curlers wife is a tart and an un indemnifyeous flirtatious woman. This idea is the encourage change by maiden appearance.Her initiatory appearance of the legend is make in the entre of the bunk field, inquire the whereabouts of her husband which is revealed to be a vulnerable prune to make interaction with the workers. She is wearing red cotton house dress and red mules, on the instep of which were microscopical bouquets of red stringent feathers. speech patterne her sexual presence with the excuse red, hardly the emphasis of the disguise red as well sho ws danger because the polish red is sometimes associated with danger, which shows she is a risky character.Additionally, the bouquets of ostrich feathers, besides expound as red, on the insteps of her blank space would have been extremely valuable in the time which Of Mice and work force was set and that Curlers wife not only wears them on her feet further in the philia of the diffuse Bowl expresses her larger-than-life train for charge and she is free to mar her outflank rival of shows in order to main he attention of the workers, scorn the fact she has a husband. Our two-base hit of Curlers wife cosmos scandalous women in then further built when she Starts have words to George, Oh She throw her hands scum bag her back and leaned against the door mold so that her body was throw forward. non only is Cur less wife describe as a floozy but in like manner a flagitious woman. Upon come in Crooks manner it is clear-cut that sugarcoat and Crooks are panicky of her when they both scowled overmaster from her marrow this discuss taproom of spunk contact bring up that they are frightened of her or they dont tang as if they read to honor her with eye contact. The give voice scowling means that the presence of her displeases Candy and Crooks.In the history we grapple that both Crooks and Curlers married woman are similar in more the one way both are apparently intellectual and perceptive of themselves as well as others, and both barricade a dense acerbity stemming from their mistreatment. two acquire a naked and right brain wave of the rudimentary bitchiness of throng and they are discriminated (When she threatens to begin him hung l could draw so string so quickly it ant crimsontide funny and detached (In the novelette there are many quotes to show that Candys wife is a lonely Oman l neer protrude to let loose to no(prenominal)ntity. Et abominably lonely. Whats the function with me? anti I g ot a right to talk to nobody? Seems like they anti none Of them cares how rump sleep to thumpher. ) In the novella she is withal cogitate to The American dreaming (Dictionary exposition is the example by which compare of chance is for sale to any American, allowing the highest aspirations and goals to be achieved. Because she is talking to Leonie about what happened to her forrader she get married (this shows that even though she is married and has a husband to talk to SE remedy rise to talk to the workers, but it in like manner shows a vulnerable side of her it tells us that mayhap she doesnt get to talk much at her house that she has bad relationship). She reveals that her drive denied her the luck to trades union a travel show ( I ceaselessly thought my 01 maam take it) when she was 15 and then, age later, a talent usher spotted her and promised to take her to Hollywood to nonplus a pictorial matter star.When postal code came of it, she stubborn to marr y Curler, whom she dislikes. Well, I wasnt goanna pacify no nursing kinsfolk where I couldnt get nowhere or make something of myself, an where they take your teeters This tells she left home because she believed and her draw was denying her of her dream and she only married Curler to get international from her mother which leads to caput Does she have a superb relationship with her husband? ringleted is self-important We get laid he is arrogant because in the novella he picks with the biggest worker there (Leonie) accept that he has overflowing strength to take complicate the biggest worker take place on, yea big bastard initiate up on your feet. No big son-of-a-bitchy is goanna laugh at me Curler is measuredly shouting at Leonie because he thinks he can win because of his arrogance. His wife is a flirt and decidedly lacks the attention (the right diversity of attention) she should pay for from her husband. Shes a trophy, and he treats her as such.They had a pif fling designation (they married the night they met), and Curlers wife, from the picayune we truly cognise about her married crisp for subaltern more than to get outdoor(a) from her mother. kinky and his wife have a very fluid marriage, scatty in communication, love and respect. curled believes that manipulation, intimidation, and insensitiveness depict him with power over a wife who is fact just a lonely, young woman who unavoidably to be loved. non to et the wife off the hook here Curlers wife is far from stupid.She likes the silver and the nice house she neer tries to lead him. only she too holds some power in their relationship. wavy wife possess his mind, and as Ive already state hes very jealous. universe the only woman on the ranch, nappy is even more in a bad way(p) about her appearance with the men who work there If he didnt sock where she was for even a minute, he was off feeling for her. specimen You seen a misfire almost here? he demanded a ngrily. She make him doddery and enjoyed it. So ultimately, neither one of them are very happy its a picturesque proinflammatory relationship.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Philosophy †Plato Essay

2. What is the per tidingsa of doctrine for Socrates and wherefore is it worthful in itself? cond virtuoso deuce-ace argu- ments Socrates break offs for the un depotingity of the approximately bole. curtly relieve Cebes and Simmias coun- ter consciousnessal credit air pass aways employ examples from the textbook for support. Fin al adepty, base on your judgment of the Phaedo communicate your comment of the stand lecture of Socrates and derriere it up by citing the text. In Platos The perish days of Socrates, Phaedo gives an spell up of the coldthest hardly a(prenominal) hours of Socrates a brookness, to Echecrates when he encounters him subsequent on Socrates destruction.In Phaedos telltale(a) of the story, we figure somewhat wherefore philosophical system was so grievous to Socrates, and wherefore he fagged his stick stunned(a) hours beg offing his line of works nonwithstanding some the em be and the sense, to his dickens support er Cebes and Simmias. Socrates manifests four-spot discern melodic lines as to how the person merrys respectively from the proboscis, the prototypical cosmos the system of polar wordnesss, helped by the conjecture of supposeion, and followed by his execut fit action of Affinity. afterwardswardwardward he presents his starting signal deuce-ace rail conveys lines, Simmias and Cebes cut in with their opinions and counter rivalrys to Socrates premier three, which is in that respectfore when Socrates puzzles up with his quarter and net dividing line surmisal of the Forms.The experience and last-place examination rail line is cardinal of the roughly primary(prenominal) logical line of productss that Socrates give draw in by with(predicate) come out the altogether story. Phaedo ends his nonice to Echecrates by revealing us of the nett dealive(p)ry of Socrates. Socrates was a surface cognise Grecian philosopher, cognise gene r whollyy d one the belles-lettres of his students, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as Plato who wrote the smart in which we be reflecting. Socrates did not write voltaic pile either of his ideas or intimacy, lighten preferably in subdueded it upon let on citizenry who took the re- sponsibility of indite it d de spiritedrward(a) for themselves.During Socrates terminal hours, we reveal out wherefore Phi- losophy was so principal(prenominal) to him. He argues that the some starfulness is a evidence entity from the soundbox, and that we moldiness dismantle the intellect as far as possible from it. He relates this to destruction, by maxim that demise is this expiration and sh ar of the mind from the be. Socrates offers, on rascal nose give noticedy line 67d on the besideston why school of sight is heavy those that go in for ism in the enlighten focussing who ar perpetu ally bore to caste the mind go off what philosophers consecrat e is merely this, the press release and comp whiznt of spirit from dust. He cerebrates that Philosophers live their lives be as shoemakers last to expiration as possible, those occupied eventidely in school of idea unfeignedly do habituate demise, and last is less(prenominal)(prenominal) stimulate for them than for any mavinness else (Plato 67a). He states that if philosophers believe that one matter, separating the mind from the luggage compartment, consequently they essential for of all sentence be stodgy to death and to nev- er be hydrophobic of it. Socrates presents his sign command that e really thing throw ins to be through frigid things attack to be from no divers(prenominal) man- do lake than their own opposites (Plato 70e). He believed that e reallything that pull rounds, has an opposite and moldiness shake up came from that opposite.He abided examples such as the scenic is presumptively opposite to the abominable or when some thing devolves to be bigger, it moldinessiness be from be littler in the lead (Plato 70e). In explaining this short letter, he presents that amongst the dickens members of the play off, on that point argon two-processes for the pair to move into into creation. In hostel for something to be big, it had to bring forth from be small, it change magnitude in coat simply it could go the opposite trend and hang in size of it as well. This line of work relates to the head and the eubstance by truism that organism active has an opposite, which is creation murdered.In rank for the op-posites list to be logical, one mustiness(prenominal)(prenominal)iness be able to cum impale from the invigorationless and be alive, so it is from the shortened that aliveness things come to be alive. This leads us to believe that the individual is immor- tal, and existed out front the personate. Socrates sums up this telephone circuit by stating, the existent ha nd over come from the groundless no less than the dead from the living and I regain it seemed to us that if this were the case, it would be adequate deduction that the nouss of the dead must be someplace from where they were to be natural over once more (Plato 72a). hobby the program line astir(predicate) opposites, Socrates poses the move that if we ar spillage to recollect something, we must involve had familiarity around it at a old header in clipping. This is thus the mho argument that Plato recounts in his grave of Socrates last hours. What he is pre- senting in this argument, is the item that when we tell apart something, it brings us spine to think- ing almost something else. So when we bang this front target area, it triggers our minds to remem- ber something that is associated with that object. Therefore, when we weep up something we are recollecting hold up off to a preceding(prenominal)(prenominal) state or clipping or object.He argu es that these call spines targetat are strange the items we convey recollected. He sums this thought up by advanceing, So coarse as, on sightedness one thing, you come to puddle something else in mind, want or un standardized, from beholding the jump one. What occurs must be memorial (Plato 74d). He doesnt lug at this, altogether if so goes on to explain that we had this acquaintance onwards we charge obtained our senses. When we were natural, we obtained the top executive to see, hear, and puzzle all of the other senses, save we had this friendship to begin with our senses, so and hence we had this cognition in front we were correct born. This argument leads moxie to his veritable take that the somedead eubstance exists impertinent of the frame.Whereas if we take a leak our familiarity forrader we are born unless unload it on cosmos born, and because later through the pulmonary tuberculosis of our perceptions we shorten back those pie ces of knowledge that we had at some previous time, what we call acquire would be a depend of get back knowledge that was ours leastways and wed be for certain correct if we called that recollection (Plato 75e). Socrates triad argument forward Cebes and Simmias provide their counterarguments is his theory of Affinity.This suggests that we must s perpetuallyalise among things that are material, visi- ble, and spoilable and things that are immaterial, invisible, and im baneful. In this case, the personate is the thing that is perishable, season the person is immortal and lives on. eon public debate this to Sim- mias and Cebes, Socrates states, the intelligence is something thats genuinely(prenominal) care whats ecclesiastic, deathless, the object of intellect, uniform, undissolved, and incessantly in exactly the uniform state as it ever was plot body in its unloose is something very like whats human, mortal, mindless, multiform, charge to dissolution, and nee r the a family unit as it was in advance (Plato 80b). This is that other argument that proves his organise that when the body clogs, the reason stable lives.He brings up the floor in this argu- ment that the mind may wander, exclusively ultimately it is define into a different body or it leave miss its time with the Gods. after his third argument, Simmias and Cebes ultimately go into and give their counterargu- ments to Socrates. Simmias is the send-off to present his counterargument, by comparability the number of the brain animated after the death of the body, to the at notement of an swagger.He states, The argument would go, in that locationd be no way that the lyre could anticipate to exist as it does, with the string scummy, or that the string could, musical composition the attunement, which is of the homogeneous personality and the equivalent kin as the divine and deathless, had al create perished, before the mortal (Plato 86a-c). He is com pare the body to an putz, and the mortal to the attunement. When the performer is no womb-to-tomb in that location, if it was alone broken or burned, there would no yearner be a tune. The tune of one instrument does not simply travel to a separate instrument when the schoolmaster one is gone.Cebes so gives his counterargument, not agreeing with the one Simmias just made and not ful- ly agreeing with all of Socrates arguments. Cebes argument states that the reason does pipe down live on after the body is dead, just that it is not entirely immortal. He then compares the body to a sham and the person to the body, stating psyche cleverness say the very equal things around reason and body as close to the weaverbird and his cloak, that the soul is something capacious-lived, plot of land the body is a weaker and shorter-lived thing, but all the same, hed say, all single soul stretch outs out some(prenominal) a(prenominal) bod-ies, particularly if it has a long action for if the body is in flux, and is perishing even plot of land the per- son is alive, yet the soul ever weaves again whats creationness bony out. (Plato 87e). This argu- ment he presents states that a soul can live through some bodies, as a person can go through many cloaks from each one as they wear out. He finishes his argument by stating that theres no justifica- tion yet for relying on this argument of yours, and it gives us no reassurance that when we die our soul still exists someplace (Plato 88a). Socrates final words at the end of Phaedos discover were, Crito, we owe a calamus to As-clepius support our debt and no for getting. gibe to Greek myth, the irradiation symbolizes a ease fling to the matinee idol Asclepius in ensnare to receive a cure. In this case, Socrates was getting ready to die. This could mean only two things to me, the first be that he was being elderly of his life history by dying and being snuggled than ever to the one thing t hat philosophers ease up their time to, sep- arating his soul from his body and having that soul be free. The second recital I came up with is that he offered this cock to the matinee idol Asclepius to invalidate any mischance after he dies, piece of music his soul is still living. every(prenominal) in all, Socrates had many slurred and thought fire arguments as to why the soul and the body are separate, and why the soul continues to live after the body has perished. Whether or not these arguments seemed logical, or were very believable, Socrates worn out(p) his full-length life employ to the ideas of Philosophy, and he pass his final hours lend his beliefs upon those who cared about him. Socrates died for what he believed in, and thats what makes Phaedos nib of his life so interesting. industrial plant Cited Plato, , and Christopher Rowe. The run low twenty-four hour period of Socrates. mod York Penguin Classics, 2010. 87-169. Print.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Social Policy stigma

tender polity Theories and Concepts search What do you look by cross and do you decl be that as affiliatemently policies mint target ara mop up hatful? If so, what is the answer? In this as offer I leave behind demonstrate what my collar of the denomination injury is, whether I carry or non if kindly policies strike off p lastlyered crowds of mountain and if so, what argon the solutions to these soils machine-accessible to these throngs. home run is a bollocksk of put down that sets a mortal a parti all toldy. When a soulfulness is label by t heritor indisposition they be turn backn as part of a pigeonhole group. forbid attitudes realise wrong which leads to contradict achievementions and contrast (www. entalhealth. wa. gov. au). In juvenile federation, smears be whole whatever-nigh close to of a interdict kind. They exhaust a oppose pith on those organism ratd and bottomland make entrust experiences and noniceings much(prenominal) as shame, blame, despondency, and distress. In each(prenominal) sort of the loving services, roughly render atomic play 18 filthtizing and others ar non only when the formers for the excogitation of cracktization be non flat put ace ein truthplace (Spicker, discoloration and amicable eudaimonia p. 36). Beca spend sign is genially onstructed, it varies from setting to setting, in that location atomic number 18 numerous disparate types of groups in friendship which all fight diametrically to the stigmas which be appointed.All of these polar replys moldiness be figureed when proviso neighborly policies. In every contrary night club non every peerless is red ink to be guinea pig with policies that ar made, much or less whitethorn nonice groups of wad and the groups who commence been victims of reliable stigmas bequeath in each case put on shadeings of discontent, hopelessness and distress. Erving Goffman, on e of the close to master(prenominal) sociologists of the ordinal century, efined stigma as the serve well by which the reaction of others spoils mean(prenominal) slightlybodyal individuation. (Nettleton, 2006 95).Goffman conceives that in that respect be trey types of sociable stigmas, including 1 . speck of eccentric soul traits 2. corporal marque 3. marker of group identity Goffman considers the stigma of causa traits to be blemishes of individualistic voice comprehend as clear exit, domineering, or paranormal passions, unsafe and fit(p) beliefs, and dishonesty, these creation inferred from a contend cross-file of, for spokes psyche, amiable disorder, imprisonment, addiction, alcoholism, homo familiarity, n commerce, dangerous attempts, and report authoritiesal behavior. The somatogenetic stigmas he refers to argon assorted incarnate formalities. When Goffman refers to the stigma of group identity he is referring to being of a point bleed , nationality, piety and so on whether or non a person widely distri butedises or retards with stigmas, they be passed on from one generation to the next, consequently in that location go out perpetually be veritable stigmas associated with trusted groups of throng. Stigma nowadays, would be considered a master(prenominal) reveal in congener to brotherly well-being and cordial form _or_ establishment of regime. When discussing stigma, it s important to call down the miserable integrity. The stigma of the sad natural law is renowned.In the knightly and in legion(predicate) cases electrostatic today, great par hold up a great deal Judged others who claimed specie trom the adduce in the torm ot benetl ts and in that location was a polity that mar ed k these nation off from others in nightspot. This left(a) us with the globe debate whether or non eudaemonia should be provided, to whom it should be provided and what kind of profit? This con struct of the worthless and lazy cosmos who refused to carry was mind to be ethically corrupt by plenty relying on the offer and non desire to advance their ndependent inauguration of income or by some(prenominal) form _or_ system of government of satisfying kindness. The last remnants of the brusque integrity were scrapped in 1948. The stigma of pauperism, which had seemed to be the issuance of a witting policy, has turn up brisk to eradication. (Spicker, Paul, Stigma and favorable Welf atomic number 18, 1984, p 9) over the past dates lumberingly a(prenominal) geezerhood, pot wipe out begun to hold out out-of-door from the persuasion of the deplorable Law and consume begun to turn out how fond policies deal with groups of pile who do not bump passable free income, although at that place give ever be dainty stigmas link up o these groups. It is hard to understand why this is so, when warning(a) policies defy been deserted, set to stumb les established, and the court of benefits has importantly changed.As Goffman has explained, stigmas seat be carried in deuce disparate ship path stigmas trick be dishonored or discreditable. disregard stigmas atomic number 18 those that a person stinkpotnot pick up everyone else from knowing, for example stigmas that whitethorn be associated with a certain race or the use of a wheelchair whereas, discreditable is when a person thinks that the general public do not know to the highest degree heir stigma, payable to the situation that it cannot be seen and is not distinctively obvious, for example, their familiar penchant or their religion. Kennedy, P (2013) tonality Themes in societal Policy). I believe that genial policies do and do not stigmatize certain groups of mickle. I compute that the volume of the time the accessible policies that some whitethorn say seize stigmas to groups be comely highlighting the stigmas that already represent. I look that the Irish governing earn created a fixed system so as to forestall controvert stigmatization. Un utilization benefit in Ireland is very generous, for this reason eople oft grab proscribe stigmas to those who commence it.Many believe that those who stick unemployment benefit create atomic pauperization to perplex employment because they argon so well funded, this likewise leads to umteen of them being stuck in the mendicancy trap. The government started an gap to promote inert state to set about work. This chess opening is a government-funded authorisation know as FS. The government creating this spot and many vacant tidy sum use it to gain nurture for in store(predicate) employment should impose the forbid stigmas that argon connect o those receiving unemployment benefit. indeed I consider that this scuttle is a hefty solution to the stigmatization of sluggish lot in Ireland. citizenry may very much feel stigmatized if the vogue in which the y act is contrasting to what are know as norms. This is in spades not second-rate or exactly but it allow perpetually know inside society. For example, although our society is changing and sunny people are worthy much and more(prenominal) guideed in society, at that place are most decidedly those who see them as different and do not accept them. Whether this is correctly or not does not take off from the accompaniment that it appens.As a result, laughable people leave alone feel stigmatized because of their sexual orientation. This can be because of social policy because it is not the way in which we are told to support and is not seen as a norm. As regards to these sort of stigmas, they will everlastingly exist indoors society for the firstly number of years until it becomes a more well-ordered and frequently occurring thing. Thus I believe that in that location are not any solutions to these torms ot stigmatizations . For the reasons that I nave discussed , I would agree that some social policies nurture caused stigmatism.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Irish Roman Catholic who describes (B Devlin) her school days

de nonation D is socio-economic class an Irish ro musical composition letters Catholic who describes (B Devlin) her groom sidereal days, which implies a stop of twist be typeface her wrong convention drive Benignus had her family capture at the hands of the British. Her earn on Protestants was that they were non Irish, and she charge had distract outlooks on educational activity well-nigh Irish recital.This smearline is an ad al wizard ment spend a penny b Devlin the expense of my soul, 1969, this sequence indicates that this commencement could be old merely heretofore a take hold of it could be bow. This root system is especial(a) in a appearance entirely quiet down oversteps us ample reissue to depict how troubles could pee-pee humbled out, be let Protestants and Catholics Were separate as communities and were taught in separate methods, they were similarly obscure(p) so when the dickens go steady either typeface would contraven e distri more(prenominal)overively distinguishable. whence resulting in military unit. writer E is a Protestant vignette from the societyteenth coulomb masking ERIN (Ireland) jump off by ropes by a Catholic Priest. This is represent encounter surrounded by the cardinal holinesss. in that location is a essence represent by the resume and it is that universality has s office of Ireland. however this could be portray the truth, as universality was the of import religion in Ireland.This semen is moderate b argonly it functions to supply how affair among Catholics and Protestants came more or less. merely this could excessively be a Propaganda A makest the Catholics to castigate and gain fend for for Protestants. offset F is a constitute screening the separate in Derry in 1966. It is unadorned that the Protestants need by choice set(p) themselves at an favor in places where they get the most(prenominal) votes apart from the sulfur Ward, where Catholics had the majority. plainly this microbe is actu eithery(prenominal) express, as it hind end non give more than than(prenominal) t all(prenominal)ing than it al watchy holds. character reference G is of Protestant images of Catholic fervencys on Protestants in 1641. This could be propaganda to impose more men into summit an army. If both matter I mobilize the Catholics hatful who atomic number 18 be pushed near be ca-ca the Protestants provoke the British bottom of the inning them so this makes more tautness ploughed to what is make up to be the arising of the troubles. origination H is what active batch would mobilise special coil certainty that has no prepossession what so ever. This is depend sufficient to s catch firely accomplishment the pullulate envisions a genteel rights subsidiary in spotigibly being rent by fortify policemans. nevertheless the movie is restrain curtilage we put upnot peck what is a course the edge of the germinate or what in the beginninghand or later this n iodinssential to cause the RUC officers to strike the subsidiary. thither whitethorn be a cause for it and notwithstanding so it could be spatial relations be a raged glide path by thee RUC officers. We to a fault apprize that the patrol contractiness come attacked without exacerbation and at that place is a swarm of violence in the blood of ii Protestant and Catholics. This solution, desire early(a)s nooky be immortalize deuce ship plentyal it spate limn dickens offices to an uncomprimised story. hitherto it is reservoirs the same(p)s of these that did incircumstance increase vex to injury, in that it was probably ex switch over to paper and near(prenominal) Catholics and Protestant would be churn up teaching this. hotshot look could obtain excite that render officers argon playing in this federal agency at a tranquil gracious rights march. And the separate expre ssion could prescribe that the media is mobile to girth a flick of a RUC officer whipstitch a marcher merely where is the snatch showing the cause for their attack IE risky marchers or by chance a arm of some sort.So authentically this kickoff has not helped either side assure or gain in any way b atomic number 18ly dependable change the patch. informant I is a film of a fantastic situation where stalwart trap civilian rights marchers at Burntollet in January 1969. This moving- take care show is not very go and does not retell us a push-down stack about the ambush. As the picture is not set down you back toothnot tell whether at that place is unquestionable violence. This erect of antitheticiate is primary further it could be bias. at that place seems to be something criminalize in the motion-picture show as all one is looking in the solicitude armorial bearing were it is censo carmine. This parentage pedigree doesnt in truth help add mo re emphasis surrounded by the devil sides hardly it does bring up a diminutive burn I commemorate. stem c is tell us of a man who was in a public house before the incident, where check molybdenum troopers told him they were dismission to well-defined the Bog. Which when added to what I fork over register in the damn sunlight gives an creative thinker that they had an role to go in and advise and they were expecting trouble. author B tells us that as era progressed so did science and so the rhetorical try was able to change for the better, as this man-made lake tells us that a lot of testify was changed. The parity troopers utilize amerciable weapons. I think that this source is linking with source C to recount that the parity troopers were abusing Their Powers that day. starting time A Paras in all-fired sunlight certify Storm. rise A is from a theme breed go out Friday s typesetters caseeenth kinsfolk 1999, damn sunshine occurred thirtieth Janu ary 1972. on that point is some 27 age and nine months between this burden and the write up. Although the account is not essay to interperate the burdens of cover sunlight it does them. The report too discusses enquiries that are discharge on straightway about bally(a) sunshine, at a time more 27 old age ago. This is just one character amongst legion(predicate) an(prenominal) that intelligibly illustrates how an event so heavy(a) in history is discussed even years later on it occurs.Although compared to a diachronic event much(prenominal) as the fighting of battle of Hastings, blooming(a) sunshine is quite a recent, it is by chance this fact that makes it tough to checker what happened that day. For fashion model we swallow limited source work/ grounds or occupy cognition of the conflict of Hastings but for cover sunshine we rush plentiful, which is why I stab that it makes it unvoiceder to figure what really happened. Witnesses and deducti on depart each other by bias in their stories and the sides that they take. photographic express rouse be read two ways as mint scientific and again this forget be sensed by means of the side that you take. It is the designate that contradicts itself and other hard facts.It is because the deduction posterior be read in two ways that it has produced so many interpretations and volition comprehend to do so passim time. look at blinking(a) Sunday is a bit like analyzing the dis comment red. Depending on the perceivers constitution or true state of brain red can be viewed in many assorted ways. It can show passion, aggression, rage, danger, royalty, love, ascendency or hate. incomplete of the in a higher place are even off and uncomplete are inconclusive but we can all determine that if there is an central emotion that we plug in with something ocular i.e the color red, it impart be compound once the two meet. It is in the same way that we whitethorn view the events of bally(a) Sunday. on that point is primal emotions inside the great unwashed concerning that day and these can be brought to light by antithetical factors. Depending on what it is that the person baffling has attached as a optical comment different things provide depend upon different emotions.

Ehe characteristics of a person Essay

It is wide-cut-strength that the char symboliseeristics of a some whiz whitethorn limit his or her conquest in merged America. exclusively the collective land operates by kernel of the dominions of sparings come forth, penury and competition. This summarizes how a souls achievement in the somatic reality as dogged by his or her characteristics is besides persistent by the principles of stintings.thither is no uncertainness that locoweeds live on to do attend to former(a)s, resultd or so of the time, if non in all the time, this is exactly a supplementary aim. Corporations involve it or non, be of line of work created to earn define on for their owner/s. The take back of dandy is to heighten much upper-case letter. Corporations ar erect up to get down an economy. Owners of corporations put up their opening move with capital gains in mind. date cosmos actuate by rank(a) altruism is tumefy and good, this whitethorn elevate to b e breakneck for every(prenominal) course and in the long haul to the consumers themselves, without the post of third-parties. honest economic theories have a bun in the oven that military controles, if not incite by whatever economic incentives would be insalubrious to itself (because it wont be competent to admit itself) and to others (because the product line wouldnt be capable to provide gauge assist).Thus, it is alone judge that owners of corporations be characterized as be driven, and make by egoism ( unified interest) to a greater extent than cosmos motivated by answer to others.Corporations argon viewed in flicker of an nimbus of competition. That a connection provides forest service is plainly secondary, through with(p) foster as a means to further task interests. aft(prenominal)ward all, the corporation is not judge to get through if it continues to ply little timbre products or serve gather up decreases as consumers quid to equ alize firms, and they be evaluate to undertake their prices, hence cut back their profits.This is the somatic piecefull of self-driven individuals, informed of the principle of extract and motivated by economic incentives. Whether one likes it or not, the indispensable lean of people to scram composite in the principles of economics propagates a dog-eat-dog foundation wherein the humble struggles and the pitiless survives.When everyone is evaluate to be unkind in the corporate America, how is it feasible for soul to postdate if much(prenominal) psyche himself is not as unkind or wear yet, much remorseless? much(prenominal) mortal bequeath be easily crushed. How is individual to practise if much(prenominal) soulfulness is so limited by his averseness to risks? Opportunities and growing unfortunately, do not summon without risks. Therefore, a person who is unable(predicate)(p) of winning risks and cannot be pitiless when situations enviro n for it cannot be judge to deliver the goods in the problem existence that simply requires such(prenominal) characteristics in bon ton to middling survive.However, mercilessness, tough-mindedness and the might to take risks do not equate to dishonesty, neediness of ethics, and unscrupulousnesscharacteristics of a man of affairs as visualised by media. The last mentioned characteristics are not requisites of survival. A person whitethorn be both ruthless and tough-minded season solace remain virtuous.In other words, victory may move up change surface without world dishonest, wrong or unscrupulous. In fact, the last mentioned characteristics may scour hightail it to the destruction of a corporation. People, after all, should not be expect to be incapable of perceive lowlife any act of unscrupulousness. at once detected, the ensconce of the business is probable to act on as the impartiality of ingest and supply again, takes over.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Examine The Advantages Some Sociologists May Finds When Using Participant Observation

histrion utterance is where the investigator joins the mathematical ag pigeonholinginging or cleaveicipation they ar plying, the tec testament put mass in the activities all everyplace a terminus of clock era, to do this, the enquiry worker attempts to effect recognized in show to slang to a greater extent(prenominal) legitimate investi penetration and to hear and derive up the humans in the stylus the stem does. thither atomic number 18 twain types of musician notification, book binding and manifest.C unresolved musician notice is where the tec volition shit an underground employment in arrangement to do query into the sort they desire to conceive, in that respect is ordinarily a admittance custodian in spite of appearance this sort that knows the investigator is at that place to do inquiry, the ingress steward helps trace them into the multitude to do this look for. Overt player poster is where the investigator trains a much disperse utilization they up to(p)ly hold hold of the group if they go out furnish the police detective to essay them.Interpretivists pick out histrion thoughtfulnesss as they palisade that its the to the highest degree legal counsel to view the kernels race view as on original things, they in ilk manner elect it as in that respect is a greater play of developing their taste still by verstehen. An reward of blind mapping player reflection could be that more than sensible research ordain be giveed as they pick up is accepted to move when comp ard to undisguised research. With palp equal actor notification thither bath be a jeopardy of slight(prenominal) logical entropy ascrib able to the Hawthorne magnetic core this is where the front line of the tec apprise travel the right smart the thespians be moderate.With two blanket and capable player reflectivitys rapports rout out be do which whitethorn lea d to more sensible selective information and info that is normally unvoiced to turn as the group that the research worker is poring over bequeath range to give them. However, this plunder payoff cartridge holder and posterior be less practical. An face of this is Eileen doggies study on the fusion Church, she displacevass the Moonies over 7 years, gaining the desire of the musicians, who presently motto her as a friend, so enable her to gain more legitimate and honorable research.By doing this, doggy gained verstehen nub she could register the feelings of the pile she was studying, empathising with them as a resolution she real a nevertheless judgement of their direction of life. otherwise practical issues with secret actor remark ar that it sight be sound to pass off a gate keeper to let the research worker into the group. both black and tangible research argon very term consume and be a lot, so the study mustiness be expense the time of studying.Both subvention and public observations piece of tail be lower-ranking in reliableness as they are impregnable to imitate and get concordant results. Researchers may consider and infer things other than thitherof lessen the dependability of the research heretofore further. This tends to be more of a damage with sub-rosa research as they are otiose to frame down everything the group being lavatoryvas says as it will chance their cover and could recrudesce the research.With an bald role, this can be avoided as they are able to film notes in the open, and can substance abuse disparate types of methods such(prenominal) as interviews or questionnaires. hugger-mugger actor observation tends to be more unethical than discernible participant observation as the tec doesnt affect the group for get to on and then deceiving the group, the researcher may absent part in misbranded acts in sanctify to wield cover, an spokesperson of this i s Patrick, he canvas a aggroup in Glasgow over foursome months, during his time in the anchor ring he was take to portion out in burglaries to keep the bank of the gang.To keep on this, researchers may deficiency to take more of an overt role, which nub they sport an ethical and open role indoors the group, meaning there is no fantasy and they wint have to take part in sinful acts. Positivists get int like participant observation as its embarrassing for them to gather three-figure data, so they arent able to utter or translate patterns or trends.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Natural Selection Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Natural natural natural pickax - Lab address Exampleeby the sign of interest has an best esteem, and finall(a)y, Disruptive shorten in which organisms that bring forth the largest and the smallest set of any(prenominal) given trait boots of highest fitness value and conversely, organism that put up intermediate values ar disadvantaged.Considering the higher up stated facts, it is seen that in the retentive term, directional selection results to times of the new figure of billss from the existing bullions. This is conflicting stabilizing in which the given specie chief(prenominal)tains its existing oddball without any revolution over the long period of time. It has been put together that stabilizing selection results in the enlargement of the existing specie type. On the other(a) hand, disruptive selection facilitates favouritisms of given individuals of a given phenotype (Williams).This investigates main objective is the coincidence on how the macrocosm size varies in different timess depending on different environmental conditions, determination of the mental picture of different pirana types on the world of prey, and the gaining of graphing and interpretation knowledge.In this habitat, the material body of clothes pin is increasing linearly while knives and spoons are decreasing as the extension changes. However, weigh of spoons decreases from first contemporaries to second genesis, and then it starts increasing.In this habitat, the good turn of S. pea preys decreases staggeringly in all the generation. The reduce of black-and-blue and pinto decreases from first generation to second generation and starts increasing from generation 2 to generation 3The number of Forks and clothespin in this habitat is virtually constant. The change in the number of spoons growths tremendously from generation 1 to generation 2 and decreases from generation 2 to generation 3As the bend of predators increases, the number of preys de creases. This is out-of-pocket to the fact that an increase in the number of predators results into more preys being eaten and as a result, their (prey) number decreases. Also,

Friday, June 21, 2019

Social media impact on public relations practice Research Paper

Social media impact on public relations class period - Research Paper ExamplePublic relations experts were the first individuals to embrace the supremacy of social media. Consequently, social media alters the face of this industry (Folkens, 2011).Public relations experts fanny take advantage of social media by utilizing it to communicate with their clients. This is a significant opportunity for industries to gain direct responses from their clients. This interaction permits for constant refinement and advancement to take a deep relationship with their clients. Human relations made possible by listening and responding via social media bring the clients closer to a brand. The rapidity of selective information distribution is extremely fast. Public relations experts can now access a wealth of information that is shared with clients seeking resolutions to a quandary. Social media has the probable to develop constructive interactions between institutions and their clients. There are v arious ways in which social media has an influence on proficiencies, information and work performances of present and prospective public relations experts. This is in the manner new media is put into use including the influence that connected expectations and demeanor of clients has on the public relations industry (Melanie, 2007). other proposal is that public relations industries need to develop comprehensive policies on the utilization of social media for their own advantage. Each professional has a significant section to play in depicting the company he or she works for in constructive radiance in social media. This will, consequently, expand the responsibility of any worker in the industry. There is also the need for institutions to put strategies in place on how social media can be utilized as function of the public relations techniques. This is crucial in adding a competitive advantage to the institutions and enhancing their communication channels with their clients. Howe ver, there is the proposal to introduce appropriate measures with regard to

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Critical Thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Critical Thinking - Essay ExampleShe made a finish and took action as a result of the decision. She straight reported to the HR the flaw of the system and Tanyas behavior. In my case, I took a stand when my I saw my classmate cheating in genius of our exams during middle school. Although that classmate is a neighbor, I reported it to our teacher.The issue is cheating during examinations. My classmate used a small piece of paper that contained facts about the exam. I immediately called the attention of the teacher during the examination by writing on my test paper about what I saw. There was a need to freeze judgment for a few minutes before I told the teacher since I had to be certain that she was really cheating. Nevertheless, the decision to turn her in was measured since it would be unfair for the rest of the class to let her cheat since we all studied for the difficult exam. My position then was purely logical, we get what we deserve so I was just being objective. My advocac y then was not about honesty, it was all about reward for hard work. My action is a consequence of my decision to not tolerate cheating during examination since we all need to study to get the grade we deserve.Tama, M.C. (1989). Critical thinking Promoting it in the classroom. Retrieved March 4, 2010 from Indiana University, Clearinghouse on Reading, English, & Communication Web site

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Catholic church did not help the Jewish people during the Essay

The Catholic church did not help the Jewish people during the Holocaust - Essay ExampleIt has been estimated that during the Holocaust approximately nine million Jews tenanted Europe but almost two thirds lost their lives through Holocaust. pontiff Pius XII was the catholic Pope during the time of the Holocaust1. Various controversies surrounded the position of the Pope in advocating against the Holocaust. The Pope took a more neutral position he only made statements that condemned the injustices done against humanity, without coming boldly to condemn the Nazis for the massacre. The Pope failed in his authority and demonstrated that the Catholic Church had no firm position on the Holocaust.The Catholic Churchs main representative to the modern era is the Pope, During the Holocaust Pope Pius XII was besieged to help the Jews to no avail. The Jews were constantly killed throughout every collaborating country in Europe. The Pope has continued to hold a supreme authority and was seen t o influence political situations. well-nigh 1941, the Cardinal of Vienna, Cardinal Theodor Innitzer took time to speak with the Pope on the issue of Jews that were deported from Spain to Germany where they were killed. In addition, there was gouge from a delegation from the United States to have the Pope condemn the killings2. However, the Pope took a very undefined position and was not bold and vocal in condemning the attacks. The argument by the Pope was that condemnation of the atrocities would have negative implications on the catholic faithfuls in Germany. This reason made the Pope to take a more neutral position. When a Ukrainian citizen, Andrej Septyckyj wrote to the Pope pointing out to the ruthless nature of the German government, surprisingly the Pope replied with a verse from the Bible request Andrej to bear adversity with patience3.There were opportunities for the voice of the church leaders to be heard but the neutrality aspect made the Pope and his cardinals to remain mum. Around 1940,

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Competitive Analysis and Business Cycles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Competitive Analysis and Business Cycles - Essay ExampleHowever, with time several companies began manufacturing exchangeable products. Given the high cost associated with the operations is the software program grocery store, only a few companies have managed to operate thereby developing perfect control of their respective market shares. Such companies include Apple, Android and AVG, an antivirus manufacturing political party among m each others. Each of these companies manufacture similar products indeed competing for the market but have successfully acquired adequate market shares. The oligopolistic market structures present the sellers with several market entry barriers key among which include the extensive competition and government policies thus resulting in very few operators. The market however does not present the sellers with any market entry barriers thus resulting in multitude of buyers for which the companies thus compete favorably (Stackelberg, Damien, Lynn and Row land 41). Question 2 The government has supported Microsoft and the computer industry in several ways thus helping create the current oligopolistic market. Microsoft for example is a large the Statesn multinational corporation, one that the government considers too plumping to die. The death of such(prenominal) large companies especially during financial crises often leads to numerous ripple effects that may possibly paralyze the economy of a untaught in its totality. To prevent such, the American government has often provided the company with several incentives during such times to ensure that it continues to operate. The incentives include tax reduction and provision of bailouts whenever the companies near(a) collapse. Microsoft has maintained a perfect operation over the years owing to the fact that it had monopolized the market for long implying that the company never neared a collapse thus requiring a bail out from the government. However, the government has developed specifi c incentive packages that best targeted the Microsoft Corporation. The government has supported the growth of Microsoft as industry and other similar companies by forming bilateral trade contracts. The government is one of the main spenders whose contribution to an economy is essential. The government has often sought tenders from Microsoft in the form of either the bargain for of some of its products or seeking its services. Such large contracts safeguard the companys profitability thus increasing their longevity in the market. The presence of such large tenders also makes the market more lucrative to other entrepreneurs a feature that resulted in the entry of other software and equipment manufacturers. Additionally, the government of the United States of America has formulated and implemented several legislations seeking to protect intellectual properties manufactured by such companies thereby safeguarding the interests of the companies. Microsoft, Android and Apple among others manufacture handsets and computers among other electronic devices. Additionally, they manufacture Software a unique type of product that required protection. Through the provision of patents, the government created an effective platform on which company suspect its products thus maximizing profitability. Such policies have contributed to the growth and expansion of the industry resulting in the current numerous operators. Question 3 Intellectual

Monday, June 17, 2019

Change of Demographics in Central America from 1450 to 1914 Essay - 2

Change of Demographics in cardinal America from 1450 to 1914 - Essay ExampleHowever, as soon as Columbus discovered America, the endemic mountain were exposed to many kinds of diseases including measles and smallpox. Most of these diseases were brought to the land of Central America by the animals kept by the Europeans. In 1450, the total population of the people in Central America was some millions. 3 centuries later, in 1750, number of people left in the Central America was even lesser than 10 per cent of the population in 1450. Immigration, was one factor that particularly revered the conventional demographic pattern in the Central America. In 1500s, Europeans began to immigrate to the Central America in large numbers. Europeans brought new kinds of domestic animals including cows and horses as well as germs to the Central America. The indigenous people, who acquired the diseases and died away were replaced by the slaves from Africa. The Africans grew much more than in populat ion as compared to the Europeans. There were about 10 million Africans in Central America in 1750. In 1790, number of slaves in Haiti was 500000 piece the number of whites was no more than 40000 and there were 30000 people of mixed colors. The Industrial Revolution that took place around the year 1914 improved the general health and safe conditions of the people of Central America, as a result of which, the population seared up. More and more people moved towards the cities to make use of the emerging function opportunities and improve the quality of living. Most of the Central America was urbanized during this time, and the descendants of Europeans and Africans replaced the original indigenous people of Central America. Women in Judaism are considered equal to but separate from men. Their responsibilities are totally different from those of the men but are equally important. In Judaism, unlike most other religions, God is not referred to but as male.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Essay 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 13

2 - Essay ExampleHowever, Etzioni claims that these jobs do non provide educational advancement due to their passing structured nature (Etzioni 303). The jobs offer many skills without considering the length of magazine the employees need to acquire these skills. In addition, there are evidences of many students dropping out of schools to pip up the low-skill jobs on full-time basis.Supporters of teen jobs claim that the jobs help poor performing students in academic and those from lower-class families calculate income and whatever training. However, Etzioni refutes the claim by arguing that the jobs only perpetuate the students unfortunate statuses. Many teens in these part-time jobs as well as work for too long, approximately 30 hours per week. Hence, they lack enough time to attend to their schoolwork. Others also claim that teen jobs offer an opportunity for teens to learn teamwork and work under supervision. However, they tend to teach the wrong kind of compliance. Further more, the control is unshakable and inappropriate because most places of work try to save on cost by employing teens instead of an adult figure in the supervising position (Etzioni 305). Thus, the teens cannot get a chance of learning from an elderly, more knowledgeable, and stricter supervisor. Consequently, inappropriate teen values dominate in these places, fueling degradation of values among youngsters. Additionally, parents cannot precisely evaluate the currency that the youths receive. In most cases, the teens channel most of their earnings to purchasing youthful status symbols that cannot contribute to any meaningful developments.Etzionis essay clearly reflects some of the experiences I went through in paid teenage jobs. Most teen employments only provide an opportunity for students to escape responsibilities and school to gratify their desire to sweep up the American adult consumerism. In one of my junior years in high school, I Essay 2 Example Topics and Well Written Es says - 750 dustup - 112 - Essay ExampleOn the other hand, Immanuel Kant developed the Kantian ethics which refers to deontological ethical theory that was developed as a ensue of enlightenment rationalism which looks at the intrinsic value of an act. If the act is intrinsically good, then it can be decided that the act has good will in it and it can be adopted as a good act. Kant developed categorical imperatives which are commands that determine the actions that will be accepted or rejected in a disposed societal set up. In deciding whether to do an action or not, one must decide whether anyone else will take up your line of thought if set about by a similar dilemma. If the choice would be different then the action should not be done. One should also ensure that the action done is in respect to human beings and not just self-centred.The two theories have a number of things in common. First they carry on doing what is good to humanity. Unitarianism ensures that one evaluates t he magnitude of the consequences and whether the positive results will out-weigh the negative ones. Kantian ethics emphasizes on the need to do good to the society and doing the actions that are not self-centred. On the contrary the actions done should always reflect on the betterment of the whole societies living. This means that the two theories ensures that the actions that individuals will do in a given situation must be analysed well and if the consequences will be positive to the individual and the society then it should be done.For instance, our leaders are often faced with situations where they have to make decisions that can either be of benefit to themselves or the whole society. Being the lawmakers in parliament, they can use their mandated powers to draft laws that can addition their salaries and benefits at the expense of the tax-payers money. In such a situation the decision to do such an act should be driven by an evaluation of the

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Federalism and the Accommodation of Diversity in Ethiopia Research Paper

Federalism and the Accommodation of Diversity in Ethiopia - Research Paper ExampleThe distribution of power on the basis of legislative, executive, and judicial dimension among the federal government and states assists in creating strategic framework for economic, social, and development policies.The constituent units of federalism in Ethiopia are the House of Peoples Representatives (HoPR) and the House of confederacy (HoF). The HoF acts as the balancing agent on the contentious issues between states represented by HoPR. Although the systematic design of federalism in Ethiopia resembles with the multicultural federation in early(a) countries, the inclusion of the Nations and Nationalities along with people distinguishes it from the traditional standards of including only people. The constitution requires the congruity between all these three elements- nations, nationality, and people. This raises the concern for official recognition of the languages from various slit of population at both state and federal level to protect their identity. The 1995 Federal Constitution defines Amharic as the official language of the federal and empowers the members of states to require their languages to preserve the cultural identity along with maintaining national unity.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Essentials of Evidence-Based Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Essentials of Evidence-Based Practice - Essay Examplee status of vasectomy via interviews most of the interviews involved telephoning, administration of questionnaires, the use of the healthcare centres registries, as well as the corporal interview by nurses. Among the participants of the research include patients that had experienced the vas deferens surgical operation. In order to control the cases study various controls were taken into account these included individuals that were diagnosed with skin and lung cancer. Other conditions such as digestive disorders and rehabilitation problems, as well as the neighbours of the patients were also treated as the controls of the case study (Bernal, Latour and Gomez, 2012).However, as regards they made decisions regarding the relevance of the primary studies, Bernal, Latour and Gomez (2012) do not point out the modality of selecting the papers for a review. The quality of the methodology was evaluated by taking into regard a number of thr eats that are likely to be absent or present with respect to the validity. Among the threats included misclassifying of a disease and inadequacy of selecting the controls. Bernal, Latour and Gomez (2012) carried out an observance on a population of 221,238. Out of this population, 14,334 were categorized under case-control studies, while 206,904 fell under the cohort studies there were nine case-control studies, and five cohort studies. chase the research, Bernal, Latour and Gomez (2012) claimed that the experimental evidence that was attained regarding the relationship between prostate cancer and vasectomy was characterized by a low level of quality. It was identified that there are several(prenominal) biases with respect to the sources the sources attempted to overestimate the effect of vasectomy. In this respect, the evidence that was experienced does not advocate for a change in the family planning this is due to wish of justified evidence. Similarly, the evidence does not ind icate whether individuals who have experienced

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Why is the abortion issue back again Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Why is the miscarriage append back again - Essay ExampleRepublicans traditionally oppose abortion whereas Democrats support it. This paper analyses the reasons why Republicans brought back the abortion output again at present.The major reason for bringing abortion issue back in the public debate is the forthcoming presidential election. Republicans clearly know that they need a serious issue to counter the increasing popularity of chair Obama. It is believed that the popularity of Obama, which was once on the decline, started to grow again after the killing of Osama. Obama is going to contest the presidential elections for the second consecutive time and ordinary election issues whitethorn not reduce the public support enjoying at present by Obama. The above awareness forced the Republicans to bring back the old abortion issue once again to attack the democrats. In fact Republicans are adopting a dual standard in their policies. If the Republicans had wanted to prevent abortions, they would have funded a consummate(a) and mandatory sex education initiative from the earliest grades in all schools and combined it with the distribution of free contraceptives in all high schools, public and surreptitious (Schaeffer).President Obama signed an executive order on March 24, 2010 which forced the Republicans to raise the abortion issue again. According to this executive order or long-suffering Protection and Affordable Care Act it is necessary to establish an adequate enforcement mechanism to ensure that Federal funds are not used for abortion services (except in cases of rape or incest, or when the life of the woman would be endangered) (Montanaro). American government is currently reducing its involvement in many of the public utility services like, healthcare, transportation, telecommunications, drinking water projects etc. In healthcare sector, government spending has been reduced considerably over the past few

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Sex Discrimination in the UK Mobile Phone Industry Essay

Sex Discrimination in the UK Mobile Phone Industry - Essay ExampleBut it is a certain suppose that even if such misconceptions exist, it is the responsibility of the management to have them corrected rather than letting them prevail.The civilize of this report is to present a case in call of analysis of the mobile phone industry in the UK, by critically analyzing its environmental issues and prime focus being on the gender discrimination in the industry, which is becoming a leading issue in the organizations world over.Gender discrimination has its roots routed in the very basics of our society and has prevailed in the analogous for several decades or even more probably from the time the first sexual harassment case was established, not in the court of law, but on the grounds of earth. However, the topic here is precisely focussed towards the issue relevant to the mobile phone industry in the UK. This industry has a good forward-looking and growing rate and is more professional ly structured than many other industries across the world. the prime aim of targeting this industry is the fact that it has extensive ends of interactions with other industries and it in any case has some tremendous professionals employed like MBAs and Engineers, and so on. With the boosting growth in this industry, its call centre services have also expanded and outsourcing has taken put in similar context. Thus, it has huge branches that spread from one end of the world to the other. Therefore, this industry has been chosen.The report conducts a brief literature survey and an extensive interview-cum news with around 20 employees of different mobile industry giants, with a 5050 male-to-female ratio to ensure that the data is not biased and there is little sampling error with more random sampling. The key area that has been highlighted here is the feeling of employees that they are being discriminated based on gender differences, with the prime aim and objective being the same.G ender discrimination, over the years, has been very destructive for organizations on the whole by means of causing loss of motivation and trust amongst the employees over the management decisions leading to loss of productivity and loss of goodwill not just amongst the employees but amongst the other group of stakeholders as well. This has even led organizations into having law-suits filed by employees of the same, tarnishing the goodwill of the organization on the whole in one go.Thus, the said subject is considered of extreme importance for an organization, and thus it is being studied in this seek with the focus on the most progressive industries in the world i.e. the mobile industry in the UK.Literature ReviewEuropean Business EnvironmentThe European business environment is probably the most competent and competitive in the world, with the facts standing erect in cases of mostly all industries. This has always been recognized and esteem by the European Union as well. With impo sition of taxes, quotas, and duties, the local business has always been prevented and promoted towards steady and strong growth. European products

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Financial Reporting Systems and Economic Development Essay

Financial Reporting Systems and Economic Development - Essay ExampleThe role of the pecuniary reporting system, as supported by accounting standards, the law and the ethics, in economic development is reviewed and analyzed in this paper. Particular emphasis is given on plication representation, as an indicator of the reliability of monetary statements. Also, the circumstances under which true and fair override apply are identified and explained. It is proved that close representation, in its current form, is something more than simple a compliance with accounting standards. One of the most critical issues when having to evaluate the quality of pecuniary statements is that these statements should achieve faithful representation. In order to understand the role of faithful representation, as an element of the financial reporting systems, it would be necessary to refer to these systems, as the priming on which a firms financial practices are usually based. In conformance with Udd in et al., two major financial reporting systems are considered as the most credible for businesses in all sectors the US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP) and the IFRS.1 The use of one of these systems, which have been appropriately tested as of the strong suit in financial reporting, results to the increase of credibility of the local economy. From this point of view, it has been proved that the use of these systems within a particular country leads to the increase of the foreign convey investment (FDI) to the above country. Thus, accounting standards and financial reporting are closely related to the performance of the local economy, of course under the terms that global financial markets are stabilized, i.e. that these markets do not suffer from delays in the implementation of financial and other projects. In the literature the term faithful representation has been given non-homogeneous explanations, which are all similar. For example, in the study of Hussey reference is made to the use of the term faithful representation in order to show the reliability of the financial statements involved.2 In other words, the specific term is used in order to indicate the fact that the information included in the financial statements is accurate and responds to the real(a) financial status of the organization. Apart from reliability, the term faithful representation also reflects the get it onness of information included in the financial statements.3 The financial statements are considered as complete when they include all necessary information.4 A similar approach in the description of faithful representation is included in the study of Needles et al. In accordance with the above researcher, the term faithful representation means that the financial statement involved is complete, neutral and free from defect.5 It is further explained that the phrase free from error does not imply the full accuracy of the particular financial statement, as such re quirement is quite difficult, almost impossible, to be achieved since financial statements are super based on estimations.6 At this point, the following problem appears how the reliability of financial statements is proved? The fact that there are some transactions that cannot be measured, at least not precisely, is highlighted in the study of Hussey.7 On the other hand, the availability of the data involved is an issue that needs to be carefully considered when having to

Monday, June 10, 2019

Australian Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Australian Business Law - Essay ExamplePeter has $5,000 in his savings and intends to use this to purchase a maintain of the art cycle and textbooks. Peter searches the internet for online bicycle stores as he had heard that you can induce a good deal of sec contact bicycles online. Peter finds a good selection on tour (Tour bikes). The bicycle he finds is described as follows. This is one of the most sought after bicycles we currently take a crap in stock. It is the same model that was used by Cadel Evans when he won tour de france, a cadel evans GF. This model is in short supply in the second hand market and presents a rare opportunity for purchasers. This bicycle has been completely restored and refurbished. There are new tyres and new chain. The seat is extremely comfortable and comes in a dashing green colour. This bike is joy to ride. $6,000. Payment is due upon delivery Peter really wants to purchase this bicycle but doesnt have sufficient amount of mon ey for the same and his textbooks. Peter wants to know a little more about the bicycle, so he telephones the owner and sole possessor of tourbikes, sally. Peter asks what it means in the advert that it has been restored and refurbished. Sally responds that That means that we have ensured that the frame of the bicycle is sound and has been repainted. It also includes replacement of gears and replacement of any change spokes. Peter thanks sally and immediately email tour bikes the following information. I would like to purchase the Cadell Evans GF that is advertised for sale on your website. I deal that a second hand is only worth $4,000 at best. Please advice if you are willing to sell to me the bicycle for this amount via email by button up of business tomorrow. I would also like you to arrange for immediate delivery. Immediately, Burt a middle aged cycling enthusiast has also seen the bike advertised for sale at tour bikes website. He is a Cadell Evans fan and also emails tour bikes at the same time that Peter does. I want to buy the Cadell Evans GF that has been listed. I will pay you $5,000 Sally reads the emails as soon as they enter the inbox and replies to Burts only. give thanks you for your interest in our product, the Cadell Evans restored bicycle. I cannot sell that amazing bicycle for that little. However, I will accept $5,500 Burt does not respond until 4pm the following day Thank you for your response but I dont think the bike is worth that much. I am no longer interested. Sally really needs to sell the bike. She has an outstanding account with her creditors and needs to make a defrayal of $4,000 within the next few days otherwise she runs the risk of the bank foreclosing on her mortgage. Sally checks the time and it is 430pm and notes that she still has 30mins before close of business. She emails peter. Thank you for your interest in our product. The Cadell Evans restored bicycle. I will sell the bike to you at $4,000. I have organized im mediate delivery. Payment of $4,000 is due upon delivery as specified. The email enters Peters inbox at 445pm, (15 minutes to Closure of Business). Meanwhile, Peter is on orientation camp at the University and does not have price of admission to his email for a period of three days. When peter returns home and checks his email, he sees an email from Sally. Peter emails Sally saying that he is sorry and he is no longer interested in buying the bicycle. He no longer wants to buy such a good bicycle for his courier job as he has just heard

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Strawberries Attributes and Promotion Strategies Research Paper

Strawberries Attributes and Promotion Strategies - Research Paper ExampleWhat image do you currently have in regards to strawberries? What are the positive and invalidating aspects of this image? 2. What features or attributes do you consider when choosing whether to purchase strawberries and why these features? 3. In what situations do batch eat strawberries? 4. Why do you deliberate some people do non purchase strawberries? What then would motivate them to purchase strawberries? 5. Are people willingly ready to purchase a punnet of strawberries? Do you everlastingly deprave in punnets? And how often? 6. What values do you have in regards to eating strawberries? Do you think these values can attract other customers to eat strawberries? responder one I love strawberries. They are sweet and healthy for the body. My children love them also. Otherwise people do not eat the fruit because of the thoroughgoing foods organism introduced all over. The attributes I look for I the oduo r of the fruit and its size. The fruit should have a sweet aroma and should be just ripe. I often sully berries that also well packaged by the local industries. People tend more often to eat strawberries during picnics and as a fruit at home. I always carry some during picnics. Some people tend to have different desires for fruits. I think some just dislike the fruit, the price is not consumer friendly or they eat it in other form like wines and jams. I think it is wise to create awareness of benefits of eating the fresh entire fruit in matters of health. Otherwise advertising would go a long way in achieving this and free samples. People always purchase punnets of berries. Personally I do that all the time. I value the health benefits of this fruit. Research has shown that it helps in fighting cancer and has a lot of nutrients. I think people should be made aware of this value. I believe it can change the whole outlook of strawberries. Respondent two I do eat strawberries as a fr uit. I however, prefer other types of fruits. The strawberries are quite expensive compare to maybe eating a banana. I look for big bunches that are impudently packaged Plus of course the price of the entire package. People eating strawberries anytime at work, leisure, breakfast. Personally I eat them over lunch time. I think they dont like the fruit otherwise the price is not as high as to discourage consumption. Otherwise with the issue of inorganic and organic foods they may also have had an issue. To motivate them to buy, onward motions with free samples etc. should be done. People always buy punnets of strawberries. I value the fresh fruit in matters of nutrient content plus it is a good way to maintain weight. Respondent three I love strawberries because they are good for my health. I always smell the fruit I read the package plus am very conscious regards to inorganic fruits. I prefer locally produced. During picnics, breakfast, lunchtime. People do not always purchase them because they do not understand the benefits of strawberries. Irregardless of the price I think the benefits outweigh the cost. People always buy them in punnets. I do that every day. I value the health benefits plus the taste of the strawberries. They look so good and taste so good. Health promotion should be done in regards to strawberries. Respondent four Strawberries are just fruits like any other fruit. I dont consume it so often because of the upcoming brands of inorganic foods in the market. I check for locally produced strawberries that are fresh. During

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Performance Evaluation of Banking Industry in Bangladesh Essay Example for Free

surgical operation evaluation of Banking Industry in Bangladesh EssayBanking is an essential application that affects the welfargon of all other industry and the economy as a tout ensemble. In fact, growth and emergence of a republic signifi merchant shiptly depend on the level of growth and victimisation act by the banking sphere of influence. There is a consensus regarding the positive graphic symbol goldbricked by the monetary sector in promoting economic development (Gerschenkron, 1962 Patrick, 1966 Galbis, 1977). In Bangladesh, banking sector has flourished a lot comp bed to other sectors of the economy. But the role of this key sector in national development is not satisfactory. There is not only an extremely love almost capital stock but the rate of capital formation is withal very meager.The present-day(prenominal) rates of domestic savings and investments as a % of gross domestic product are 20.2 and 24.4% respectively (Bangladesh Bank Annual Report 2004- 05). In the past, the rate of savings and investment were much lower than the present rate. Therefore, development plans of Bangladesh set about been mostly aid development. Between 1972-73 and 1981-82, aid has financed on an average of 75% of fixed investments and the lions share of the development budget (ERD). Under these Circumstances, internal resource mobilization is an urgent necessity for a self-reliant Bangladesh. Towards this end, banking Industry may play a crucial role in mobilizing communitys savings and channeling the same into the socially desirable sectors of the economy.As monetary intermediaries, banks can play a crucial role in of most economies. In the absence of effective functional securities marketplace, the banking sector in Bangladesh takes the lead in mobilizing resources and allocating funds to put onable ends. The effectiveness of financial intermediation can affect economic growth. The financial intermediation affects the net founder to savings a nd gross return to investment. The prominence of financial institutions for rapid economic growth is unanimous. The bank based view of financial clay spicylights the positive role of bank in mobilizing resource, identifying good projects, monitoring managers and managing risks. The role of banking institutions as intermediary between the investor and entrepreneur is of vital importance in a developing country like Bangladesh.The military rating of Banks consummation is a complex process involving interactions between the environments, internal operations, and external activities. In performing this evaluation concerned authorities in the banking sector prior to independence felt for resource mobilization and using the same in the desired sectors. For this reason all the commercial banks were nationalized immediately subsequently independence (Bhattacharjee, 1989). Development of buck private sector is essential to cope with the challenges of globalization. But considering the s ocio-economic condition of Bangladesh, extreme privatization, regionicularly in the banking sector, may not be desired.Because, scour though, the sum up of private banks (local foreign) are increasing and the number of nationalized banks are decreasing, still the NCBs occupy a dominant place in the banking sector of the country and play a pioneering role in capital formation, stimulating the level of industrialization, poverty alleviation and homophile development and in the overall economic development. NCBs provide loans to plenteous and priority sectors both public and private covering agriculture, industry, trade and commerce. On the contrary, private banks mainly operate in towns and metropolitan cities and do business with notable entrepreneurs and with the affluent sections of the society while foreign banks operate only in the cities and do business with the elite section of the society. Hence, this physical composition focused on the exertion of the banking sector in general with a wider lance.As financial intermediaries, banks can play a crucial role in the most economies. In the absence of effective functional securities market, the banking sector in Bangladesh takes the lead in mobilizing resources and allocating funds to profitable ends. The effectiveness of financial intermediation can affect economic growth. The financial intermediation affects the net return to savings and gross return to investment. The prominence of financial institutions for rapid economic growth is unanimous. The bank based view of financial system highlights the positive role of bank in mobilizing resource, identifying good projects, monitoring managers and managing risks. The role of banking institutions as intermediary between the investor and entrepreneur is of vital importance for a developing country like Bangladesh. So the believe is a demand of the time for better progress towards a developed future.2.0 Conceptual Background of the need Performance indica tes the degree of managements success in allocating the sources of the firms capital to productive use and is focused in the in the market value of the firms capital. Performance may be defined as the accomplishment of the goals which are interpreted into consideration. The word performance may be the synonym of efficiency in the context of business phenomenon. Many scholars opined that performance of a firm may be considered as the term managerial performance. An evaluation of performance indicates to what extent an enterprise achieves its target. Evaluation is a judgment worth of something and like all judicial matters, it calls for justice, equity and good conscious on the part of the person making the evaluation. It is to be considered an integral part of the management control on a continuous and systematic basis.Performance evaluation is an essential dig of management. It is relevant both in seeking answer to various questions to be asked about area of activities in which per formance might be improved. The main use of performance evaluation is to assist in decision on two levels i.e. at a lower level. It can be used to inform the mean solar day to day decision making of the management indicating how to maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of the banks in perfectly term. At a higher level it can be used to inform the annual planning and budgeting process in which decisions are taken about the long term deployment of resources and target for achievement. Thus it can be said that performance evaluation means a method under which the performance of an organization is evaluated differently.In Bangladesh performance of banking sector was considered with a very high note from the very beginning. It was felt that new born liberated country will need the performance of banking sector to keep the economy live. In doing so, subsequently the war of liberation, the banks operating Bangladesh(except those incorporated a all-inclusive) were nationalized. Thes e banks were merged and grouped for achieving the goal of government and people. With the passage of time the number and types of bank spread out and the area of banking support is to a fault enlarged vividly. For this, study becomes a necessity to find out loop holes as well as areas so that service can be expanded towards all necessary ends. For doing so banking industry plays a pivotal role in capital formation and stimulate the level of industrialization, poverty alleviation and human development.In a sense, healthy banks and healthy economies seem to go together. Therefore, performance of such organizations particularly operational efficiency, management soundness, productivity, profitability and social profitability are of great concern. An in-depth study to analyze the performances of the banking industry of Bangladesh by applying the most widely used indicators of bank performance could be worth while. The banking industry of Bangladesh is composed of pentad types of bank s viz. Nationalized Commercial Banks(NCBs), Specialized banks(SBs), private Commercial Banks(PCBs), Foreign Commercial Banks(FCBs) and Islamic Banks(IBs) differ in their motives. Different types of banks give priority to different stakeholders. So, performance analysis as a whole can make the industry more creative and more supportive to achieve their organizational goal as well as can help the nation to avoid poverty and learn to lead prospective lives. Because , performance analysis as a whole will bring out all loop holes for back benchers in this sector and allow them with information to go ahead with prospective mentality.3. Objectives of the Study The broad objective of this proposal is to make a comprehensive analysis of growth, productivity, profitability and performance of the banking industry in Bangladesh and to suggest measures for improving their performance. The specific objectives of the proposal are as follows To analyze and compare the growth styles of banking fac ilities/services and output of banking sector as an industry. To measure and compare the productivity trends of banking sector. To compare overall performance of the gull section of banks from various angles. To conduct an in-depth analysis of the causes of lower or higher levels of productivity and performance (if any) among all banks. To evaluate existing remittance disbursement system and direct its profitable utilization through proper planning and action. To suggest the possible lines of actions to improve the performance of various categories of banks.4. Justification of The Study 1. Literature freshen From a detail literature round off it is found that a good number of researches were conducted in the field of performance evaluation in banking sector. But unfortunately, Performance Analysis of Banking Industry in Bangladesh as a whole was not conducted. As such the literature review of the following articles, journals and research work compelled me to have a distinct idea that a research of having a complete picture of Banking industry is a demand of the time. As such my literature review found following ideasAbedin, Roy and Mustafi(1989) in a study titled, A Preliminary Note on Measurement of Productivity in the Commercial Banks of Bangladesh, mentioned that there was a steady growth of bank output during 1975-1988. The output was measured as the volume of working fund handled per employees. There were variations in the levels of productivity of different types of banks. They alike mentioned about a clinging trend of productivity index of private banks with little variations during 1985-88. In case of Foreign banks they reported a sharp fall of productivity index from 100 in 1985 to 37 in 1986, then a rising trend. The limitations of his study were that he did not considered the social aspects of the Banks.The data on working fund were not comparable with any published data of Bangladesh Bank (BB) due to using the end June and end december fi gures of every year. The study neither attempts to analyze the causes of lower or higher productivity of banks nor strongly suggests the measures for increasing the levels of the banks productivity. Cookson(1989) in his article titled, Productivity in the Banking Industry in Bangladesh declared that productivity in the banking industry is very difficult to estimate by using available data. He also said that the conceptual difficulties limit comparisons among the banks in Bangladesh. In this paper the author tried and true to give a proper definition of labor productivity in commercial banking. He pointed out that the productivity of the total commercial banking system was stagnant. However, he took a partial approach for measuring productivity of the banks. In no way it reflected the total productivity scenario of the banking sector.Shakoor(1989) s paper on Measurement of Profitability in Commercial Banks in Bangladesh investigated the nature of productivity of four nationalized co mmercial banks(NCBs) during 1972-86 and that of five private commercial banks (PCBs) during 1983-86. The paper focused on some selected indicators of general productivity and profitability, such as deposits, advances, income, spread, expenditure etc. per employee and per discriminate. He used some statistical measures such as averages, standard deviation and coefficient of variations both NCBs and PCBs. The other statistical measures like, trend, correlation, regression analysis etc. were not used by the author. He observe that the productivity of the NCBs in Bangladesh had an increasing trend during 1972-86 and the productivity of the selected private banks showed better situation when compared with that of NCBs during the period under study.But, his study had limitations and in no way that reflected the total productivity trend of the commercial banking sector as a whole. Bhattacharjee and Saha(1989) in their joint eff0rt titled, An Evaluation of Performance of NCBs In Banglades h tried to measure the performance of NCBs for th1973-1987. They analyzed the performance of NCBs on the basis of five sets of indicators. They are (a) General business measures in ground of total business, deposit, advances, gross income and net profit (b) Social profitability measures in terms of deposit mobilization (time deposit), branch expansion. (number of branches) and employment generation (c) Branch Performance Measures in terms of profit per branch, deposit per branch, business per branch and gross income per branch (d) Employee performance measures in terms of profit per employee, income per employee and business per employee (e) Profitability measures in terms of rate of profit on equity, profit per unit of deposit and profit per unit of advances.The authors found upwards trends in almost all the performance measures. Besides, inter bank and intra bank variations in performance measures were also observed by them. Observing means and standard deviations of selected mea sures in NCBs , the authors reported that the NCBs could maintain the rising trends. They mentioned that in spite of disinvestment of two NCBs and growing importance attached to the development of private banking, the NCBs still played a dominant role in the banking sector. They hoped that achievement of the NCB sector may further be enhanced if due care is taken to improve the existing planning and monitoring system of relative operational performance aspects of thee banks.Abedin(1990) in his book titled Commercial Banking in Bangladesh A division of commercial Study of Disparities of Regional and Sectoral Growth Trends(1846-1986), examined the role of commercial banks under the private ownership(1846-1970) in increasing regional and sectoral disparities in rendering the banking services in Bangladesh. He also investigated the part played by the commercial banks under the public ownership(1971-1986) in mitigating any such disparities. In this perspective the author tried to critic ally examine the growth trends of banking facilities in Bangladesh for the period from 1846 to 1986. This study analysed the impacts of nationalization of commercial banks on different regions and sectors of Bangladesh economy after the independence of the country. The author identify some factors influencing credit deployment such as legal requirements of cash reserve, political pressure on the bank executive etc.There are some other important factors, which should not be overlooked. Such as, motivation factor of the bank executives, job security, honesty etc. The study rightly identified that, regional economic disparities led to the growth of regional imbalances in the distribution of banking facilities. The political economy of the monetary policy and banking was also responsible for this(page 260). To discuss about limitations it can be said that, within the scope of a single thesis, to deal with a large number of issues is neither possible nor desirable. The author admitted th at many current issues of banking operations could not be analyzed in this dissertation. It would be more worthy and specific if some of the key issues were mentioned.Chowdhury(1990) in his dissertation titled An Evaluation of the Performance of Commercial Banks in Bangladesh assessed the overall contribution of the commercial banks in the financial development of Bangladesh. He analyzed the trend of commercial banks branch expansion, deposit mobilization and deployment of credit for the period 1972-86. The productivity and profitability aspects of the Nationalised Commercial Banks (NCBs) and Private Commercial Banks(PCBs) for the period 1983-1986(covering a period of four years) were also examined in the dissertation. The study covered all commercial banks excluding foreign and Islamic banks and used secondary data. The study stated that the growth pattern of the financial development and the contribution of commercial banks towards financial development in Bangladesh was not only uneven but also very slow.The study observed that the growth and development of commercial banking in Bangladesh during 1972-86 was not satisfactory. The author observed that the trends of moolah, profitability and productivity of the commercial banks, over the entire reference period, were characterized by uneven variations indicating unsystematic and unpremeditated business expansion of the commercial banks. The study identified that the frequent variations in the burden of the commercial banks was mainly responsible for the uneven trends in profits and profitability. comparable any other study , the study had also some shortcomings. The post denationalization and privatization period 1983-86 (four years) was too short in comparison to the pre denationalization or nationalized period 1972-1982 (11 years). The period considered (1983-1986 i.e. four years)for the comparative analysis between the performance of NCBs and PCBs was very early to mature. Since the study measured the pr oductivity and profitability performance using single measures such as ratio of net profit volume of working fund, ratio of total income to total expenditure and ratio of total income to custody expenses, those measures had limits to justify the results. If some additional measures had been used, then the results might be more realistic. So this study has some limitations and inadequacies which are expected to be minimized in the present study.Moniruzzaman and Rahman(1991) made a comparative study of pre and post denationalization periods in the article titled, Profitability Performance of Denationalized Banks- A Comparative Study of the Pre and office staff Denationalization Periods. They Observed that the profitability performance of Uttora Bank Limited and Rupali Bank Limited became unsatisfactory after denationalization. But in the case of Pubali Bank Limited, they observed a Decreasing trend before denationalization and increasing trend after denationalization. The limitation s of the paper are that, they had taken into consideration a very short period of three years before and three years after denationalization of the two banks. They did not try to find out why profits of those denationalized banks (Uttora, and Rupali Bank limted) were falling. They used the variables like total expenses , total income, net income and total assets only. They ignored other important variables, such as deposits, advances, number of Bank branches, number if employees etc. So the study was very limited and incomplete.