Thursday, July 25, 2019

Francis Bacon's The New Organon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Francis Bacon's The New Organon - Essay Example The method involves construction of comparison tables. Moreover, experiments are considered crucial since they help the mind in interpreting nature. Bacon argues that human minds are filled with diverse foolish and improper notions that deter them from understanding nature appropriately. He calls these notions idols and argues that they result from the human nature, relations between people and works from some philosophers especially Aristotle. He specifically, focuses on syllogistic method and argues that it is based on various idols and hence cannot be used in proper investigation of nature. This essay focuses on Francis Bacon: The New Organon. The essay discusses how the book addresses the basic features of the method of interpretation of Nature. Additionally, the differences between Interpretation of nature and Anticipation of mind in relation to the four kinds of idols will be discussed. Moreover, the essay will discuss how the four idols discussed by Bacon differ from each othe r. The Basic Features of Francis Bacons Interpretation of Nature Bacon believes that the new method or interpretation of nature is superior to syllogism. ... His method thus focuses on use of induction, which begins with natural phenomenon and follows some intermediate steps to come up with general axioms. Bacon argues that this method is appropriate since it is based on concrete things and not words (Bacon 38-41). Another key feature of Bacon’s interpretation of nature method is it emphasis on experimentation, which are used on investigating nature. Bacon refutes previous uses of experiments to confirm theories. In his opinion, theory should be developed through experiments. Bacon’s New Organon thus emphasizes on use of experiments in investigating nature (Bacon 41-44). Another feature of Bacons method is objectivism. He keeps referring to phrases such as â€Å"knowledge is power.† His method aims at demonstrating the relation between reason and human survival as well as knowledge and human power. He argues that previous method had relied on dogmas, skepticism, and lacked fixed methodologies (Bacon 130-135). How Fran cis Bacon’s â€Å"Interpretation of Nature† Differs From â€Å"Anticipation of Mind† Distinction between â€Å"Interpretation of Nature† and â€Å"Anticipation of Mind† relate to Bacon’s discussion of the four kinds of idols. According to Bacon, anticipation of mind entails jumping into conclusion before investigating a scientific law. That is, a conclusion is first made and it is then followed by investigations to confirm it. On the other hand, interpretation of nature entails building proof through a series of investigation and observation. Therefore, use anticipation of mind as a research tool is likely to result in conclusions that are based on beliefs and not facts. However, using interpretation of nature to research, results in building up of facts and making the

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