Saturday, July 20, 2019

Teenage Humor :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Teenage humour is unlike adult humour. Teenagers laugh at â€Å"Toilet† humour while adults laugh at â€Å"Civilized† humour. Therefore considering that teenagers laugh at the opposite of what adults do, we need to define the reasons why teenage and adult humour is so different.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I believe that teenage humour is sex oriented. I took a survey of ten teenagers to see what they believed was humorous. Trisha Lindsay believes that embarrassing moments are hilarious. Dustin Lockhart, Nadia Korfitsen, David Webster, Rick Fawcus, Kristi Webster, and myself believe that sex or sexual suggestions are humorous. Renita Manj and Ashlee Green believe that people who act idiotically or hurt themselves on a regular basis are hilarious. I believe that from this survey I have proved to you that most teenagers believe that sexual suggestions are the most funny in our generation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The television programs that most teenagers watch are The Simpson’s, Friends, and That 70’s show. The Simpson’s is a program that is aired on Fox and it is a cartoon. The Simpson’s is about a middle-aged man named Homer. He is a dumb-founded idiot that works at a nuclear power plant. We laugh at him because he makes so many mistakes even if they are the easiest task. Bart is a ten year old kid who gets into trouble more then once a day. He gets into trouble at school and even when he is walking down the street to go home. He is like an average ten year old kid that likes to get into mischief. Bart is just a trouble maker that doesn‘t know when to behave himself. His sister Lisa is a straight â€Å"A† student that is on the Honour Roll, and plays the saxophone in the school Band. Every little girl would like to be Lisa because she is very mature for an eight year old. Marge is the mother of both Bart and Lisa. She is a homem aker and isn’t very funny. Bart and Homer are the prime targets for funniness in this series.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  That 70’s show is the second example of a television show that teenagers find amusing. Adults find this amusing as well because they can relate to the subject. This show is about the 70’s obviously. It is how our parents use to be. I believe this is one reason why teenagers find this television show amusing. The cast of the 70’s show involves Kitty and Red who are Eric’s parents.

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