Sunday, June 9, 2019

Strawberries Attributes and Promotion Strategies Research Paper

Strawberries Attributes and Promotion Strategies - Research Paper ExampleWhat image do you currently have in regards to strawberries? What are the positive and invalidating aspects of this image? 2. What features or attributes do you consider when choosing whether to purchase strawberries and why these features? 3. In what situations do batch eat strawberries? 4. Why do you deliberate some people do non purchase strawberries? What then would motivate them to purchase strawberries? 5. Are people willingly ready to purchase a punnet of strawberries? Do you everlastingly deprave in punnets? And how often? 6. What values do you have in regards to eating strawberries? Do you think these values can attract other customers to eat strawberries? responder one I love strawberries. They are sweet and healthy for the body. My children love them also. Otherwise people do not eat the fruit because of the thoroughgoing foods organism introduced all over. The attributes I look for I the oduo r of the fruit and its size. The fruit should have a sweet aroma and should be just ripe. I often sully berries that also well packaged by the local industries. People tend more often to eat strawberries during picnics and as a fruit at home. I always carry some during picnics. Some people tend to have different desires for fruits. I think some just dislike the fruit, the price is not consumer friendly or they eat it in other form like wines and jams. I think it is wise to create awareness of benefits of eating the fresh entire fruit in matters of health. Otherwise advertising would go a long way in achieving this and free samples. People always purchase punnets of berries. Personally I do that all the time. I value the health benefits of this fruit. Research has shown that it helps in fighting cancer and has a lot of nutrients. I think people should be made aware of this value. I believe it can change the whole outlook of strawberries. Respondent two I do eat strawberries as a fr uit. I however, prefer other types of fruits. The strawberries are quite expensive compare to maybe eating a banana. I look for big bunches that are impudently packaged Plus of course the price of the entire package. People eating strawberries anytime at work, leisure, breakfast. Personally I eat them over lunch time. I think they dont like the fruit otherwise the price is not as high as to discourage consumption. Otherwise with the issue of inorganic and organic foods they may also have had an issue. To motivate them to buy, onward motions with free samples etc. should be done. People always buy punnets of strawberries. I value the fresh fruit in matters of nutrient content plus it is a good way to maintain weight. Respondent three I love strawberries because they are good for my health. I always smell the fruit I read the package plus am very conscious regards to inorganic fruits. I prefer locally produced. During picnics, breakfast, lunchtime. People do not always purchase them because they do not understand the benefits of strawberries. Irregardless of the price I think the benefits outweigh the cost. People always buy them in punnets. I do that every day. I value the health benefits plus the taste of the strawberries. They look so good and taste so good. Health promotion should be done in regards to strawberries. Respondent four Strawberries are just fruits like any other fruit. I dont consume it so often because of the upcoming brands of inorganic foods in the market. I check for locally produced strawberries that are fresh. During

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