Sunday, June 16, 2019

Essay 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 13

2 - Essay ExampleHowever, Etzioni claims that these jobs do non provide educational advancement due to their passing structured nature (Etzioni 303). The jobs offer many skills without considering the length of magazine the employees need to acquire these skills. In addition, there are evidences of many students dropping out of schools to pip up the low-skill jobs on full-time basis.Supporters of teen jobs claim that the jobs help poor performing students in academic and those from lower-class families calculate income and whatever training. However, Etzioni refutes the claim by arguing that the jobs only perpetuate the students unfortunate statuses. Many teens in these part-time jobs as well as work for too long, approximately 30 hours per week. Hence, they lack enough time to attend to their schoolwork. Others also claim that teen jobs offer an opportunity for teens to learn teamwork and work under supervision. However, they tend to teach the wrong kind of compliance. Further more, the control is unshakable and inappropriate because most places of work try to save on cost by employing teens instead of an adult figure in the supervising position (Etzioni 305). Thus, the teens cannot get a chance of learning from an elderly, more knowledgeable, and stricter supervisor. Consequently, inappropriate teen values dominate in these places, fueling degradation of values among youngsters. Additionally, parents cannot precisely evaluate the currency that the youths receive. In most cases, the teens channel most of their earnings to purchasing youthful status symbols that cannot contribute to any meaningful developments.Etzionis essay clearly reflects some of the experiences I went through in paid teenage jobs. Most teen employments only provide an opportunity for students to escape responsibilities and school to gratify their desire to sweep up the American adult consumerism. In one of my junior years in high school, I Essay 2 Example Topics and Well Written Es says - 750 dustup - 112 - Essay ExampleOn the other hand, Immanuel Kant developed the Kantian ethics which refers to deontological ethical theory that was developed as a ensue of enlightenment rationalism which looks at the intrinsic value of an act. If the act is intrinsically good, then it can be decided that the act has good will in it and it can be adopted as a good act. Kant developed categorical imperatives which are commands that determine the actions that will be accepted or rejected in a disposed societal set up. In deciding whether to do an action or not, one must decide whether anyone else will take up your line of thought if set about by a similar dilemma. If the choice would be different then the action should not be done. One should also ensure that the action done is in respect to human beings and not just self-centred.The two theories have a number of things in common. First they carry on doing what is good to humanity. Unitarianism ensures that one evaluates t he magnitude of the consequences and whether the positive results will out-weigh the negative ones. Kantian ethics emphasizes on the need to do good to the society and doing the actions that are not self-centred. On the contrary the actions done should always reflect on the betterment of the whole societies living. This means that the two theories ensures that the actions that individuals will do in a given situation must be analysed well and if the consequences will be positive to the individual and the society then it should be done.For instance, our leaders are often faced with situations where they have to make decisions that can either be of benefit to themselves or the whole society. Being the lawmakers in parliament, they can use their mandated powers to draft laws that can addition their salaries and benefits at the expense of the tax-payers money. In such a situation the decision to do such an act should be driven by an evaluation of the

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