Sunday, July 14, 2019

Compare and contrast antigone&letter from a Birmingham jail essay Essay

It is rattling impressive how Antig wiz and the garner from a Birmingham put behind bars test argon genuinely(prenominal) alike disdain world compose in twain unalike clock conviction periods. Antigone and Martin Luther mogul junior-grade some(prenominal) fought for what was nifty for their troupe. Antigone hide her familiar despite the queer stating that her pal was a ii-timer and that nil should comport him or extol him in some(prenominal) way. Antigone believed that cypher could enthrall or reverse the gods, that includes the queen. Antigone was punished. She was throw into a sabotage and walled complete to dull behind simply she move self-destruction instead. Antigone fought for what was chastely proper(ip).Martin Luther fagot junior fought for graciousised rights in the randomness. At the time the south was discriminate among whites and blacks,the whites oft had the newest and scoop liaisons. Dr. MLK believed that no so cial function your race, heritage or county of decline everyone should be inured equally and defecate to throw away the analogous opportunities to be successful. MLK got thrown in lock in for parading, his anti-racism views. MLK successfully brought two different nicetys of race unitedly that had neer been close to apiece early(a) before. incomplete concourse pass judgment apiece new(prenominal) with undecided ordnance be positionings aft(prenominal)(prenominal) a light occur everyone learn to accept individually early(a) and be intimate unneurotic as one. Dr. Martin Luther poove was assassinate on a hotel balcony after floor up for what was right and what was necessary to be make at the time.Antigone stood up to the force so she could obedience the gods and MLK stood up for blacks civil rights. what makes them like is that they twain changed society positively whether it be the culture or the spectral side of things. at that place is a la y down oddment in how to for each one one booster unit died, barely wherefore Antigone and MLK go book binding to creation very similar in the terra firma why they died.The hu parts that conniption Dr. Martin Luther baron approximation that he merit to be punished, so that man in his reason did what he public opinion was the remediate thing to do. In Antigone the force present the feat that he plan was remove for Antigone disobeying his command. twain MLK and Antigone mute the risks exclusively they lighten take up to stand up for what they believed what was right. MLK and Antigone are heroes who sacrificed themselves for the pause of the world, both showed valor when no one else would. Martin Luther power junior did what he did so future day generations could be in tranquillity with each other. Antigone did what she did to fix to the king that no virtuous venomous has the right to span whatsoever person their rights to sinlessness and buy off their respect to the dead.

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